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Impact Metrics and Stories
Share Child Opportunity Eastern and Northen Uganda (SCOEN)

To attain gender equality in a Ugandan local community through promoting the social, political, educational and economic participation of women and children in community development programs. SCOEN strives to create a future in which all Ugandan women will be viewed and treated equally as men in all aspects of life; political, economic, social, educational and culturally. We will also seek to continue our role as advocates of children and women's rights, promoter of their capacities and driving force of social change, promoting their participation in the decisions that affect their lives, and amplifying their voices for peace and security at the regional, national and global levels.

Elijahs Promise

Since 1989, Elijah’s Promise has harnessed the power of food to break the cycle of poverty, alleviate hunger and change lives for the most vulnerable members of our Central New Jersey community. We operate a community soup kitchen, culinary arts school, catering business, community gardens and connect low-income individuals and families with social and health services. With the support of volunteers, donors and community partners, we serve more than 200,000 free meals per year and train previously unskilled workers for careers in the culinary arts.

Agc Construction Education Foundation

The AGC CEF mission is to inspire, develop, and equip California’s current and future construction workforce. To pursue this mission, AGC CEF offers four programs: 1) Build California 2) College Access & Success, 3) Construction Leadership Council, and 4) Small Business Council. AGC CEF programs are designed to cultivate diverse student talent and empower young professionals and entrepreneurs to strengthen the construction industry, building a more prosperous California. Training and education are infused throughout all AGC CEF program efforts to ensure they holistically address the systemic barriers for underrepresented populations to access and develop into leaders in the growing construction workforce.

Sneha Karma Foundation

All Human beings are born free with equal rights. Thanks to ways of the Human society, Most of the Human population is deprived of this birthright. SnehaKarma Foundation believes in offering a helping hand to as many people as possible to help them get their birth right back. It a big mission to have, for a small not-for-profit organization but we do believe in the power of Humanity. We believe that it is in Human nature to help the needy. All that is needed is to help connect the needy with the ones who can help. We call this coming together of kind hearted people to help the needy as 'Sneha Karma' (Deeds of the Heart).

Impact Metrics
Homeward Bound Of Marin

Founded in 1974, Homeward Bound of Marin strives to end homelessness in our community with training, housing and hope. Our programs range from emergency shelter to permanent supportive housing for families and individuals, combined with services like counseling and job training that help residents build a sustainable, independent future. We also operate several social enterprise businesses, including production of Wagster Treats dog biscuits and The Key Room event venue, that offer hands-on work experience to students and graduates while earning revenue to support our programs. To celebrate its 50th anniversary, Homeward Bound plans to open 50 new units of housing for veterans and people moving back into the workforce.

The Adventure Project

The Adventure Project is a nonprofit “adding venture” capital to create jobs to solve social problems in developing countries. Handouts help today— but a good job will change your life. Jobs transform everything. It’s what people want most. Jobs multiply opportunity, hope, education, peace, and prosperity for everyone. When people have good jobs, they invest in their future Empower one hero and you transform an entire community. Every $1,200 raised provides job training to hire one person. That job ends up serving approximately 500 neighbors with essential services. From farmers growing food to feed families or well caretakers keeping clean water flowing, these jobs aren’t just great – they are essential  

Puente Learning Center

PUENTE’s mission is stated within its name: People United to Enrich the Neighborhood Through Education. “Puente” is also the Spanish word for “bridge.” Since 1985, the organization has offered a bridge to opportunity by addressing barriers preventing individuals in its at-risk neighborhoods from building strong educational foundations and achieving financial self-sufficiency. PUENTE provides California Standards-aligned classroom instruction to more than 4,100 children, youth, and adults annually. Its tuition-free services address the needs of the entire family – enabling children to develop a life-long love of learning, helping parents to be their children’s first teachers, supporting youth as they move toward high school graduation, and assisting adults in need of English-language competency and workforce skills.

California School Age Consortium

Since 1982, the California School-Age Consortium has worked to support and advance professionals and organizations in providing quality and affordable out-of-school time programs. Our vision is that out-of-school time will be a public priority throughout California. Through our leadership, out-of-school time professionals and programs will be valued like teachers and schools as an essential service supported by government, business and community resources. We accomplish our mission through a focus on: Connecting professionals; Enhancing competency; and Building a community. We approach our work with a commitment to: Developing high quality, equity driven leaders; Enhancing local capacity and sustainability; and Building a collective and influential voice. We provide an array of free and low cost services including: Training and professional development, leadership development and advocacy.

Fundacion Via Cocina

Fundacion Via Cocina is a community based project focused on improving the health and economic development of vulnerable women, youth and underprivileged in Medellin Colombia. With a personalized training and mentoring system sharing healthy food recipes, cooking techniques and applied financial planning and entrepreneurial small business fundamentals, we build a program for individuals and families based on their current reality, applying the training to objectives created with them, for them, in their own home. Additionally, we provide classes to individuals and groups who want to learn to cook healthy dishes with local ingredients for their families, transforming them into uncommon flavors that are low in fat, oil, salt and sugar-free. These activities look to decrease frequency and severity of non-communicable diseases in the communities, including obesity, diabetes and cholesterol.

International Youth Foundation

The International Youth Foundation® (IYF®) stands by, for, and with young people. Founded in 1990 through a generous grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, IYF is a global nonprofit with programs directly benefiting 7.7 million young people and operations spanning 100 countries so far. Together with local community-based organizations and a network of corporate, foundation, and multilateral partners, we connect young people with opportunities to transform their lives. We believe that educated, employed, engaged young people possess the power to solve the world’s toughest problems, and we focus our youth development efforts on three linked objectives: unlocking agency, driving economic opportunity, and making systems more inclusive. Our vision is to see young people inspired and equipped to realize the future they want. The International Youth Foundation: Transforming Lives, Together.


SosteNica promotes sustainable economic and community development in Nicaragua. Our loan programs strengthen Nicaraguan communities. The training and technical assistance programs we provide ensure the success of our rural borrowers. Our housing program embodies environmental values while affording low-income families a dignified place to live. In the U.S., SosteNica offers socially conscious investors an opportunity to use financial resources constructively, to have a positive impact on one of the poorest nations in the Americas, while preserving their capital and earning annual interest. Thanks to SosteNica, many of the productive poor of Nicaragua -- small farmers and micro-enterprises -- have access to credit that would be otherwise unavailable. The combination of thoughtful First World investment and careful socially conscious lending to Nicaragua's poorest creditworthy borrowers creates an opportunity for sustainable growth. We dream of rural Nicaraguan families owning their own land, and on that land, growing everything they need to lead healthy, happy lives. We dream of communities of Nicaraguan families supporting one another in good times and in difficult times, celebrating together, and grieving together. We dream of a verdant Nicaraguan landscape, an intact ecosystem free of toxins and pollutants, rich with biodiversity, clean air and fresh sweet water. We dream of ordinary Nicaraguan families having enough resources locally that they never think of emigrating to another country in search of work, families who love where they live and what they do. We dream of young families living in ecological homes built with their own hands out of locally available materials that are both beautiful and sustainable. We dream of a world in which people with resources in one country reach out their hands of support to people in another country struggling to make a sustainable life. We dream of a community of people in the US whose investments reflect their values, where doing good does not conflict with doing well. SosteNica gives US investors an opportunity to achieve their social and environmental as well as their financial dreams and values. With a portfolio of both invested and donated funds, SosteNica promotes natural building for low-income families, organic agro-ecology and reforestation for rural small landholders, and micro-credit for small credit-worthy businesses. More than just "socially responsible", SosteNica gives investors an opportunity to have an impact in a way that says: "I care about the future, as well as about the present."

Teen Services Sonoma

Our Vision: All Sonoma Valley teens are prepared for future opportunities. Our Mission: Teen Services Sonoma engages and supports teens and young adults with work-readiness skills and experiences that empower them to succeed. Since 1991, we have worked with Sonoma Valley schools, local businesses, and other youth-serving organizations to provide work-readiness skills and experiences that prepare teens for successful employment in a career of their choosing. There are three phases to our approach: Engage - Building comfort, trust, and self-confidence in a safe environment with caring adults at one of our two drop-in centers: The Teen Center and the No Name Cafe. Employ - Through our Ready to Work program, we provide work-readiness training, work-based learning opportunities, job placement services, and coaching. Empower - TSS teens gain the skills, experiences, and confidence to succeed. Our programs include the operation of micro businesses, work-readiness and on-the-job training, and job placement services. Our process allows teens to gain practical experiences, helping to prepare them for meaningful careers in trades, occupations, professions, and small-business ownership.