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Displaying 169–180 of 181

Alliance Industries


Global Orphan Prevention

We keep mothers and children together by providing resources and training sufficient to maintain families.

Foundation for Community Development and Empowerment

FCDE leverages the knowledge, funds and direct personal support of global donors to empower communities to maximize economic, social and environmental opportunities, thereby reducing poverty and injustice.FCDE works to identify impoverished regions that have the drive, desire and basic tools to make positive, lasting change within their communities. By providing technical training, appropriate short-term personnel and seed funds, FCDE will becomes a partner and catalyst in making long-term positive changes within our host communities.

Harmony Community Center

To provide special services to the needed in our Community. Provided employment to youth and homeless persons. To provide support to children in underpriviledge areas focusing on educational needs and supplies. Support for underpriviledge. To provide ...

The Small World

The Small World is a not-for-profit charitable organization supporting locally driven sustainable community development projects. These projects help to provide education for children, especially young girls at risk for exploitation, and empowerment and opportunities for local communities to break the cycle of poverty.

Us U.S.

1. Sustain and promote the growth of the manufacturing labor force within the United States of America. 2. Help people of all ages to launch their own entrepreneurial manufacturing businesses. 3. Partner with unions to reinvent their role in assisting with job creation. 4. Campaign large manufacturing corporations to maintain a foothold in the USA. 5. Create an online information resource center to assist new manufacturing entrepreneurs and organizations. 6. Raise funds that will be dedicated to furtherance of these goals

Ben & Victoria Ononeze Foundation

The relief of sickness and the preservation of health among people residing in Imo State, South Eastern Nigeria by the provision of free primary healthcare services in particular but not limited to medical consultations, eye checks, health education, advice and further referrals. The relief of poverty and financial hardship among people living in Imo state, South Eastern Nigeria by the provision of micro-finance loan funding to individuals in, or at risk of, poverty or financial need to enable them to establish their own businesses to provide for themselves and their families.

Whispering Seed

The Whispering Seed is a village based Home for Children and Sustainable Living and Learning Centre working in Myanmar and Thailand since 2004. We are a US registered 501 C3, tax-exempt charitable organization striving to bridge the traditions of sustainability and holistic education through innovative programs, trainings and design, drawing on the richness of local wisdom and traditional cultures along with renewed, socially appropriate models. With a pioneering spirit, Whispering Seed strives to support and build partnerships and collaborations between local groups within Myanmar and South and Southeast Asia, as well as with the international community. By supporting the diversity of cultures and richness of traditional wisdom within Myanmar along with the integration of new models for learning and sustainable development we are searching for creative solutions to the variety of challenges which Myanmar will face throughout the next critical years of development. WS is focused on five critical areas of development. With a holistic and integrated approach we aim to support the growth and development of a new society which is representative of the rich diversity of peoples and cultures of Myanmar. The five areas of focus are: 1. Children & Youth 2. Holistic Education 3. Pioneers in Sustainability 4. Mindfulness, Health & Well-being 5. Vocational Skills

Guardavanti: per il futuro dei bambini ONLUS

Our name highlights the necessity to take care of the future, the desire and the need to develop the world in which we live in. Children represent the first beneficiaries of the future and thus are the clearest symbol on how important it is to build a future together, starting today. Our organization is active in cooperation towards development, the integration of various cultures and the growing partnership based on solidarity. All of these aspects combined provide an equal and sustainable growth that we aim to achieve and value deeply. We are a group of people from various religious backgrounds with shared goals, who believe in the collaboration of mankind towards the construction of a common future.

Asosyasyon Peyizan Fondwa (APF)

APF's mission is to reinforce the community of Fondwa Haiti, as well as, other local grassroots organizations throughout Haiti so that they can create wealth in their own rural communities. The current APF Programs in Fondwa include: - Basic Infrastructure creation and improvement (roads, buildings, irrigation, etc.); - Environmental protection, renewable energy, and reforestation (solar power, tree planting, agricultural best practices, etc.) - Access to drinking water, health care, financial services, and food security (potable water, clinic, credit union, orphanage, radio station, etc.) - Education through a primary/secondary school for 600+ regional children and Haiti's first rural peasant university - Small businesses including Restaurant Lakay, construction material depot and transportation services - Several post-earthquake construction projects continue

InterValley Project

The InterValley Project (IVP) is a cooperative New England organizing network offering organizing training for leaders and organizers, on-the-ground support, mutual learning and a meeting ground for common campaigns for its 6 regional organizations. They are each made up of congregations, labor union locals, community and tenant groups that combine citizen organizing and democratic economic development strategies to save and create jobs, affordable housing and critical public services in some of the oldest and poorest industrial areas in the nation. The oldest IVP group was organized in 1983. The initial four IVP groups formalized their working relationship by creating IVP as a staffed network in 1997. IVP has helped organize four additional member groups since then. Membership in IVP provides each local organization with access to organizing, leadership and staff development, research, staff recruitment, and fund-raising expertise far beyond what is available at the local level alone. On behalf of its current member groups, IVP also actively develops new organizing and development strategies, as well as organizing new IVP member groups in New England.

Alliance Anti Trafic

Our mission is to protect and support women and children though prevention of, and direct support against, abuse, exploitation and human trafficking. AAT VIETNAM is a peer-based Non-Government Organization which was founded by a social worker with many years experience working in Vietnam and peer educators with a deep understanding of the Vietnamese context. We develop realistic projects to tackle the root causes of abuse, exploitation and human trafficking. AAT VIETNAM is a pioneering NGO which has established the first models of action to tackle the causes and consequences of human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Vietnam over the past fifteen years. AAT VIETNAM is unique thanks to its international task force network of local partners in fifteen countries worldwide, its direct field actions in five countries of Southeast Asia and its relationship and partnership with regional governments. AAT Vietnam's approach is to engage the Vietnamese population and Government to promote social development. Preventative actions though awareness and education are at the core of our activities, in order to achieve mindset changes in our beneficiaries, empowering them to protect themselves. Currently AAT Vietnam is mainly focused on prevention through education at schools to combat social harms and associated issues. We offer a comprehensive extra curricular course to schools with a student-interactive and comprehensive approach, which educates students about Reproductive Health, sexuality, drug use, incest, early marriage, early pregnancy, abortion, self defense, migration, human trafficking, while increasing understanding of gender differences and human rights. Our goal is to make this course adaptable to the Vietnamese National Educational curriculum in order to reach all children in Vietnam and to achieve recognition by the Ministry of Education that this is an essential activity for the well-being of new generations and social development in general. AAT Vietnam also focuses on the assistance and the protection of victims and potential victims of trafficking; offering repatriation, rehabilitation and reintegration services. We are able to offer effective services in this area when the government allows us to access to assess victims and provide support to them. The work of AAT depends on foreign aid assistance.