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Displaying 505–516 of 578

Italian Welfare League

In its 100+ year history, the Italian Welfare League has gone from helping Italian immigrants on the New York City piers find jobs and housing to its present mission of helping children of Italian American descent who are ill or have suffered an emotional trauma. We call these youngsters “I Nostri Bambini,” and have adopted them into our organization of caring members and supporters.Since 2001, the League has raised and distributed more than $3,000,000 to more than 2,500 children and has given grants to several organizations which provide services to children. The League’s mission is to lend a helping hand to those bambini most needy within “la Famiglia”.

Cure Violence Global

Mission: To reduce violence globally using disease control and behavior change methods. Cure Violence is guided by clear understandings that violence is a health issue, that individuals and communities can change for the better, that community partners and strategic partnerships are keys to success, and that rigorous, scientific, professional ways of working are essential for effectiveness.

Women Win Foundation

Women Win is the global leader in girls’ and women’s empowerment through sport. We leverage the power of play to help adolescent girls and young women build leadership skills and become better equipped to exercise their rights. Our mission is to advance the playing field that empowers her through sport and play.


Agami's mission is to focus on effecting lasting socio-economic change in Bangladesh through education. We provide quality basic education for underprivileged children. To enable a “holistic” solution, our programs may be combined with our partners' programs for public health, vocational training, economic development, and other human development initiatives.

Hispanic Center Of Western Michigan

The mission of the Hispanic Center of Western Michigan is to provide variouse services to the Hispanic community. Primary services include interpreting and translating, job training and employment services information and referrals for local social services, youth services and activities, immigration assistance, cultural diversity training, community education and outreach, and cultural events planning.

Thai Community Development Center

Our mission is "to advance the social and economic well-being of low and moderate income Thais and other ethnic communities in the greater Los Angeles area through a comprehensive community development strategy including human rights advocacy, affordable housing, access to healthcare, promotion of small businesses, neighborhood empowerment, and social enterprises."

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA)

CHIRLA's mission is to achieve a just society fully inclusive of immigrants. CHIRLA organizes and serves individuals, institutions and coalitions to build power, transform public opinion, and change policies to achieve full human, civil and labor rights. Guided by the power, love, and vision of our community, CHIRLA embraces and drives progressive social change.

Tandana Foundation Inc

The mission of the Tandana Foundation is to empower individuals of various cultural backgrounds with an increased awareness of the world, other cultures, and themselves, and with an expanded sense of their possibilities; promote positive, caring interactions between people of different backgrounds and encourage consideration and lessening of global inequalities; and promote respect and responsibility toward one's self, all people, and the Earth.

Lutheran Partners In Global Ministry

Vision: LPGM envisions a world where relationships transform boundaries and where all people have the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. Mission: LPGM improves access to quality education for people at the margins, especially women and girls. We work together with global partners to listen, respond and bear witness to local needs and priorities.

Pars Equality Center

Pars' mission is to act as a catalyst for social, cultural and economic integration of  Iranian-Americans, and other communities, into mainstream American society.As a community-based social and legal services organization, Pars Equality Center is a registered 501(C)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping all members of the Iranian-American community and other Persian-speaking countries realize their full potential as informed, self-reliant, and responsible members of American society. We believe that learning and teaching the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in a democracy as well as the rules and rewards of entrepreneurship are the necessary ingredients for our success as a community.Pars Equality Center achieves its mission primarily by providing extensive social and legal services. Our Persian-speaking staff advocates for families and individuals in need with a strong focus on refugees, asylees, and those newcomers living in poverty.

St. Joseph's Indian School

St. Joseph's Indian School is a Native American Nonprofit Organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of Lakota Sioux children and families. Our mission is to educate Native American youth for life — mind, body, heart and spirit. This mission drives our organization to educate and provide housing for over 200 Lakota Sioux children each year. Child poverty and abuse are serious issues on Indian reservations. By supporting St. Joseph's Indian School, you are helping Native American children in need reestablish pride in the Lakota (Sioux) culture by learning the Lakota language, studying Native American culture and healing the broken family circle from which they come. Our organization provides an opportunity for Lakota (Sioux) children to escape extreme poverty and abuse when they attend St. Joseph's Indian School.

Ayeish, Inc.

Our mission is to deepen the capacity of political systems and leaders to transform conflict into solution and connection; We offer tools to facilitate understanding and solution-finding between parties, by connecting to self and others despite intensity. Our vision is of global capacity able to transform conflict to connection, forging pathways to solve our most pressing challenges.