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Post Graduate Center for Mental Health

Postgraduate Cenetr for Mental Health is dedicated to serve the mental health needs of individuals in the most innovative, effective and efficient way possible. We are an outcome driven organization. We strive to provide the highest value to our consumers and funders by maximizing the quality they receive for their investment. Our values include respect, empowerment and accountability.

Homeless Alliance

Rallying our community to end homelessness.

Black Women Build Baltimore

MissionOur mission is to provide home ownership opportunities by training and working with Black women to fix, repair, and renovate homes while providing support for life-based skills.GoalsBlack Women Build- Baltimore works to bring home ownership to Black women in Baltimore. We do this by training local community members in trades-related skills through home improvement projects. We work to bring an intersectional approach to dismantling the barriers that work against our ability to thrive.ValuesBlack women deserve to be treated with respect and dignity for their inherent worth as human beings.IntersectionalityBlack Women Build – Baltimore understands that oppression is experienced at the intersection of identities, conditions, systems, policies, and practices.

The National Alliance to End Homelessness

The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan organization committed to preventing and ending homelessness in the United States. The Alliance analyzes data and research so that policymakers, practitioners, and the public have the best information about trends in homelessness and emerging solutions. The Alliance also provides capacity-building assistance to help communities turn policy solutions and proven best practices into viable, on-the-ground programs.

Project Hope Alliance

Project Hope Alliance's (PHA) mission is to end the cycle of homelessness, one child at a time. PHA focuses on kids age 5 through 24, who are often 'hidden in plain sight', and provides them with the housing, educational support, and extracurricular opportunities needed to help them realize a future that is not limited by their parents' economic circumstances.

Washtenaw Housing Alliance

The mission of the Washtenaw Housing Alliance is to end homelessness in our community.The root causes of homelessness include:poverty, including the loss of resources caused by substance abuse, physical illness and mental illness,violence, including domestic and sexual violence usually directed against women and children,racism and other institutionalized prejudices, and class privilege and discriminatory patterns of economic and social investment.Any strategies to end, or even to minimize homelessness, must be designed with these root causes in mind.In order to end homelessness, it is imperative that all members of the community, individuals, institutions, and government participate in the effort. The Washtenaw Housing Alliance models this community partnership by consisting of a wide range of organizations dedicated to helping people who are homeless and those who are in danger of losing their housing. We will work to fulfill our mission through collaboration and partnerships that address root causes of homelessness, and by making needed systemic changes that will sustain over time. Every person who is homeless or at risk of homelessness will be provided with alternatives for shelter, housing and services, including those who are vulnerable and difficult to serve.Helping persons who are homeless must include: Provision of basic necessities, including food, clothing and medical care Development and maintenance of accessible and responsive options for emergency shelter, transitional housing and permanent housing Promotion of individual autonomy through development of education and employment opportunities, debt reduction and credit assistance, literacy programs, transportation and childcare Support services to keep individuals and families in housing

The Rebuilding Alliance

Advancing equal rights for the Palestinian people through education, advocacy, and support to build homes, jobs, schools, justice, safety, and a promising future.

Rescue Mission Alliance

We offer REFUGE by providing food, shelter and clothing to those in need. We offer RECOVERY through biblically based programs that minister to the whole person. We offer RESTORATION by equipping people to live self-sufficient and independent lives.