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The Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO) serves the holistic needs of immigrants, refugees, and mainstream community members in Oregon and SW Washington. As a community-based organization, we empower children, youth, families and elders from around the world to build new lives and become self-sufficient by providing more than 150 culturally and linguistically specific social services. Our vision is to be a leader of community driven, innovative programs delivered by compassionate staff who create equitable services that empower immigrants, refugees and underserved communities.

L.A. Goal

MISSION STATEMENTL.A. GOAL provides opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities to increase their independence and employability through educational, vocational and recreational programs. L.A. GOAL's art and outreach activities educate the community about the abilities of people with disabilities.VISION STATEMENTOur vision is to create a more open society where people with developmental disabilities can enjoy full inclusion in their communities. To accomplish this, L.A. GOAL teaches the world about how people with developmental disabilities can better our lives. It is a magical reciprocity that we believe has long been overlooked.


SITAWI's mission is to develop financial infrastructure for the social sector in Brazil. We believe that adequate funding and effective counseling strengthen social organizations and increase their impact on the causes and beneficiaries. In the long run, the more resources - in volume and forms - available to the social sector, the more encouragement social leaders have to develop more innovative and sustainable models with greater impact. And sooner we will build a better country.

Impact Stories
Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners of the Americas

W/NP is a progressive and viable humanitarian service organization actively implementing programs in both Wisconsin and Nicaragua. W/NP's goals are to promote mutual understanding and establish lasting relationships among citizens and institutions of Wisconsin and Nicaragua; foster volunteerism and self-help attitudes through the implementation of economic and social development projects; leverage development assistance funds from public and private sources.

Careers through Culinary Arts Program

Careers through Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP) works with public schools across the country to prepare underserved high school students for college and career opportunities in the restaurant and hospitality industry. Our multi-pronged approach offers a comprehensive support system that includes culinary skill-building activities, college and career advising and placement, a robust scholarship fund, alumni counseling, and professional development for high school culinary teachers.


SosteNica promotes sustainable economic and community development in Nicaragua. Our loan programs strengthen Nicaraguan communities. The training and technical assistance programs we provide ensure the success of our rural borrowers. Our housing program embodies environmental values while affording low-income families a dignified place to live. In the U.S., SosteNica offers socially conscious investors an opportunity to use financial resources constructively, to have a positive impact on one of the poorest nations in the Americas, while preserving their capital and earning annual interest. Thanks to SosteNica, many of the productive poor of Nicaragua -- small farmers and micro-enterprises -- have access to credit that would be otherwise unavailable. The combination of thoughtful First World investment and careful socially conscious lending to Nicaragua's poorest creditworthy borrowers creates an opportunity for sustainable growth. We dream of rural Nicaraguan families owning their own land, and on that land, growing everything they need to lead healthy, happy lives. We dream of communities of Nicaraguan families supporting one another in good times and in difficult times, celebrating together, and grieving together. We dream of a verdant Nicaraguan landscape, an intact ecosystem free of toxins and pollutants, rich with biodiversity, clean air and fresh sweet water. We dream of ordinary Nicaraguan families having enough resources locally that they never think of emigrating to another country in search of work, families who love where they live and what they do. We dream of young families living in ecological homes built with their own hands out of locally available materials that are both beautiful and sustainable. We dream of a world in which people with resources in one country reach out their hands of support to people in another country struggling to make a sustainable life. We dream of a community of people in the US whose investments reflect their values, where doing good does not conflict with doing well. SosteNica gives US investors an opportunity to achieve their social and environmental as well as their financial dreams and values. With a portfolio of both invested and donated funds, SosteNica promotes natural building for low-income families, organic agro-ecology and reforestation for rural small landholders, and micro-credit for small credit-worthy businesses. More than just "socially responsible", SosteNica gives investors an opportunity to have an impact in a way that says: "I care about the future, as well as about the present."

Jewish Family & Career Services of Louisville Inc.

The mission of Jewish Family & Career Services is to strengthen individual, family, work and community life, enhance self-sufficiency, and reflect the enduring values of Jewish tradition. Our core values are defined by Tikkun Olam, making the world a better place by: Offering services within a climate of caring, trust and respect for human dignity and diversity; Emphasizing an interdisciplinary approach that encompasses the ever-changing circumstances throughout one's life; Committing to the highest quality service provided by skilled, compassionate professionals; Creating innovative programs that reflect the changing needs of the people and communities we serve; Seeking and valuing collaborative efforts in a spirit of inclusiveness and; Following the ethical and visionary leadership of our Board of Directors, dedicated staff, and compassionate volunteers.

Farm Up Jamaica Ltd

Create food security by educating underserved communities on how to use Regenerative Climate Smart Agriculture to replace carbon emitting farming and reforestation practices. Focus on training women and youth on sustainable farming practices to help create long-lasting livelihoods. Reduce the importation of foreign food and increase the export of healthier organically grown food. Collaborate with international corporations to help fund the reduction of carbon through Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies to support underserved farming communities. Reduce crime and poverty by creating opportunities.

Immigrants For Development And Education Of Austin Youth Aid (IDEAYA)

The IDEAYA Inc Scholarship Fund is based on the premise that by providing opportunities for at-risk, inner city youth to become self-supporting, we enhance the growth of our community as a whole.We work to address the financial and logistic barriers that keep many at-risk youth from gaining tertiary education. IDEAYA Inc. provides vocational/technical training scholarship opportunities for inner city youth of Austin. In addition to financial assistance, we provide mentorships and guidance to help students and their families navigate through the rigors of college life.

Springs of Hope Foundation

Our mission at Springs of Hope Foundation, Kenya is to care for the Rift Valley region's growing number of families coping with the devastating reality of Sub Sahara Africa's HIV/AIDS pandemic. Our primary objective is to keep the family together whenever possible by providing food and assistance with school expenses. Most often the young children are left with very elderly grandparents who are unable to care for them. These children are cared for in our orphanage located in Molo, Kenya where we provide our children the best opportunity to grow up and thrive in a loving family environment. Through donations we provide homeless Kenyan orphans a nurturing, loving family home environment to grow up in and the knowledge that they will have the opportunity to reach their full potential, have a better chance in life and become productive citizens of the world.

Hire Level Ministry

The advanced training program at Hire Level Ministry is focused on the individual attainment of sustainable wage employment. Upon successful completion of our program, participants have the opportunity to qualify for continued education scholarship funding. These scholarships are used to train for lifetime vocations. The program at hire level ministry includes wellness, computer skills, and leadership topics that are taught one night a week for 6 months. Additionally, the youth program runs simultaneously and covers the same topics. Any youth, kindergarten or older, living with an adult participant is welcome to join the youth program.

International Youth Foundation

The International Youth Foundation® (IYF®) stands by, for, and with young people. Founded in 1990 through a generous grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, IYF is a global nonprofit with programs directly benefiting 7.7 million young people and operations spanning 100 countries so far. Together with local community-based organizations and a network of corporate, foundation, and multilateral partners, we connect young people with opportunities to transform their lives. We believe that educated, employed, engaged young people possess the power to solve the world’s toughest problems, and we focus our youth development efforts on three linked objectives: unlocking agency, driving economic opportunity, and making systems more inclusive. Our vision is to see young people inspired and equipped to realize the future they want. The International Youth Foundation: Transforming Lives, Together.