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Displaying 193–204 of 229

Angels Joy

Angels Joy is a public charity organization with a mission to enhance the lives of people living in under-served communities, locally and globally, through programs designed to develop spirit, mind and body; to improve the quality of life by increasing mastery of the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic combined with vocational training; to increase access to primary health care; to eliminate or decrease hunger and malnutrition; to inspire personal growth and community integration; and to provide residential shelter. We also strive to raise awareness of major social and community development issues.


The Preschool program has been established as a service to the families and children of our area communities. The curriculum emphasizes teaching the whole child by seeking to provide opportunities for the social, mental, physical, and spiritual development of the child. Active play is balanced with quiet activity to prevent fatigue and over stimulation. Within a Christian atmosphere the staff seeks to teach readiness skills in reading, math and writing, a beginning exploration of science, music and art appreciation and a weekly language experience in Spanish. Creative play, traffic safety, field trips, nutritional morning snacks and interdenominational Christian education are also part of the program. This includes an anti-bias multi-cultural curriculum. The Preschool program is organized to nurture in children a positive self-image where they can work, learn and play with companions of their own age in a friendly, happy, atmosphere, where there is cooperative democratic living and where children can gain new skills, appreciation and good habits.

Blessings International

Blessings International's mission is to facilitate medical missions primarily in developing nations by serving as a source of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. Founded in 1981 by Dr. Harold Harder after personally observing the dire need for even the most common medicines on his first medical mission trip, Blessings endeavors to provide essential medicines necessary for the treatment of disease and maintenance of general health, including those for the eradication of parasites infecting many children and adults in developing nations. It is our desire that the combination of medicine, prayer and evangelism will bring the needy more readily to Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

Nazareth Homes Foundation

The Nazareth Homes Foundation supports the pioneer spirit and practice of innovative compassion of providing health and wellness services for adults and families that call Nazareth Home and Nazareth Home-Clifton their homes. Nazareth Homes Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation established in 2018 for the purposes of receiving and administrating gifts to Nazareth Home and Nazareth Home-Clifton for their mission-driven service.Investing in Nazareth Homes Foundation provides support, equipment, capital improvements, innovative technology, programs and other enhancements for the direct benefit of Nazareth Home and Nazareth Home-Clifton residents, their families and the employees dedicated to the person-centered care.

Root Of Jesse

Root of Jesse Inc. is a non-profit corporation and the period of it duration has been 19 years. It has been in good standing as a 501c non-profit with the IRS for these 19 years. Prior to the incorporation of Root of Jesse Inc., this ministry was operating as “God is in His Temple” from 1991 until May 1996. Root of Jesse Inc. was originally established and incorporated in Texas. Since that time this Ministry has established facilities in New York, Nebraska, Delaware, and Maryland areas in the United States. This Ministry has reached out and influence areas in Europe, numerous islands in the Philippines, Iceland, and established an outreach ministry in South Port, Jamaican while ministering in other areas there since the early 90’s. Root of Jesse Inc. has numerous ministers of the five-fold ministry working as volunteers across the United States. In some places there are as few as 2-3 and in others as many as 10-15 team members working to fulfill its mandate. The mission of Root of Jesse Inc. is to assist the government with the growing dilemma of recidivism by empowering inmates around the US with self and community awareness by teaching, living, and instructing each one of them to “pay it forward”. The vision of Root of Jesse Inc. is to create well grounded team members who understand why recidivism occur so frequently within our penal system by teaching them the basic needs of individuals, equipping them with tools to instruct and lead groups in getting those needs meet though programs there at the facility and programs offered by ROJ. Root of Jesse Inc. goal is to make each encounter with these individual so positive that change is birth within their mindset and desire for growth and understanding begins to become a priority for their live. It is the goals of the Ministry to meet social, health (both mental and spiritual), assist with economic needs through entrepreneur programs, assist with transitional housing, parenting classes, as such like tools that will allow the stability from the support systems therefore empowering them to be successful individual who are an asset to their family, community, and country.

Overcomers International

Since 2004 we have:• Provided mentoring & counseling to leaders, pastors, & missionaries • Served communities with volunteer construction aid & donated thousands of school, health & medical supplies• Partnered with multiple nonprofit organizations to provide relief aid & counseling following disasters• Preached, taught & trained people in churches, meetings, classes, clinics & conferences worldwideImparting an overcoming faith in Jesus Christ through training and discipleship!We promote and facilitate interdenominational teaming to maximize impact and outreach in communities and cities.For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1 John 5:4

YMCA of the USA

The YMCA mission is: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) is the national resource office for the Y, one of the nation’s leading nonprofits strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Across the U.S., 2,700 Ys engage 22 million men, women and children – of all ages, incomes and backgrounds – to nurture the potential of children and teens, improve the nation’s health and well-being and provide opportunities to give back and support neighbors. Anchored in more than 10,000 communities, the Y has the longstanding relationships and physical presence needed not just to promise, but also to deliver, lasting personal and social change.

Global Organization For Divinity

The goals and objectives of the organization are briefly outlined below: - Promote divinity to spread world peace and harmony without any social, cultural or geographical boundaries, for the betterment of human society. - Establish the Namadwaar sanctum, a holy edifice dedicated to the continuous chanting of the “Hare Rama…’ Mahamantra for world peace and to accept prayer requests. - Propagate the chanting of the Divine Name of God as the easiest means of achieving inner peace and self-realization. - Publish books, journals and media on spirituality towards the objectives of universal love and harmony. - Organize discourses, lecture demonstrations, workshops and seminars on topics of practical Indian spirituality relevant to today’s world, by eminent speakers from across the globe. - Help and support communities in need of help on health and education fronts.

Impact Stories
Global Youth Ministries Usa

Our Mission is to Advance Youth Education, Diversity and International Development -Loving Our Neighbors in Word and Deed. We fund Vocational training for Women and young girls. We provide Equal Access to economic development opportunities and resources for women & young girls in Uganda. We Advance Women's economic empowerment, eradicate Women's poverty and under-paid labour, we help restore Women's hope with sustainable financial prosperity and security. We provide school fees for several disadvantaged K-12, and College students in Uganda so they can achieve education. Education is a sustainable means to eradicating absolute poverty in the villages of Uganda. Furthermore as part of our International development goals, we provided a deep water well to a primary school in Uganda, ensuring access to a reliable source of safe clean drinking water, and sanitation for the students. Our goal is to provide more water wells to schools and village communities in Busoga District of Uganda and beyond. . We have developed and tested a health nutritional supplement, with remarkable clinical trial results in Uganda and USA. The research and development was completed in 2023. Our long term goal is to provide nutritional awareness & instruction to the students and villages of Uganda. We intend to help eliminate many preventable diseases, promote & establish better preventative health practices, healthy diets and nutritional disciplines. With ample funding, we plan on mass producing our nutritional supplement is Uganda and the rest of the World. With your financial support, we will be able to expand our International Development plans for the people of Uganda. Thank you for your partnership in funding.

Brown Horse Projects

Brown Horse Project’s mission is to spread the love of Christ through mission projects that focus on water, art, music and medicine in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Brown Horse Projects works to achieve our mission by running a family medicine clinic in a remote village of Haiti. This clinic serves an isolated population, offering high-quality care affordably to those who otherwise would go without. We extend the loving hands of God without question or payment at the clinic, while staff pray with patients and offer the hope found only in Christ to all those who come through our doors. Our U.S. team coordinates several short-term mission trips annually to Haiti and the Dominican Republic that focus on medical care, health education, arts enrichment and relationship-building.

Bharatiya Temple Society Of Central Ohio

The Bharatiya Temple Society of Central Ohio promotes awareness, understanding, and practice of the Hindu religion, and works toward improvement of the quality of life of the community. The Society's goals are: - To create a physical, mental and spiritual environment for the practice of Hinduism - To provide a focus of religious, spiritual, educational and cultural activities for its members - To provide opportunities for leadership and active participation of our youth - To create an awareness and appreciation in the local community - To build religious harmony and understanding with other religions of the world in general, and religions originated in India, in particular Cultural Goals Provide necessary resources, expertise and knowledge in keeping the general public abreast of Indian Culture and religious traditions by maintaining cultural ties with the Indian community and by interaction with various organizations of other communities. Educational Goals To provide educational experiences to adult and youth members of the congregation, and to the general public regarding Hindu religion, Indian customs, traditions and languages, and to teach skills to members to lead happier lives. Religious Goals Provide facilities, resources and personnel to enable the devotees to perform and participate in religious poojas and kirtans at and away from the temple premises. Activities may include: Daily poojas of All deities, Friday bhajans, Religious festivals year round, Ramayana recitations and kirtan, Havan, Suprabhatam on Saturday mornings, Satyanarayana, Bhagwat and other Kathas, Ceremonial/ritual poojas: -Birth - Upanaya - Wedding - Grihapravesh - Ishtdevata - Death Youth Involvement Goals To provide an environment conducive to learning and practicing Hindu Dharma and Culture for the children and youth of Central Ohio; to get children, parents, young parents, and students actively involved in temple activities; to inculcate leadership skills in youth and have youth take on some of the temple responsibilities and activities; and to pass on the responsibility of running the temple to the younger generations.

Masjid Muhammad Inc

G-d willing, we will continue developing and building upon our seventy plus year history in the nation’s capitol, as contributors to the nation and the globe. we certainly, as G-d conscious people, are to promote the oneness of G-d and the excellence and commonality of the human family and have that serve as our foundation to produce a model, stable, productive, and balanced islamic community as taught and demonstrated by prophet muhammad (PBUH). The needs, interest and aspiration of our members, those in our association, and all G-d conscious people will greatly benefit in this movement toward a national community. The nation’s mosque, Masjid Muhammad is strategically located in the nation’s capital, which is a national and international platform that represents the good sentiments, aspirations, healthy concerns and interest of all the people. The nation’s mosque, Masjid Muhammad is situated to engage leaders from faith based organizations, government institutions, business, and diplomatic establishments. We work hand in hand to strengthen our nations collective life, religion, education, job creation, national and international business opportunities, health and human services, housing, senior care, and neighborhood excellence is part of that collective life. we meet with leaders presenting a collective voice on behalf of and in the interest of our collective life. These leaders are not concerned about individual representation but rather our reach and ability to communicate to our national association. It is our aspiration to continue our out-reach to our national association who are interested in exploring opportunities, international or otherwise, and may require contacting or meeting with select government officials, non-government and or international officials in the nation’s capital. We are here to support their efforts and strengthen our unity and representation in the nation’s capital, for the purpose of our collective community, platform, movement, and national aspiration for freedom, justice and equality.