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Displaying 313–324 of 559

Nantucket Sustainable Development

Cultivating, Educating, and Promoting Environmentally Responsible Choices...making a big difference on a small island.

William James Association

The William James Association promotes work service in the arts, environment, education, and community development.

Utahns Against Hunger

Utahns Against Hunger works to increase access to food through advocacy, outreach and education

Food Depot

The Food Depot is committed to ending hunger in Northern New Mexico. As the food bank for nine Northern New Mexico counties, The Food Depot provides food to 135 not-for-profit agencies including emergency food pantries, hot meal programs, homeless shelters, youth programs, senior centers, homes for the mentally disabled and shelters for battered persons. This service enables these agencies to stay focused on their primary missions such as sheltering homeless families, providing hot meals to the homebound and offering life skills development to youth. The food bank distributes an average of 300,000 pounds of food and household products each month, providing more than 400,000 meals to people in need, the most vulnerable of our community - children, seniors, working families and those in ill health.


To build structures to support the education of critically vulnerable children/ school dropout youth in the affected community.

Operation Food Search

The mission of Operation Food Search is to nourish and educate our neighbors in need to heal the hurt of hunger.

Fox Valley Food For Health

To promote a nutrition focused community through teen education and serving those struggling with a health crisis

Affordable Homeownership Foundation Inc

Our mission is to educate and motivate the economically vulnerable consumers and veterans of our community to take the steps necessary to reach for, and achieve financial literacy and establish strong financial goals, thus maintaining and obtaining the American Dream of home ownership through advocacy, education, counseling and grant assistance.

Olalo of Hope - Kenya

Olalo's Mission is to help break the cycle of poverty by building strong communities by working with various partners and communities to empower individuals and families with opportunities for the furtherance of education, healthcare and skills needed to affect life change within their communities. We are Bridging Kenyans to Education, Healthcare and Life Change.

Swipe Out Hunger

Swipe Out Hunger is a nonprofit organization focused on ending hunger. We do this directly through our premier initiative which allows university students to donate their unused meal points. These funds are then donated to their local food insecure community, both on and around campus. We empower students to see themselves as Change Makers and inspire university campuses to adopt sustainable dining practices. We bridge the campus and local community by providing meals, warm hearts and financial support.

Hungry Souls

Hungry Souls exists to feed hungry children and their families to enhance their educational opportunities and break the cycle of poverty.


To assist, care and educate little girls and boys that are orphans, children of single parents or in conditions of extreme need.