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Displaying 109–120 of 1,983

St. Marys Center For Women And Children

St. Mary's Center for Women and Children offers innovative and family-centered programs for women and children who have experienced trauma and are living in poverty. Placing families at the center of our efforts, St. Mary's Center works in partnership with young women, many of them mothers, to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and achieve lasting, powerful change by building their emotional well-being, educational achievements, and economic independence. Located in Uphams Corner in Dorchester, Massachusetts, St. Mary's Center supports 600 women and children annually with shelter, clinical and educational services, job training, employment placement, and search for affordable permanent housing.

Villa St Francis Catholic Care Center Inc

Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, Villa St. Francis Catholic nursing home provides long term care, short term rehabilitation, and skilled memory care to those in need, regardless of their financial means.

Under The Bridges and On The Streets

Our all-volunteer “Under The Bridges and On The Streets” program prepares and distributes food, clothing and personal care items directly to the streets, feeding the homeless population of Los Angeles. We prepare nutritious bagged meals and deliver them along with personal care products, new and used clothing and blankets. We serve the homeless on the streets, where they live, which include the elderly, men, women and children.

Hope For The Hearts Of The Homeless

In 2016 we answered a call in our local, online newspaper, Next Door, inviting anyone interested to come join a small group who were currently serving coffee and donuts to the homeless population in Venice. Within a few short weeks we saw the great need for so much more. We began to bring hand sanitizers, wipes, tissues, shoes, blankets, tents and whatever else we could supply. We decided we wanted to help on a much more personal level, far beyond dropping off supplies and serving coffee. We chose to see if we could begin to transition the homeless off the streets. It took a tremendous amount of time to build the necessary trust with each person before they slowly began to believe we really were going to help them transition from chronic homelessness into a life with purpose. This is a very long expensive process which requires endless courage, strength, and resilience on the part of the homeless individual trying to change their life. In 2017 we established our I.R.C. 501(c)(3) Hope For The Hearts Of The Homeless, Inc., We were making progress and began to witness success, watching those who wanted to change their lives succeed, yet needing a helping hand throughout the entire process. For some it begins with a hospital stay first, for others it’s a drug/alcohol rehab, and for many it is help finding affordable housing. In addition, we assist obtaining eligible benefits for those who qualify. We currently work close to 7 days a week with many days going well into the night. All we do is worth every minute, seeing a once homeless individual blossom into a new life. Once stable, we then assist with job placement for some, going back to school for others, and reconnecting some with their family and friends, once estranged. Please help us help the homeless. You have the chance of a lifetime, an opportunity to change a life…yes, to really change the life of someone once homeless, hurting, and desperate who now is a productive, giving member of society. Please donate and help us continue our mission…to help the homeless out of chronic homelessness and into a life, redirected, becoming a beautiful, happy member of society. Please help us win the fight against homelessness in Los Angeles!