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Displaying 13–24 of 201

Indiana Institute for Global Health, Inc.

Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) was created in 2001 in response to the HIV crisis in western Kenya. It is built on a partnership between Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital and the Moi University School of Medicine in Eldoret, Kenya, and a consortium of North American academic health centers, led by Indiana University. The partners joined forces to create one of Africa's largest, most comprehensive and effective HIV/AIDS management and control systems. AMPATH is a formal partner with the United States government through a $75 million grant from USAID and has continually expanded its successful HIV approach to into a more comprehensive primary health care system. With a tri-partite mission of care, education, and research, AMPATH provides healthcare services to a population of 3.5 million people in western Kenya and focuses on improving the health and wellbeing of the entire population-leaving no one behind.

Massachusetts Coalition For Occupational Safety & Health

Founded in 1976, Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health (MassCOSH) engages youth and adult community members as leaders in promoting safe, secure jobs and healthy communities throughout eastern Massachusetts. Through education, leadership development and coalition-building, youth and adults gain the skills and support to address dangerous work conditions and prevent work-related diseases and disabilities. MassCOSH has a special focus on immigrants and other lower-income adults, and young people of color who often work in jobs that are the most unsafe and unhealthy.

Los Angeles Alliance For A New Economy

LAANE is a leading advocacy organization dedicated to building a new economy grounded in good jobs and a healthy environment. Combining research, innovative public policy and organizing of broad alliances, LAANE engages in projects that will result in good jobs, thriving communities, racial equity, and a healthy environment. We strive for a society where people have power over their own lives and a voice in civic life, living wages, healthcare, and dignity on the job, where they live in environmentally healthy communities with safe and decent housing, good schools, clean air and clean water, and other basic necessities, and where corporations are held accountable for providing benefits to the community.    

Orange County Asian And Pacific Islander Community Alliance

OCAPICA was established in 1997 with the mission to build a healthier and stronger community by enhancing the well-being of Asians and Pacific Islanders through inclusive partnerships in the areas of service, education, advocacy, organizing and research. These community-driven activities seek to empower Asians and Pacific Islanders in defining and controlling their lives and the future of their community.

Wounded Warrior Project

The mission of Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) is to honor and empower wounded warriors. The organization's vision is to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of injured service members in our nation’s history, by CONNECTING, SERVING, and EMPOWERING the wounded men and women who so bravely volunteered to serve our nation on or after the events of September 11, 2001. They CONNECT warriors, their families, and caregivers to peers, programs, and communities to ensure they have a readily available network of support. SERVE by providing free mental and physical health and wellness programs, career and benefits counseling, and by providing ongoing support for the most severely injured. And EMPOWER warriors to live life on their own terms, mentor fellow veterans and service members, and embody the WWP logo by carrying one another on a path toward recovery. Today, more than 110,000 wounded warriors and 26,000 family support members and caregivers are registered with WWP and have access to free programs and services that CONNECT, SERVE, and EMPOWER.