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Displaying 361–372 of 165,528

Outdoor Church Of Cambridge

The Outdoor Church of Cambridge is a church for and among homeless men and women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Our mission is to provide spiritual and material support to the homeless men and women who make their lives in Cambridge. We offer prayer services and pastoral care.

American Friends of Kupat Hair

To raise funds for distribution to institutions organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable and educational purposes in the United States and Israel with a view toward providing aid, assistance and support to needy and indigent individuals in Israel and the United States.

Franciscan Mountain Retreat Inc

The mission of Mt. Irenaeus is to join with Jesus Christ in “making all things new!” (Revelation 21:5) Rooted in the (Catholic) Franciscan tradition, the Mt. Irenaeus community is committed to simple, joyful, healing communion with God and all creation through contemplation and the communal experience of God’s justice, love and peace in contemporary everyday life. Life at Mt. Irenaeus is centered on attending to what is primary: presence to God, others, one’s self, and the earth. All who participate in the mission of the mountain join with jesus in making all things new by creating and nourishing a community that transcends a particular place, opening to all peoples, ages and cultures.

Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya (I.M.A.M.)

The Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya (I.M.A.M.), Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization that serves as the liaison office of the Supreme Religious Authority, Ayatullah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, in North America. We are devoted to building a strong Shia community in North America by serving as the central point of contact between the religious authority and the centers, organizations, and faithful believers. We are passionately dedicated to the advancement of the Muslim communities in North America – whether it be in the religious, spiritual, educational or social realms. Our mission is to serve the advancement of Muslims in North America through the direction of the Supreme Religious Authority (Marjaeya) in implementing the teachings of Almighty God, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his Holy Progeny (peace be upon them).

Hands Together

Hands Together is a nonprofit organization devoted to educating, inspiring and encouraging people to understand the importance of responding to the needs of the poor and disadvantaged. Our Mission, as we strive to build a more compassionate and human world, proceeds from the spiritual belief that we are all members of one, equal, interconnected family under a loving God.

American Friends Of Rambam Health Care Campus


Desiring God Ministries

As a Christian Hedonism publishing platform, persuaded by the indispensable biblical reality that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him, we exist to move people to live for the glory of God, by helping them be satisfied in God above all else, especially in their suffering, by communicating the truth, and beauty, and worth of all God is for us in Christ, grounded in, governed by, and saturated with the infallible Christian Scriptures.

Stepping Stones Network

Our mission is to educate and engage the community in preventing commercial sexual exploitation and providing comprehensive restorative care to survivors.

Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion

Serving as a catalyst for change we develop, organize and empower individuals and organizations to advance equity and opportunity for all. 

South East Asia Prayer Center

SEAPC is a Christian global community of friends that goes where the Holy Spirit leads. We pray for the people and ask God to open the door for ministry. We work among the people in the platform that the Lord creates; such as healthcare, parenting, microeconomic development and education, while praying the Lord’s blessing upon the nation.

Capitol Commission Inc

Capitol Commission’s mission is to provide a pastoral presence in the capitol communities of our nation. In these communities we purpose to reach every person with the gospel of Jesus Christ, to disciple them, and prepare them for a lifetime of ministry in whatever arena God chooses to place them.