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Impact Stories
Angels And Sparrows Soup Kitchen

In Mecklenburg County, families living at or below the federal poverty line will likely remain in poverty their entire lives without intervention. Angels & Sparrows provides programs, connections, and resources so economically vulnerable families can experience a Fresh Start. We empower families to reach their potential by providing access to food security and educational opportunities that lead to a Fresh Start.

Alliance For International Reforestation

AIR was established in 1993 with the mission of implementing environmental education programs, Sustainable Farming methods, building efficient stoves and planting millions of trees with low-income rural families in Central America. The impact of this mission is to prevent lung disease, reduce soil erosion, improve food crops and nutrition, prevent deadly mudslides, while sequestering carbon and protecting the gift of the Earth.

Caring For Cambodia

Caring for Cambodia (CFC) is educating a generation of Cambodian children today, to make a difference for Cambodia's tomorrow. Our schools are safe, modern and technologically equipped. We train teachers, provide tools and remove barriers to learning. We build Cambodian leadership to guide and sustain these schools, so that generations of CFC graduates can reach their highest potential and make vaouable contributions to their community.

Agape International, Inc.

Agape International's mission is to love and care for the poorest of the poor that suffer as a result of the global AIDS crisis. We provide more than 240 children impacted by AIDS a family-style home, nutritious meals, medical care and an education in Hyderabad, India. Please visit our website at to see how Agape is transforming the lives of AIDS orphans from cradle through college.

Chicago Lights

Chicago Lights builds brighter futures for Chicago’s youth and adults through supportive relationships and life-changing programs. We provide creative youth development and adult social services that help people build the skills they need to transcend systemic barriers and lead fulfilling lives. We partner with Chicago’s youth and adults in mentoring, supportive services, academic enrichment, career development, and arts education.

United Campus Ministry to the University of New Hampshire

Our mission is to support and empower the individual and community by creating spaces for communion, service, and social justice. We do this by alleviating the impacts of material, emotional, and spiritual poverty through direct service, education, community building, fostering dialogue and by providing witness, sanctuary, and support. Our vision is to create engaged citizen leaders who will honor the complexities of the human spirit and work to create just and sustainable communities.

Mahereza Nutrition And Health Center

Our mission is to reduce child mortality, improve maternal and infant health and decrease malnutrition through education and the opening of one nutrition center in Antsirabe, Vakinankaratra region, Madagascar. Mahereza means to encourage, to support, and to lend a hand in Malagasy. Once this center is operational and successful, our purpose will be to train community health workers from the countryside and send them back to their communities with knowledge and motivation to help their villages.

Food Bank Of El Dorado County

The Food Bank of El Dorado County's mission is to provide comprehensive services in collaboration with other hunger response agencies that will help transform the lives of people in need by: Providing nutritious food Advocating for and participating in various programs which will promote self sufficiency Raising awareness and educating the general public on local hunger, its causes and consequences and Acting as an advocate for a population that sometimes have few officials to speak for their needs.

Sodexo Foundation, Inc.

More than 16 million children are at risk of hunger in the United States. In 1999, Sodexo Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, was created with the mission to ensure that every child in the United States grows up with dependable access to enough nutritious food to enable them to lead a healthy, productive life. From nutrition programs to engaging youth in community service activities, the foundation supports hunger-related initiatives on local, state, and national levels. Sodexo, Inc. funds all administrative costs for Sodexo Foundation to ensure that all money raised helps those in need. Since its inception, Sodexo Foundation has granted more than $25 million to help end childhood hunger. Since 1996, Sodexo employees have been supporting our stop hunger program―holding fundraisers, donating their time, resources and expertise, and encouraging clients and customers to join the fight against hunger. Today, stop hunger is present in 42 countries with the goal of being in all 80 countries where Sodexo does business.

Positive Community Kitchen

Founded in 2013, the organization provides a 12 week healthy meal program to those in our community struggling with serious illness such as cancer. Teens are taught to cook and prepare these meals working under the supervision of a professional chef. The focus is on educating the youth and recipients on the health benefits of eating a organic, farm fresh, whole food based diet. We prepare over 360 servings each week, delivered to our clients doorstep.


ChicagoVeg is non-for-profit organization to support all vegans/vegetarians and educate the public about advantageous of a plant-based diet. Join us for delicious meals, share your favorite recipes, discuss living a healthy (vegetarian - vegan - raw food) lifestyle, support green movement, conscious living, and make new friends! We regularly meet in the city and suburbs for dining, picnics, lectures, movies, visiting local expos, and other events.

American Community Gardening Association

To foster the creation, development, and expansion of community gardens throughout the US and Canada in order to improve people's quality of life through well-developed methods of social interaction, self-reliance, and healthy eating habits while at the same time reducing people's food budgets and neighborhood blight, and, finally, assisting community and economic development efforts by beautifying neighborhoods, producing nutritious food, conserving resources and creating opportunities for recreation, exercise, therapy and education.