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Oak Rural Health Organization

Oak rural health organization is a non governmental, not for profit organization. Registered under the CAMA 1990 as an incorporated trustee by the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal republic of Nigeria. OUR MISSION/AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE; To increase preventive health publicity and awareness among rural dwellers. To eradicate children malnutrition in the grassroots through supplementary and complementary feed assistance. To partner with rural communities on health promotion and sustenance strategies. To prevent/eradicate mortalities through mobile clinics and health outreaches in rural communities. To partner with government, private and individuals to combat pressing health challenges in the rural settlements nationwide. To establish/refurbish healthcare points in vulnerable rural communities. OUR VISION: ''To be an internationally recognized leading grassroots health advocacy gladiator, ensuring a healthy and productive rural lives''. Achieving the above, the organization engages the services of volunteer professionals in relevant fields. Also mobilize resources through donation from trustees, individuals, private and government establishments. Financial and professional integrities are strictly maintained as enshrined in the organization's articles of incorporation. Most importantly, the organization gives no room for discrimination of any nature. Irrespective of religion, tribe, race, color or ethnic background. We deal with humanity as a bio-psycho-social being. Our group of dedicated volunteers work as a team to achieve a common goal. Furthermore, the founders are not unaware of the various government and other concerned agencies' efforts on providing quality health care services to the people at the niches and crevices of the nation. Various stakeholders who invested on healthcare services often concentrate on the urbans and densely populated areas. Governments' health infrastructures in rural settlements are not enough compared to their population. Most of the rural areas are fast becoming the den of unskilled care givers, this has led to many unreported, but avoidable morbidity and mortality. Demographically, rural population is made of about 52% of the nation's total population. Distributed through the nooks and crannies. Rural dwellers cannot be underestimated in the area of country's food security and economic growth. Therefore, a healthy rural life is a healthy nation. WHY RURAL HEALTH? Rural health is a worthy advocacy because: They are the hope of nation's food security. They are the custodians of the nation's cultural heritage. They are the most vulnerable. They are the major workforce in production line. They are the future of the nation. They have the highest fertility rate. They are majorly the poor. Furthermore, the executive summary of the WHO's vision 2020 is, attainment by all people of the world, a level of health that will permit them to live a socially and economically productive life. At least, such level of health that they are capable of working productively and participating actively in the social lives of the community in which they live. Meanwhile, growing cost of quality healthcare services has put the rural lives at a disadvantageous position. WHO's vision 2020 and even beyond is however a collaborative efforts of individuals, governments and non governmental bodies.


To establish model medical facilities in order to alleviate the sufferings of poor and resource less patients and provide them quality medical care. To help the humanity in distress at times of natural calamities like Earth Quakes, Accidents, IDPs crisis and so forth. To conduct training programmes for Community Health Workers in collaboration with other community based organizations and donor agencies. To create awareness among the general public for improvement of their health through health education. To help deserving and talented students and provide financial support to widows and poor families who cannot afford treatment on their own. To achieve simple treatment goals through cost effective local medicines including Herbs and Folk Home Remedies designed to cure as many patients as possible with few side effects. To provide best possible treatment to the poor and needy patients through qualified and specialist doctors. To develop a Health Education Programme designed to improve the quality of life through preventative measures. To conduct training programmes for Community Health Workers in collaboration with other community based organizations and donor agencies. To establish a Centre of Excellence for the treatment of Tuberculosis (in line with WHOs, DOT programme), Hepatitis-C and other Infectious Diseases. To provide immediate relief in case of natural disasters and calamities and also to take active part in rehabilitation of the affected population.

Health and Hope UK

To bring primary healthcare, education, hope and development to the poorest people in and around Chin State, Myanmar (Burma) through community engagement and empowerment.

The Multicultural Health Institute

MHI was created to level the healthcare playing field by promoting, educating and ensuring equal healthcare access and treatment for underserved and vulnerable communities. A non-proft 501(3) organization, MHI provides a holistic, full circle life approach to healing and wellness by focusing on the participation, education, and training of adults as well as offering hands-on enrichment and STEAMH career experiences to aspiring and promising young people in the community

Impact Stories
Meals On Wheels Association of America

Meals on Wheels America is the leadership organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger. This network serves virtually every community in America and, along with more than two million staff and volunteers, delivers the nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks that enable America’s seniors to live nourished lives with independence and dignity. By providing funding, leadership, education, research and advocacy support, Meals on Wheels America empowers its local member programs to strengthen their communities, one senior at a time. OUR VISION An America in which all seniors live nourished lives with independence and dignity. OUR MISSION To empower local community programs to improve the health and quality of life of the seniors they serve so that no one is left hungry or isolated.

Feeding America Riverside | San Bernardino Counties

Our mission is to alleviate hunger in the Inland Empire

Fox Valley Food For Health

To promote a nutrition focused community through teen education and serving those struggling with a health crisis

Mahereza Nutrition And Health Center

Our mission is to reduce child mortality, improve maternal and infant health and decrease malnutrition through education and the opening of one nutrition center in Antsirabe, Vakinankaratra region, Madagascar. Mahereza means to encourage, to support, and to lend a hand in Malagasy. Once this center is operational and successful, our purpose will be to train community health workers from the countryside and send them back to their communities with knowledge and motivation to help their villages.

Indiana Institute for Global Health, Inc.

Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) was created in 2001 in response to the HIV crisis in western Kenya. It is built on a partnership between Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital and the Moi University School of Medicine in Eldoret, Kenya, and a consortium of North American academic health centers, led by Indiana University. The partners joined forces to create one of Africa's largest, most comprehensive and effective HIV/AIDS management and control systems. AMPATH is a formal partner with the United States government through a $75 million grant from USAID and has continually expanded its successful HIV approach to into a more comprehensive primary health care system. With a tri-partite mission of care, education, and research, AMPATH provides healthcare services to a population of 3.5 million people in western Kenya and focuses on improving the health and wellbeing of the entire population-leaving no one behind.

Impact Metrics
Blessings in a Backpack

Blessings in a Backpack mobilizes communities, individuals and resources to provide food on the weekends for elementary school children across America who might otherwise go hungry. Poor nutrition can result in a weaker immune system, increased hospitalization, lower IQ, shorter attention spans, and lower academic achievement. 69% of children in America are on free or reduced meals at their schools. Blessings in a Backpack is designed to feed these kids on the weekends by sending them home on Fridays with backpacks filled with staples that require little to no preparation. Starting at just $100, Blessings in a Backpack can feed a child for an entire school year. Since 2009, Blessings in a Backpack has provided 23.5 million hunger-free weekends for more than 838,000 children nationwide.

Share Our Strength

Share Our Strength®, a national nonprofit, is ending childhood hunger in America by connecting children with the nutritious food they need to lead healthy, active lives.  Through its No Kid Hungry® Campaign, Share Our Strength ensures children in need are enrolled in effective federal nutrition programs; invests in local anti-hunger organizations; teaches families how to cook healthy, affordable meals; and builds coalitions to end childhood hunger, at the state and city level.