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Hispanic Unity of Florida

Empowering immigrants and others to become self-sufficient, productive and civically engaged. Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. (HUF) was founded 34 years ago, in 1982, by community leaders who recognized south Florida's growing role as a haven for immigrants and refugees. HUF is the largest 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization in Broward County dedicated to serving the immigrant population by fulfilling its mission of "Empowering Immigrants and others to become self-sufficient, productive and civically engaged". HUF's goal is to ease immigrants' acculturation transition by providing skills, services and tools to help them build their new lives in their adopted country. Recognizing that focusing on and providing coaching on an individual basis is more likely to achieve educational and economic success, HUF offers a one-stop, integrated and multiservice approach designed to serve entire families and meet their evolving needs as they build new lives. Annually, we serve 17,000 diverse and multicultural clients from the United States and from more than 25 other countries.


To establish model medical facilities in order to alleviate the sufferings of poor and resource less patients and provide them quality medical care. To help the humanity in distress at times of natural calamities like Earth Quakes, Accidents, IDPs crisis and so forth. To conduct training programmes for Community Health Workers in collaboration with other community based organizations and donor agencies. To create awareness among the general public for improvement of their health through health education. To help deserving and talented students and provide financial support to widows and poor families who cannot afford treatment on their own. To achieve simple treatment goals through cost effective local medicines including Herbs and Folk Home Remedies designed to cure as many patients as possible with few side effects. To provide best possible treatment to the poor and needy patients through qualified and specialist doctors. To develop a Health Education Programme designed to improve the quality of life through preventative measures. To conduct training programmes for Community Health Workers in collaboration with other community based organizations and donor agencies. To establish a Centre of Excellence for the treatment of Tuberculosis (in line with WHOs, DOT programme), Hepatitis-C and other Infectious Diseases. To provide immediate relief in case of natural disasters and calamities and also to take active part in rehabilitation of the affected population.

OBAT Helpers Inc

OBAT Helpers works for the welfare, support, and rehabilitation of displaced and stateless people by providing programs to alleviate the daily suffering and burdens of thousands of Urdu speaking people (known as "Biharis") who are stranded in makeshift camps in Bangladesh. OBAT Helpers implements projects in education and vocational training, self- empowerment through micro-financing, health care with clinics, drinking water, proper sewerage, and emergency relief projects. The Biharis have been stranded in Bangladesh since it achieved independence from Pakistan in 1971. Referred to as, astranded Pakistanis,a this community was supposed to be repatriated to Pakistan after the two countries separated but most of them could not due to political complications. They are presently citizens of nowhere, unclaimed by either country and marked by the UNHCR as refugees, yet deprived of the rights of refugees. They still live in the camps/slums that were supposed to serve as their temporary shelter forty years ago. This population is scattered across sixty-six camps which house around 300,000 people. Anyone visiting these camps would see a family of 7-10 people sharing a living space of 8x10 ft.; open sewers and overflowing drains; a single toilet or two for one hundred or so people; innocent six or seven year olds who should be in schools, working for a living; high-infant mortality rates due to absence of medical facilities; lack of clean drinking water; terrible or no sanitation facilities and nothing but abject poverty. OBAT Helpers is the only organization in North America which is committed to helping the Biharis to become self-reliant and empowered through proper education, health care and micro financing projects. OBAT started with providing help to one camp in 2004, and now, it is improving the lives of people in more than 30 out of the total 66 camps, after just six years. This is almost half of the total number of camps in Bangladesh.

Africa Nature Organization

Who We Are: The need for a grassroots organization that would galvanize communities across Africa to positively contribute towards sustainable management of natural resources was an idea born out of a discussion by a group of environment and natural resource management practitioners gathered in Arusha Tanzania in 2010. The idea was subsequently shared with other like-minded individuals and culminated in the formation and subsequent registration of Africa Nature Organization as Non-Governmental Organization on the World Wetlands Day 2nd February 2012 in Kenya. Our focus has been to promote sustainable environmental and natural resource management best practices among grassroots communities working closely with civil society organizations, private sector actors and Government. Our Vision: A well-managed environment and natural resource base benefiting People and Wildlife. Our Mission: To enhance sustainable management of environment and natural resources by empowering grassroots communities, supporting development of effective natural resource management instruments, promotion of green innovations and the advancement of wise-use practices. Programmes: Our work is organized around three themes. These are conservation, people's organizations and livelihoods. 1. Environmental Education and Awareness Sustained environmental education and awareness campaigns have been known to change the behavior and attitudes of stakeholders towards environment and natural resources. Africa Nature Organization environmental education and awareness campaigns target both the young and the old through targeted campaigns such as the Young People4Nature Initiative, environmental demonstrations, environmental days, cross-site visits, workshops and seminars are some of the activities in this category. 2. Conservation of Species and Habitats With the threat of species extinction and habitat loss aggravated by climate change, Africa Nature Organization has taken a special interest in the conservation of species and habitats through rehabilitation, restoration and protection. Afforestation on terrestrial areas, coral transplant in marine ecosystems, dyke construction, development of management plans, support for community guards to protect and monitor species and habitats are some of the activities undertaken to reduce species and habitat loss. 3. Enterprise-led Conservation (ECO) Communities for ages have depended on natural resources for their livelihoods. However, with dwindling natural resource base due to extraction of natural resources for commercial purposes, population increase and climate changes, communities have trapped in a vicious cycle of destroying environment and natural resources for survival. To stem this downward spiral, Africa Nature Organization works with grassroots communities to empower them with business skills and knowledge to initiate nature-friendly enterprises and link them with markets. 4. Research and Innovation for Conservation (RI-Conserve): Relevant information to undertake important decisions regarding natural resources has been an impediment to sustainable management of environment and natural resources. This has been more profound with grassroots communities and organizations, including government, working to empower them to sustainably manage environment and natural resources. To bridge the information gap, Africa Nature Organization undertakes research and develops innovative ways of overcoming environmental challenges facing communities, civil society organizations, private organizations and governments. Baseline surveys, environmental impact assessments, documentation of indigenous knowledge on biological resources, and innovative mobile technology for conservation are some of the activities undertaken in this category. 5. Conservation Communication (COCO): Communicating conservation information to relevant stakeholders is key in to their engagement and involvement in our conservation effort. Conservation Communication maintains stakeholder interest through: Newsletter, Development and distribution of environmental documentaries, Production of other education, information and communication materials.

Community Assistance Programs


Alliance Anti Trafic

Our mission is to protect and support women and children though prevention of, and direct support against, abuse, exploitation and human trafficking. AAT VIETNAM is a peer-based Non-Government Organization which was founded by a social worker with many years experience working in Vietnam and peer educators with a deep understanding of the Vietnamese context. We develop realistic projects to tackle the root causes of abuse, exploitation and human trafficking. AAT VIETNAM is a pioneering NGO which has established the first models of action to tackle the causes and consequences of human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Vietnam over the past fifteen years. AAT VIETNAM is unique thanks to its international task force network of local partners in fifteen countries worldwide, its direct field actions in five countries of Southeast Asia and its relationship and partnership with regional governments. AAT Vietnam's approach is to engage the Vietnamese population and Government to promote social development. Preventative actions though awareness and education are at the core of our activities, in order to achieve mindset changes in our beneficiaries, empowering them to protect themselves. Currently AAT Vietnam is mainly focused on prevention through education at schools to combat social harms and associated issues. We offer a comprehensive extra curricular course to schools with a student-interactive and comprehensive approach, which educates students about Reproductive Health, sexuality, drug use, incest, early marriage, early pregnancy, abortion, self defense, migration, human trafficking, while increasing understanding of gender differences and human rights. Our goal is to make this course adaptable to the Vietnamese National Educational curriculum in order to reach all children in Vietnam and to achieve recognition by the Ministry of Education that this is an essential activity for the well-being of new generations and social development in general. AAT Vietnam also focuses on the assistance and the protection of victims and potential victims of trafficking; offering repatriation, rehabilitation and reintegration services. We are able to offer effective services in this area when the government allows us to access to assess victims and provide support to them. The work of AAT depends on foreign aid assistance.

Fundacion Vicente Ferrer

MISSION To eradicate extreme poverty in rural areas of southern India. To improve the living conditions of India's most disadvantaged groups, enhance their dignity and self-esteem, and help them achieve the necessary means to combat poverty. To ensure sustainable development with the active involvement and leadership of the communities. To reach as many poor people as possible and help organize them both individually and as community-based organizations, affording them strength, confidence, and the ability to lead their own development. To transform the semi-desert land through a holistic approach involving land, water, vegetation, and livestock development and to ensure the people live in harmony with natural resources. To sensitize men and women to the inherent discrimination and violence against women in both family and society, and to develop appropriate support systems and networks to fight such discrimination. To help people with disabilities gain equal rights and opportunities in every area of development, as well as access to all resources and services related to health, education, livelihood, and rehabilitation, helping them live a dignified life. To build a dynamic and creative organization that strives to participate in all development efforts and is spiritual in its motivation, based on knowledge and skills, shares the aspirations and struggles of the poor, and, though permanent in time, adapts to the changing times and needs. To raise public awareness about the living conditions of the rural and urban poor and to promote a more caring society. VISION For everyone from poor and oppressed communities to live with justice, dignity, and socioeconomic equality, and for all people to live in peace and harmony with one another. For people to live in harmony with nature, on land capable of sustaining its population. VALUES Permanence: We are a long-term project. Respect: We respect the people's culture and customs. Participation: We encourage the active participation and leadership of our stakeholders. Action: We have an action-based work philosophy. Accountability: We believe in efficient and accountable program and financial management. Humanism: We are strong believers in people and their capacity to help others. OUR PRINCIPLES RDT-Vicente Ferrer believes that people are the main actors in their development process and ensures their active involvement and leadership in the programs. The organization endorses a multi-sectoral approach with a view to enhancing people's overall progress. As a result, RDT addresses all major areas of development, including access to quality education, improved livelihoods, ecologyand the environment, equal opportunities for people with disabilities, women's development and empowerment, and access to healthcare. We organize, at a grassroots level, women, men, andpeople with disabilities into groups to enhance their strength, confidence, and ability to resolve their own issues and problems. An important RDT-Vicente Ferrer approach is the continuous sharing of knowledge, skills, and awareness about all aspects of life. Collaboration with the government and other NGOs to draw maximum benefits from development. To raise people's awareness and support their use of government schemes and resources. Though the organization has a special program forwomen's development, it believes that women's progress should be a factor in every area of work and life, including education, where emphasis is placed on young girls, and healthcare, for the overall well-being of women and girls. We believe in continuous training and orientation for staff members and people. We also have an HR department that regularly organizes internal and external training sessions for staff members of all levels and people on leadership, group building, problem solving, and gender-related matters, among others. To create an efficient human organization capable of acting regardless of where the need arises, even in emergencies. We believe that we must have a strong organization focused on community development, yet flexible and able to accommodate the changing needs of the people. RDT-Vicente Ferrer also stresses continuous dialogue with people and seeks to ensure its programs are useful and practical. An empathetic approach to helping individuals in severe distress due to chronic or acute illness, abandonment, or abuse of any kind.