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Displaying 205–216 of 219

Solar Cookers International

Solar Cookers International improves human and environmental health by supporting the expansion of effective carbon-free solar cooking in world regions of greatest need. SCI leads through advocacy, research, and strengthening the capacity of the global solar cooking movement.


Reefsave's mission is to do scientific research, education, and training to implement strategies that protect Western Atlantic and Caribbean reefs from loss of marine life, through practical implementations that create economic benefits for practices that promote self-sustaining long term reef health.

World Link Partners

Our mission is to provide opportunity to children and families living in extreme poverty. We sponsor schools, children's education, families in crisis, provide nutrition, health training and medical support. Our programs are focused in Guatemala supporting remote indigenous villages and urban slums in Nepal.

African Child and Youth Development Initiatives (ACYDI)

To empower children, youths and women to focus, organize and work towards improved social-economic well-being. We achieve this by empathy, social and economic empowerment through self-help projects, Advocacy, psycho-social support, community mobilization and sensitization, outreaches, health, networking and educational support.


The mission of AZCEND formerly Chandler Christian Community Center is to change lives by nourishing minds and bodies to create a connected, thriving community. They strengthen families and communities through food boxes; senior nutrition; rent and utility assistance; parenting, health and literacy classes; homeless services; and other comprehensive programs and resources.

Foundation For Sustainable Families

They believe that a community can only be as productive as its individual parts. By enriching and supporting education, child welfare, human rights, equality, sustainability, families, and community public health; they can collectively empower one another to succeed despite the struggles individuals or families may be facing. Their organization provides direct services to children and individuals--including high-risk and high-conflict families.

Changing Tides Foundation

CTF was born from the idea that the world would be a better place if we were all given the opportunity to give back. Established by a group of water women, we feel it is our calling to help others by teaming up with local organizations globally to raise awareness and address social, environmental, health and safety concerns in the places we visit. We aim to bridge the gap between the traveler and our projects enabling travelers to add a life-changing experience to their journeys and add purpose to travel.

Berkeley Food Network

The Berkeley Food Network (BFN) was founded in 2016 as an innovative, community-centered network of agencies that provide services to the food insecure residents of Berkeley, both housed and homeless, in order to close documented gaps in access to food in Berkeley. Our goal is to help establish a foundation of good health from which all Berkeley residents can pursue opportunity. We envision a Berkeley that preserves and fosters its vibrancy and diversity; a city that demonstrates its values through how it treats its most vulnerable, including ensuring that all of its residents are free from hunger and have access to affordable high-quality, healthy food.

Asosyasyon Peyizan Fondwa (APF)

APF's mission is to reinforce the community of Fondwa Haiti, as well as, other local grassroots organizations throughout Haiti so that they can create wealth in their own rural communities. The current APF Programs in Fondwa include: - Basic Infrastructure creation and improvement (roads, buildings, irrigation, etc.); - Environmental protection, renewable energy, and reforestation (solar power, tree planting, agricultural best practices, etc.) - Access to drinking water, health care, financial services, and food security (potable water, clinic, credit union, orphanage, radio station, etc.) - Education through a primary/secondary school for 600+ regional children and Haiti's first rural peasant university - Small businesses including Restaurant Lakay, construction material depot and transportation services - Several post-earthquake construction projects continue

Equip Manyatta

Equip Manyatta is a charity organization created to assist a community-based organization in Western Kenya, the Manyatta Youth Resource Center (MYRC). The officers of Equip Manyatta were instrumental in assisting community members in Kisumu to establish the MYRC. The mission of the MYRC is to increase opportunities for youth living in the slums of Manyatta, Kisumu to participate in sporting activities and the performing arts, to provide health education, support school attendance, and to build the organization into a self sustaining enterprise. Manyatta is the largest slum in Western Kenya and is home to over 60,000 people living in an area of five square miles with little in the way of urban infrastructure. Kisumu is the third largest city in Kenya, with roughly 578,000 people. Other goals include providing activities that engage youth in positive endeavors to avoid delinquency, encouraging school attendance and fostering peaceful forms of communication to avoid the sort of vicious violence experienced in the area after the last national election.

120 Wellness Foundation Inc.

To help people heal and recover naturally through non invasive treatments, nutrition, detoxification and supplementation. To educate people that God designed our body to heal itself and that He gave us everything we need on this Earth to support that Healing process. To introduce people to God’s Medicine, showing them that Herbal Supplements, Essential Oils and a clean fruit and vegetable dominate diet is the key to optimal health. To educate the Christian Community that Energy Therapy is not evil. To remind them that God created the Energy System otherwise it wouldn’t exist and that His word says everything He created is good. Therefore, the Energy System is good and using the Energy System to heal our body is part of His original plan. To share with Christians that this knowledge has been stolen and perverted, turned into Occult or Witchcraft practices in order to hide it from the Christian Community and prevent them from using it. It is time to take this knowledge back! To provide Holistic Education and Treatments through the 120 Wellness Foundation to underprivileged individuals and communities that desperately want and need Alternative Therapies but can’t afford them.

LIFE ElderCare

Working hand in hand with our community partners, LIFE ElderCare's mission is to empower seniors and disabled adults to live independently by nourishing mind, body and spirit. No matter what our age, all of us need to be well-fed, safe, and connected with others. But for our most vulnerable seniors and disabled adults this is not always easy. Therefore, LIFE ElderCare exists to help prevent and alleviate malnutrition, isolation, and falls, and in return, we receive the gift of community connection. Our agency was launched in 1975 when a local Fremont resident became increasingly concerned about the nutritional needs of homebound seniors. She engaged the support of a local school, where meals were prepared and packaged, and then, with help from friends, delivered them to those who needed it. During the first year of service, about 350 meals were delivered. Now we deliver this amount every day throughout Fremont, Newark and Union City. Our staff and board have strong core values that include the following beliefs: 1) No senior or disabled adult should go hungry; 2) No senior or disabled adult should suffer from loneliness; 3) No senior or disabled adult should lack transportation assistance; 4) Falls and their often tragic consequences are preventable; 5) Every senior should have the right to age in the place they call home. In addition, our services tackle many goals. The work benefits both seniors and disabled adults, as well their families and the larger community. WE WORK TO HELP SENIORS AND DISABLED ADULTS 1. Continue living independently with dignity; 2. Alleviate hunger and malnourishment through access to affordable, cooked, nutritious food; 3. Receive frequent well-checks; 4. Remove obstacles to completing medical appointments or shopping trips; 5. Avoid premature or unnecessary skilled nursing stays for those who prefer to live at home; 6. Lift loneliness and isolation and open ties to the community even though they may be homebound; 7. Maintain or improve a good quality of life; 8. Get short-term support while recuperating from an illness, a medical procedure or an accident; 9. Learn hands-on how to avoid falls, which can have serious, long-term consequences and take huge physical, emotional and financial tolls; 10. Link up with case management and other human services as needed. WE WORK TO HELP FAMILIES 1. Receive occasional respite and find other supports; 2. Reduce their lost work days caring for elderly parents or loved ones; 3. Get assurance that their elders are eating right, have human connection or help shopping or going to appointments and/or checked on every weekday. FOR THE LARGER COMMUNITY: WE WORK TO... 1. Reduce the burden on local emergency services; 2. Drastically reduce Medicaid spending; 3. Reduce hospital admissions, readmissions and readmission fines; 4. Reduce lengths-of-stay in institutions; 5. Provide our local colleges with opportunities for their nursing students to complete work in public health classes and gain exposure to new demographics; 6. Provide residents of all ages with multiple opportunities to volunteer; deliver meals, provide companionship, and/or 'transport with support'. Research on volunteering demonstrates that people derive direct positive health impacts through helping others; 7. Provide basic supports to vulnerable seniors and disabled adults when others cannot in our neighborhoods; 8. Nurture the vital, and sometimes overlooked, aspects of community that make it a safe and healthy place in which to age.