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Displaying 109–120 of 129

Under The Bridges and On The Streets

Our all-volunteer “Under The Bridges and On The Streets” program prepares and distributes food, clothing and personal care items directly to the streets, feeding the homeless population of Los Angeles. We prepare nutritious bagged meals and deliver them along with personal care products, new and used clothing and blankets. We serve the homeless on the streets, where they live, which include the elderly, men, women and children.

Food Bank Of El Dorado County

The Food Bank of El Dorado County's mission is to provide comprehensive services in collaboration with other hunger response agencies that will help transform the lives of people in need by: Providing nutritious food Advocating for and participating in various programs which will promote self sufficiency Raising awareness and educating the general public on local hunger, its causes and consequences and Acting as an advocate for a population that sometimes have few officials to speak for their needs.

Placer Food Bank

:  To provide an efficient and coordinated system for the collection and distribution of food to the participating feeding agencies in our service area. Additionally, to increase public awareness regarding hunger so that individuals and organizations in our local communities are inspired to donate food, funds, time and ideas to reduce or minimize hunger for our needy population.  : As defined by Feeding America our service area consists of Placer, El Dorado, and Nevada Counties in Northern California.

Long Beach Community Table

Long Beach Community Table's mission is to contribute to the health, well-being, empowerment and self-determination of under-served populations in the greater Long Beach Community by providing affordable, nutritious, organic foods, hygiene products, clothing and other resources, such as a community garden, garden building and education on self sustainability, etc. accessible to all through a locally-oriented, collectively-managed not-for-profit organization. It is also our intention to be a platform for mutually-beneficial community connections.

High Atlas Foundation

The High Atlas Foundation is a Moroccan association and a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2000 by former Peace Corps Volunteers committed to furthering sustainable development. HAF supports Moroccan communities to take action in implementing human development initiatives. It promotes sustainable organic agriculture, women’s empowerment, youth development, education, health, and capacity building. Since 2011, HAF has maintained Consultancy Status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

F. O. R. Maricopa

F.O.R. (Food, Opportunity and Resources) Maricopa has been in existence since 2007, making an immediate impact in a city founded in 2003 that saw its population and needs explode in just a few short years. What began as an effort to feed and aid just a few families – first out of the trunks of cars via home delivery and then by pickup at a local grocery store parking lot – has evolved into a full-fledged resource center and food bank. On an average week, F.O.R. Maricopa, now housed in a building on the east side of town, serves 500 families, and that number is sure to continue to grow.

Literacy Bridge / Amplio

Amplio's durable, low-cost Talking Book audio device and innovative programs amplify the reach of our global partners. Together, we share knowledge with the world’s hardest-to-reach communities, using audio technology to educate and gather feedback from illiterate and low-literacy populations. Our Talking Book programs allow organizations to customize messages, songs, radio dramas, and information in local languages and measure impact. Amplio partners with global and in-country organizations, businesses, and government agencies that work in various sectors, including health, agriculture, gender equity, humanitarian aid, and more.

American Friends Of Leket Israel

American Friends of Leket Israel supports the Israel's largest food bank and food rescue network, Leket Israel.   The organization's primary mission is to alleviate the problem of nutritional insecurity through the rescue and redistribution of excess food to benefit Israel's needy. As an umbrella organization, Leket Israel also work's to assist at-risk population groups and the nonprofit organizations (NPOs) who serve them through nutrition education, cooperative purchasing, food safety, and capacity building projects designed to improve professional standards among NPOs and other food provision agencies.

Oak Rural Health Organization

Oak rural health organization is a non governmental, not for profit organization. Registered under the CAMA 1990 as an incorporated trustee by the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal republic of Nigeria. OUR MISSION/AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE; To increase preventive health publicity and awareness among rural dwellers. To eradicate children malnutrition in the grassroots through supplementary and complementary feed assistance. To partner with rural communities on health promotion and sustenance strategies. To prevent/eradicate mortalities through mobile clinics and health outreaches in rural communities. To partner with government, private and individuals to combat pressing health challenges in the rural settlements nationwide. To establish/refurbish healthcare points in vulnerable rural communities. OUR VISION: ''To be an internationally recognized leading grassroots health advocacy gladiator, ensuring a healthy and productive rural lives''. Achieving the above, the organization engages the services of volunteer professionals in relevant fields. Also mobilize resources through donation from trustees, individuals, private and government establishments. Financial and professional integrities are strictly maintained as enshrined in the organization's articles of incorporation. Most importantly, the organization gives no room for discrimination of any nature. Irrespective of religion, tribe, race, color or ethnic background. We deal with humanity as a bio-psycho-social being. Our group of dedicated volunteers work as a team to achieve a common goal. Furthermore, the founders are not unaware of the various government and other concerned agencies' efforts on providing quality health care services to the people at the niches and crevices of the nation. Various stakeholders who invested on healthcare services often concentrate on the urbans and densely populated areas. Governments' health infrastructures in rural settlements are not enough compared to their population. Most of the rural areas are fast becoming the den of unskilled care givers, this has led to many unreported, but avoidable morbidity and mortality. Demographically, rural population is made of about 52% of the nation's total population. Distributed through the nooks and crannies. Rural dwellers cannot be underestimated in the area of country's food security and economic growth. Therefore, a healthy rural life is a healthy nation. WHY RURAL HEALTH? Rural health is a worthy advocacy because: They are the hope of nation's food security. They are the custodians of the nation's cultural heritage. They are the most vulnerable. They are the major workforce in production line. They are the future of the nation. They have the highest fertility rate. They are majorly the poor. Furthermore, the executive summary of the WHO's vision 2020 is, attainment by all people of the world, a level of health that will permit them to live a socially and economically productive life. At least, such level of health that they are capable of working productively and participating actively in the social lives of the community in which they live. Meanwhile, growing cost of quality healthcare services has put the rural lives at a disadvantageous position. WHO's vision 2020 and even beyond is however a collaborative efforts of individuals, governments and non governmental bodies.

Community Cooks

Community Cooks is a nonprofit organization that mobilizes individuals, businesses, civic and faith-based groups to prepare home-cooked food for vulnerable populations seeking assistance from human service agencies in the Greater Boston area. In contributing nutritious and much-needed food, Community Cooks aims to: - feed our hungry neighbors who might otherwise go without; - build a bridge of caring between volunteers and community members in need; - support conditions for program participants to achieve success by alleviating their hunger needs. Our overarching goal is to create communities where neighbors connect with neighbors by sharing nourishment towards a common benefit and thereby contribute to a more compassionate world.

Hope Network Of Raytown

Hope Network reaches out, meets needs, and changes lives by leveraging a plethora of local resources. The mission of Hope Network is to offer hope to the hungry and hurting by delivering exemplary care, affirming value, and meeting basic needs. These critical services enable the impoverished Raytown population to build a foundation to meet the basic daily requirements to succeed. At each point of service a client is met with a volunteer case manager who personally works with the client. The individualized attention allows for a relationship of trust to be built, creating fertile ground for growth. Our goal is to usher families out of a life of poverty by meeting their immediate food need, equipping them with tools for success, while filling them with hope for the future.

Generosity Foundation

RECONCILING THE NEEDS OF HUMANITY THROUGH GENEROSITY. GENEROSITY FOUNDATION MORE THAN A CHARITY — A STRATEGIC COLLABORATIVE ORGANIZATION THAT FACILITATES, CURATES, AND RESOURCES HUMANITIES MOST PRESSING ISSUES IN A CULTURALLY RELEVANT WAY. RECONCILING THE NEEDS OF HUMANITY Led by our desire to impact humanity we are a facilitating organization that supports the needs of industries, governments, and the private sector. Stewarding and deploying funds towards social advocacy and the sensitivities of humanities most pressing challenges. Generosity Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to expanding our sensitivity to the human needs of the most vulnerable populations in the U.S. and around the world, including raising funds and awareness around social advocacy, women empowerment, social economic support for equality and justice for all.