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Displaying 265–276 of 287

Akron Canton Regional Foodbank Endowment


Global Changemakers Association

Global Changemakers works to an unshakable mission of supporting young people to create a positive change towards a more just, fair and sustainable world. We do this through skills development, capacity building, mentoring and grants.

Veterans Food Pantry Of Northwest Ohio


The Ron Finley Project

The mission of the Ron Finley Project is to alleviate hunger and food injustice in South LA and around the world, empower community members to grow their own food, and inspire the next generation to take control of their food and their health by "planting some sh*t."

Solar Cookers International

Solar Cookers International improves human and environmental health by supporting the expansion of effective carbon-free solar cooking in world regions of greatest need. SCI leads through advocacy, research, and strengthening the capacity of the global solar cooking movement.

Real Hope For The Hungry

They are dedicated to providing fully nutritious meals for the starving around the world, and for hungry families in the United States. These meals were designed to give them what they need to survive and to flourish! They also provide opportunities for individuals and groups to get involved in making a very real difference in so many lives.

Mayors Feed The Hungry Program

Mayors Feed The Hungry Program's mission is to raise funds and collect food to disburse to the local needy, free of charge, through participating non-profit agencies and organizations with special attention given to the Holiday Season. 


The Liahona Children's Nutrition and Education Foundation (LCF) is a grass-roots organization dedicated to nurturing the potential of children to lead healthy and productive lives. We do this by providing nutritional supplements to malnourished and underweight LDS children and their friends ages 6 months through 5 years who live in resource poor countries. We also promote sustained breastfeeding for infants and young children and provide education in hygienic and healthy food preparation. In areas where funds permit, LCF also provides small scholarships to elementary students to enable them to attend local school programs. The foundation is run by volunteers. Native coordinators, however, are provided a small stipend for their services in measuring children and in purchasing and distributing the nutritional supplements. The mission of the Liahona Children's Foundation is to nurture the potential of children to lead healthy and productive lives by eliminating malnutrition and providing educational opportunities among LDS children and their friends. We accomplish our mission by the following processes: -Provide nutrient dense supplements to children ages 6 months through 5 years who qualify for services secondary to underweight, stunting, or wasting as measured on standard World Health Organization Growth Charts. -Promote exclusive breastfeeding of infants until 6 months of age with introduction of complementary foods at age 6 months. We also support sustained breastfeeding until a child is at least 2 years of age. -Educate families on hygienic and healthy food preparation and meal planning. -Provide micronutrient supplementation with a focus on Vitamin A, iron, and zinc. -Provide semi-annual de-worming of children. -Monitor growth every six months -Sponsor elementary education scholarships for children unable to afford school. -Literacy training of families enrolled in the program. -Employ local resources and volunteers -Make quality improvements based on outcome data Since inception, we have expanded to 17 countries and 200 projects. We are involved with children in Africa, Latin America, Brazil, the South Pacific, the Philippines, and Asia. We will continue to expand as our funding permits to meet the nutritional and educational needs of children throughout the world.

Spreading The Love Of Jesus Ministry

Spreading the Love of Jesus Ministry started in 2004 to provide food for friends and neighbors who were struggling financially. Today, the ministry has seen a tremendous amount of growth and is now providing over 700 meals to individuals and families on a monthly basis. Our mission is to reach the physical need to fill the spiritual need. The people of this world are starving in one way or another. Whether of physical hunger, or of a hunger for true hope, they are starving.

Beverly Bootstraps

Beverly Bootstraps provides critical resources to families and individuals so they may achieve self-sufficiency. We offer emergency and long-term assistance including: access to food, housing stability, adult and youth education, counseling and advocacy. We are community funded and supported.

Fabien Cousteau Ocean Learning Center

The Fabien Cousteau Ocean Learning Center (“OLC”) was founded in 2016 as a 501(c)(3) by world renowned oceanographic explorer, conservationist and documentary filmmaker Fabien Cousteau to fulfill his dream of creating a vehicle for positive change in the world. The OLC will focus on Public Awareness (SEE), Education (LEARN) and Special Projects (DO). Some of these activities and initiatives include: coral reef restoration programs, sea turtles restoration programs, and educational resources that can be used for elementary grades to the university level, as well museum programming. These components will allow us to empower communities and children to help restore local water ecosystems through the healthy “replanting” of key marine species and empower future stewards of ocean conservation. Through knowledge and innovative technologies regarding ocean preservation, we collaborate with partners to develop educational programs and activities in aquatic conservation, restoration, and marine projects dedicated to protecting the Earth’s waters and its inhabitants for the future of our next generation.

Mccny Charities

MCCNY Charities, Inc. encompasses the social service ministries of Metropolitan Community Church of New York (, also known as MCCNY. Through providing social services for the homeless and the hungry, including people living with HIV/AIDS, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI+) youth, and building a sense of community, MCCNY Charities, Inc. furthers the broader mission of MCCNY in bringing the world to just and right relationship.