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Bread for the World Institute

Bread for the World Institute provides policy analysis on hunger and strategies to end it. The Institute educates opinion leaders, policy makers, and the public about hunger in the United States and abroad.  

Feed the World

Feed The World's mission is to empower poor smallholder farm families to feed themselves and provide for the future through sustainable farming. Guiding Principles - Seeds of Dignity and Hope are planted in the hearts of our smallholder farm families as they work together to provide for themselves and build a better future. Transparency & Accountability means that we will do exactly what we promise to do in the communities we serve and that we will be open and honest with our donors in communicating how funds are being used. Lasting Self Reliance is achieved as families obtain sufficient knowledge and education, manage resources wisely, and prepare for the future so that they will continue to thrive after our support ends. Sustainable Farming is practiced by smallholder farm families as they plan, plant, and harvest food for themselves and their livestock, while building human capacity to recognize and enhance the efficient use of their natural resources. Nutrition & Income are the core benefits to smallholder farm families as they grow and produce foodstuffs that provide for a nutritionally balanced diet on an economically sustainable basis. Scientifically Proven Methodology guides the implementation of agricultural best practices with our smallholder farm families and on our demonstration farms. We also support further scientific research through partnerships with universities, governments, and other non-governmental organizations (NGO's). Mutual Respect is the goal of our in-country agronomists, nutritionists, and animal scientists as they interact with smallholder farm families, seeking to understand the "why" behind traditional practices, and always exploring new possibilities. Training & Education in sustainable farming, nutrition, food preparation, and hygiene are key to ensuring that lasting self reliance is achieved by smallholder farm families. Honoring Culture means that our programs work within the local cultural framework to empower and educate smallholder farm families without imposing an outside culture on them. Family Focus involves both women and men in all aspects of decision making, training, and education; and keeps children and parents united and working together on their land. Feeding the Spirit means that while Feed the World does not identify itself with one particular religion or belief system, we honor the spirituality of all human beings and serve all program participants irrespective of their beliefs or social station. Pay It Forward means that we expect our smallholder farm families to pass on their seeds, stock, and knowledge to other families in need once they have successfully provided for themselves.

Project Bread - The Walk for Hunger

Project Bread brings a fresh approach to ending hunger. These are our goals: to promote sustainable and reliable access to healthy food for all, to invest in the strength and resiliency of local communities, and to collaborate with others in building a robust regional food system. With the support of our partners, donors, corporate sponsors, individuals—and tens of thousands of Walkers—we work to break the cycle of hunger and poverty by devising, funding, advocating for, and facilitating solutions that change lives across the Commonwealth. As the only statewide anti-hunger organization, we listen and learn, identify needs and opportunities, and connect people, resources, and programs—in ways both tried and new.

T. Colin Campbell Center

Our mission is to promote optimal nutrition through science-based education, advocacy, and research. By empowering individuals and health professionals, we aim to improve personal, public, and environmental health.

Welcome Table

We provide assistance to families in east Austin to improve their lives through better nutrition, better health care, healthier lifestyles, better educational opportunities, and cultural diversity activities.

Center for Agricultural Resilience Inc

The Center for Agricultural Resilience (CFAR) was built to educate thought leaders on the environmental, economic and social benefits of building resilient animal, plant and human ecosystems that can nourish our communities.

The African SOUP, Inc.

The African SOUP's Vision is to transform the lives of Ugandan youth through education system reform. The African SOUP leads a national education reform effort through Active Learning and provides educational opportunities to vulnerable children in rural eastern Uganda. The African SOUP School utilizes the following strategies to fulfill our vision: The African SOUP Model School Secondary Enrichment Program The Active Learning Project Baby SOUP SOUP Model School Mission: To educate, nurture, and inspire scholars to unleash their potential and that of their community. Vision: The African SOUP School will become the premier active learning model school in Uganda Active Learning Project Mission: To improve the quality of primary education across Uganda through the implementation of active learning. Vision: The African SOUP's Active Learning Project will bring active learning into every primary classroom and teacher training college in Uganda. Secondary Enrichment Program Mission: To provide secondary scholarship support, mentorship and leadership training to African SOUP School Alumni so that they develop the skills needed to meet their potential and transform their community. Vision: The African SOUP's Secondary Enrichment Program will produce leaders who will transform their community. Baby SOUP Mission: To serve vulnerable children and pregnant mothers by providing health education, growth monitoring, and nutritional supplements to ensure holistic child development. Vision: The African SOUP Emma's Baby SOUP Program envisions a future where every child has the ability to survive and thrive in Namutumba District. Sustainability Mission: To cover all organizational operating costs through local, income-generating projects. Vision: The African SOUP will become a financially independent and secure Ugandan NGO.

Seeds in the Middle Inc

Seeds in the Middle, named by fourth graders in central Brooklyn, inspires parents, educators, students and their community to access all opportunities beginning with improving their health, enhancing arts education and greening their environment. We are joyful, respectful, educational and engaging. We nurture the whole child. Our innovative strategy to fight obesity and combat health disparities initiates at schools. We weave proven programs into a comprehensive package to turn around ills driving down opportunity and advancement. We empower and educate all to get healthy and scale disparities. Our pilot Hip2B Healthy schools are in central Brooklyn, a neighborhood with one of New York City's highest obesity, diabetes, and heart disease rates. Our programs are models for replication. We have run community farmers markets and founded Soccer for Harmony tournaments, inspiring social change through soccer. We are proud to boast that our focus 4th grade class test scores in 2012 surpassed the citywide average! At Seeds in the Middle, we partner with faculty. We teach how to grow, market, access and prepare nutritious food, how to exercise and engage in the arts, all the elements needed to promote life-changing lifelong health. Our partners come from all walks of life: chefs, athletes, educators, artists, builders and more. We cross cultures. We transform gray into green, destitution into inspiration.

Aid For Starving Children

Food, immunizatons, Christian education, water purification and self help programs for children and their families in Africa and Christian orphange support, as well as providing aid for single, black working mothers in the U.S.

The dZi Foundation

dZi Foundation partners with underserved communities in remote regions of the Himalaya to build sustainable, locally-driven programs that improve quality of life through advancing education and health, while reducing poverty.

The GOD'S CHILD Project

The GOD'S CHILD Project's mission is "to break the bitter chains of poverty through education, housing and healthcare." While GOD'S CHILD is rooted in education and health-care, we aim to support the communities we serve at every level of development. Through our wide range of programs, we help children and families living in extreme poverty to meet their basic needs and find a restored sense of hope, self-worth and human dignity. Religious affiliation is not a requirement for any program services.

Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), founded in 1985, is headquartered in Washington, D.C. PCRM has the support of approximately 8,500 physicians and 120,000 lay members. PCRM works to promote nonanimal methods in research and education and adopting a plant-based diet for disease prevention and survival. Primary activites include outreach and education about nutrition and compassionate choices to healthcare professionals and the public; ending the use of animals in medical school curricula; and advocating for legislative changes on the local and national levels.