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Operation Inasmuch

Operation Inasmuch is a worldwide ministry that comes alongside churches and pastors to equip and motivate them to obey the biblical mandate to minister to the "least of these." Using the Inasmuch model of compassion ministry, we empower believers to live out their calling to serve others and experience the joy that comes from serving. We encourage pastors who want to see their church connected in their community but don't have the time or training to do it on their own. We show believers how they can create opportunities to share the gospel by doing the gospel.

About-Face Ministries

About-Face Missions is committed to being a tool in the hand of Christ on his mission for us to connect the local western Church with the global church in need. Our vision as a para-church ministry is to locate and develop needy indigenous pastors and missionaries who are carefully following Christ’s commands to reach the world and make disciples, and then work to pair them with mature Gospel-minded pastors and congregations to encourage, support and assist them in the global Great Commission of making disciples for Christ, sharing the love of Jesus around the world.


The Anchor Foundation is a faith-based non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening and preserving relationships between children and their non-custodial parent during divorce. As an anchor on tumultuous seas, they serve as a transitional resource to children and parents addressing their spiritual, emotional and financial needs. They provide a range of essential services, based upon need, that help anchor fathers and children including setting up new bedrooms for children in their new home, connecting families with counseling services, and offering financial support to specifically ensure continuity of children’s activities.

William Penn House

William Penn House - * Is a Quaker center for exploring and making visible the Quaker Testimonies of peace, community, simplicity, equality and truth, * Nurtures and celebrates those who "Speak Truth to Power" in pursuit of peace and social justice * Has a special ministry to youth * Connects visitors from the United States and around the world with the service and witness resources of Washington D.C. * Serves as a communication center for Friends' meetings in the Washington area * Is a hospitality center on Capitol Hill that can provide lodging for up to 30 people, and rooted and grounded in Quaker faith and practice.

Brown Horse Projects

Brown Horse Project’s mission is to spread the love of Christ through mission projects that focus on water, art, music and medicine in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Brown Horse Projects works to achieve our mission by running a family medicine clinic in a remote village of Haiti. This clinic serves an isolated population, offering high-quality care affordably to those who otherwise would go without. We extend the loving hands of God without question or payment at the clinic, while staff pray with patients and offer the hope found only in Christ to all those who come through our doors. Our U.S. team coordinates several short-term mission trips annually to Haiti and the Dominican Republic that focus on medical care, health education, arts enrichment and relationship-building.

R.E.A.L. Life Community Services

Connecting the community to hope. There are a large number of youth within the Northern Lancaster County community that are from broken homes and in desperate need of “Jesus with skin on”. R.E.A.L. Youth Ministry was formed from this need and is dedicated to working with local Cocalico area churches, schools, community leaders, parents, and businesses partnering together to make a difference in these young peoples lives. Later, in 2015, we changed our name to REAL Life Community Services to better represent what we do in the community. REAL currently assists over 70 families a year with financial, emotional, and spiritual support as they better their lives.

Tri Valley Cultural Jews

TVCJ provides a welcoming home for those whose connection to the Jewish people is through family, culture and history. We are a Secular Humanistic community affiliated with Cultural and Secular Jewish Organization ( We believe that Judaism is the creation of the Jewish people. All generations are responsible for carrying it forward and adding to it. We believe that only natural forces and human beings are responsible for what happens in this world. People have the responsibility and ability to solve human problems through striving for equality, social justice and peace. We believe in the equality and dignity of every human being, and in the power of community.

Hitting Zone Baseball Bible Inc

The Hitting Zone Baseball Bible’s mission is to obey the great commission as stated in the Holy Bible in Mathew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”. The Hitting Zone Baseball Bible (HZBB), the company intends, during 2016, to raise donations from organizations and individuals who believe in providing "FREE" copies of the bible to young baseball players to foster development of their character with the possibility of leading young players to Christ. This is the company’s mission. It is HZBB’s intention to continue to expand donation levels and to reach more youth through the provision of copies of the Baseball Bible. HZBB will publish the BASEBALL BIBLE in English and Spanish to support both Christian and non-Christian organizations that conduct baseball camps, baseball mission trips or are high schools and colleges who believe top-quality professional baseball player development is not merely development of physical skills. HZBB intends to provide baseball coaches, pastors, and mission staffs with BASEBALL BIBLES to aid in the development of the character, morals, and integrity of players. We believe that the Baseball Bible is a unique and compelling way to reach youth with the Gospel and connect them with the church and Christianity today. The combination of favorite scripture verses and baseball tips from professional and collegiate players and coaches along with the New Testament is a great way to connect them with Christ.

National Capital Presbytery

“God is doing a new thing, now it springs forth. Do you perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19 Sent by the Triune God to be agents of salvation, reconciliation and justice, we empower and challenge our congregations to be Missional, Pastoral and Prophetic. Emphases through 2022 We are a relational network, proclaiming the gospel, aspiring to unity in Christ, and celebrating our diversity in service to God’s mission pursuing these emphases: 1. We will challenge, equip, and support our congregations and their leaders in their discernment of God’s invitation to discipleship and stewardship as we: a. Serve as a catalyst for mission by connecting congregations with common local, national, and international mission interests. b. Bear public witness to the love, truth, and justice of God in Jesus Christ specifically in the areas of racism and reconciliation. c. Cultivate and nurture our congregations to be communities of love striving for a healthy forgiveness and reconciliation with our neighbors, and working to dismantle the dividing walls of hostility and indifference. d. Provide a forum for our leaders and congregations to equip them with the skills for adaptive change. e. Connect ruling elders across congregations enriching their missional identity as apostles sent into the world to serve God’s mission. f. Actively explore new ways of empowering and equipping congregations in their discipleship formation of children, youth, young and older adults. 2. We will launch new Christian communities. 3. We will provide care, oversight and accountability for teaching elders and certified educators.

Moadon Kol Chadash

Moadon Kol Chadash is a vibrant center for Jewish learning and education. Our mission is to give children and their families an opportunity to touch their roots, explore their heritage, discover the joys of Judaism, and forge a strong connection to Israel. The acquisition of Hebrew as a second language is a driving force in all our programs. Moadon was established in December of 1989 by a group of parents who sought to replicate the joy of Hebrew learning they had felt at a Jewish summer camp, in an after-school Jewish educational program. Out of this aspiration emerged Moadon Kol Chadash, or “club for a new voice”—an experiential program focusing on Israel and Jewish education via modern Hebrew.


To be a vibrant Jewish campus presence and to involve the maximum number of university-age Jews in ways that foster a lasting commitment to Jewish life. To further this mission, we commit ourselves to the following goals: - Serving the needs of individual Jewish students. - Creatively engaging and empowering Jewish students through personal interactions and compelling programs. - Building a strong sense of belonging and Jewish identity. - Nurturing intellectual and spiritual growth in a pluralistic community. - Advocating for Jewish student needs on campus and in the community. - Linking the campus community to the larger Jewish community, locally and globally. - Helping students cultivate a closer connection to Israel. - Developing a campus and organizational culture in which the quality of the relationships attracts involvement.

Feed The Hunger

Feed the Hunger is a Christian mission organization that helps people in spiritual and physical need. We have a particular emphasis on connecting with Christian leaders seeking to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16–20). Feed the Hunger equips these leaders to feed spiritual hunger with tools like Bibles, bicycles, and micro-enterprise projects. Physical hunger is met through the provision of nutritious food, clean water, and emergency aid and relief. We seek to meet these needs in three target audiences: (1) at-risk children in America and overseas, (2) those in crisis situations, such as refugees and victims of natural disasters, and (3) ethnic groups that are just beginning to be reached with the message of Jesus.