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SHARE Outreach

SHARE is a respected nonprofit that cares for the community’s most vulnerable in collaboration with governmental and other non-profit agencies by providing a temporary safety net to ensure basic needs are met. SHARE also offers advocacy, planning, and facilitation of services to help clients enhance their strengths and capabilities that will lead to long-term stability and success.

120 Wellness Foundation Inc.

To help people heal and recover naturally through non invasive treatments, nutrition, detoxification and supplementation. To educate people that God designed our body to heal itself and that He gave us everything we need on this Earth to support that Healing process. To introduce people to God’s Medicine, showing them that Herbal Supplements, Essential Oils and a clean fruit and vegetable dominate diet is the key to optimal health. To educate the Christian Community that Energy Therapy is not evil. To remind them that God created the Energy System otherwise it wouldn’t exist and that His word says everything He created is good. Therefore, the Energy System is good and using the Energy System to heal our body is part of His original plan. To share with Christians that this knowledge has been stolen and perverted, turned into Occult or Witchcraft practices in order to hide it from the Christian Community and prevent them from using it. It is time to take this knowledge back! To provide Holistic Education and Treatments through the 120 Wellness Foundation to underprivileged individuals and communities that desperately want and need Alternative Therapies but can’t afford them.


The Liahona Children's Nutrition and Education Foundation (LCF) is a grass-roots organization dedicated to nurturing the potential of children to lead healthy and productive lives. We do this by providing nutritional supplements to malnourished and underweight LDS children and their friends ages 6 months through 5 years who live in resource poor countries. We also promote sustained breastfeeding for infants and young children and provide education in hygienic and healthy food preparation. In areas where funds permit, LCF also provides small scholarships to elementary students to enable them to attend local school programs. The foundation is run by volunteers. Native coordinators, however, are provided a small stipend for their services in measuring children and in purchasing and distributing the nutritional supplements. The mission of the Liahona Children's Foundation is to nurture the potential of children to lead healthy and productive lives by eliminating malnutrition and providing educational opportunities among LDS children and their friends. We accomplish our mission by the following processes: -Provide nutrient dense supplements to children ages 6 months through 5 years who qualify for services secondary to underweight, stunting, or wasting as measured on standard World Health Organization Growth Charts. -Promote exclusive breastfeeding of infants until 6 months of age with introduction of complementary foods at age 6 months. We also support sustained breastfeeding until a child is at least 2 years of age. -Educate families on hygienic and healthy food preparation and meal planning. -Provide micronutrient supplementation with a focus on Vitamin A, iron, and zinc. -Provide semi-annual de-worming of children. -Monitor growth every six months -Sponsor elementary education scholarships for children unable to afford school. -Literacy training of families enrolled in the program. -Employ local resources and volunteers -Make quality improvements based on outcome data Since inception, we have expanded to 17 countries and 200 projects. We are involved with children in Africa, Latin America, Brazil, the South Pacific, the Philippines, and Asia. We will continue to expand as our funding permits to meet the nutritional and educational needs of children throughout the world.