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Displaying 205–216 of 436

Leben und Lernen in Kenia e.V.

(LLK) Leben und Lernen in Kenya e.V. (also registered in Kenya as Live and Learn in Kenya Int'l as our daughter organization) provides funds to send needy children to school with everything necessary.

Feed Foundation

The FEED Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds to ensure nutritious school meals for all children as a first step to improving the global food system. In partnership with FEED Projects, LLC, the FEED Foundation has provided over 50 million school meals to children in the developing world through the United Nations World Food Progam school feeding operations.

Child Nutrition Program

Child Nutrition Program, Inc distributes federal funds to child care providers in order to help eligible child care homes and child care centers serve nutritious meals, teach children about healthy eating, and ensure compliance with federal guidelines.

Holy Cross Education Foundation

It is the mission of Holy Cross Education Foundation to provide funding and administrative assistance to schools that strive to provide the highest quality primary education to children in disadvantage areas. We seek to effectively help prepare students for the challenges of life in the 21st century - spiritually, mentally, morally, emotionally and physically by providing a state-of-the-art educational environment.

Captain Planet Foundation

The mission of the Captain Planet Foundation is to give the next generation of environmental stewards an active understanding and love for the natural world in which they live. Our unique program of funding and supporting hands-on environmental projects is designed to encourage innovative initiatives that inspire and empower children and youth around the world as they work individually and collectively creating environmental solutions in their homes, schools, and communities.

United Community Concerns Association

United Community Concerns Association’s mission is to eradicate the effects of food insecurity experienced by Elmhurst School District 205’s most disadvantaged children and their families. We believe supporting local families with extra food and additional funds to purchase fresh food results in healthier students and promotes a more productive learning environment at home and at school for each child.

Pennsylvania Friends Of Agriculture Foundation

Our mission is the preservation and promotion of agriculture- the largest of the Commonwealth's industries. Specifically, the Foundation seeks to: enlighten the public about farming and agriculture; create educational programs for children who may have no other exposure to agriculture; train teachers on agricultural concepts while helping them meet their own continuing education requirements; support farmland preservation; fund scholarships for post-secondary agriculture studies; and promote career opportunities in agriculture.

Kinder Usa Kids In Need Of Education Development Relief

Our mission is to improve the lives of Palestinian children and other children in crisis through development and emergency relief.

God's Littlest Angels Inc

God's Littlest Angels is dedicated to helping the children and families of Haiti by providing intensive nursery care for premature, malnourished, and abandoned children. We will assist in seeking outside help for children needing surgical or medical treatment not available in Haiti. We will also assist in placing abandoned children with adoptive families. We will provide education to children who cannot afford to go to school through a sponsorship program. We will provide teachers and schooling for the children in the orphanage so that they also will receive an education. Our purpose is to help the children of Haiti in any way we can and to spread the word of God to each person we serve.

Sankhuwasabha Education Scholarship Foundation (SESF)

SESF exists to support the children in need. We support the orphaned, abandoned and helpless children as well the other children who are deprived of getting proper food, love and care, quality education, healthcare and try to make them be self dependent in their future.