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Displaying 13–24 of 287

Mathari's Children Fund

To help impoverished children succeed in life. We enable children to access schools and we help them to stay there, by paying fees, teaching life skills, providing counseling when problems arise, providing medical help when needed and making sure every child has at least one square meal every day. We provide both formal education and technical training for children who would otherwise suffer hunger, disease and permanent poverty.

Foxboro Discretionary Fund

To provde housing and living expenses to indigent local families.

Rosa Vera Fund, Inc.

To facilitate medical, social and preventive interventions for children and opportunities for health workers that would not otherwise have been possible.

East African Children's Fund

We're changing the lives of orphaned and vulnerable school children and youth in East Africa through improved nutrition and focused attention on health. Partnering with community leaders, we feed orphaned and vulnerable school children and youth in East Africa and support sustainable farming programs.

Chronicle Season Of Sharing Fund

The mission of the Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund is to create stability for individuals and families facing an unexpected crisis by providing temporary assistance for housing, critical needs and access to food. Since 1986, the Fund has raised more than $192 million to help well over 180,000 Bay Area residents. The Fund offers one-time grants to help individuals and families in crisis so they can pay for housing and emergency needs. In addition, the Fund supports food banks and provides more than $2 million each year to those who might otherwise go hungry. All of the Fund's administrative expenses are covered by the San Francisco Chronicle and the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund. As a result, 100 percent of the money raised goes directly to help the individuals and families served.

Christ Children Home Educational Fund (CCHEF)

To fund and foster the educational needs and welfare of under privileged orphans in Liberia.

Akshaya Patra Foundation USA

The Akshaya Patra Foundation's (“TAPF”) mission is to address childhood hunger and malnutrition in India simultaneously and to increase underprivileged children's access to education. TAPF's vision is that no child shall be deprived of education because of hunger. The Sanskrit words “Akshaya Patra,” meaning inexhaustible vessel, aptly reflects the organization's aspirations to provide unlimited food to underprivileged children and mitigate their sufferings. The organization's long-term goal is to replicate this model throughout India and the world. Our partnership with the Government of India and various State Governments, along with the persistent support from corporates, individual donors, and well-wishers have helped us to grow from serving just 1,500 children in 5 schools in 2000 to serving 2 million children. Today, Akshaya Patra is the world’s largest (not-for-profit run) Mid-Day Meal Program serving wholesome food every school day to over 2 million children from 22,000 schools across 14 states & 2 Union territory of India.

The Small World

The Small World is a not-for-profit charitable organization supporting locally driven sustainable community development projects. These projects help to provide education for children, especially young girls at risk for exploitation, and empowerment and opportunities for local communities to break the cycle of poverty.

World Link Partners

Our mission is to provide opportunity to children and families living in extreme poverty. We sponsor schools, children's education, families in crisis, provide nutrition, health training and medical support. Our programs are focused in Guatemala supporting remote indigenous villages and urban slums in Nepal.