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Displaying 577–588 of 623

Franciscan Works

Franciscan Works is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty for the poorest of poor children in developing countries through education rooted in Gospel values in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. We develop the individual potential of children living in poverty so that they can live as God intended, making full use of their talents and abilities for the common benefit, in communion with God, nature and all humankind. Liberia Mission, Inc., located in West Africa, is the primary project of Franciscan Works. Liberia Mission is a community of love, learning, work and prayer. Here, children who were poor or orphaned - survivors of Liberia's long and brutal civil war - are learning to become future leaders in their families, communities, and country. We believe in "empowering the children of Liberia through faith and education."

Willow Creek Community Church

As a Compassion & Justice ministry, the Care Center’s mission is: Fighting poverty and injustice so that lives are transformed and Jesus is known. We live out this mission by sharing the hope and love of Christ while meeting basic needs and offering long-term solutions that empower people toward a more stable future. Core values We hold firmly to the following core values: Dignity. We believe in creating a radically inclusive community where people are treated with dignity and respect regardless of their ethnic, economic, legal, or religious status. Hope. We believe true hope is found in a redemptive relationship with Jesus Christ. Transformation. We believe transformation occurs in the hearts of those serving and being served, as God redeems hurting people and broken situations.

Discover The Book Ministries

DTBM is a partnership of people from everywhere John Barnett has ministered (SC, CA, NY, MI, RI, OK, etc.) who help spread God’s Word through taking the lessons already taught to a local church and making them available free of charge all over the USA and the World.John Barnett founded DTBM in 1998, as a non-profit 501c3 Oklahoma incorporated, outreach ministry. Currently, DTBM is sending evangelistic and Bible teaching materials (books, study guides, CDs, radio shows, web-based materials, etc) to over 160 countries around the world. The main offices are in Tulsa but there are other locations we support for translation work (in Russia, Jordan, Brazil, Korea, etc.) and to produce daily broadcasts.


Brothers And Sisters In Christ Believe Christ Saves, also known as BASICBCS is aimed at creating change. As a faith based distribution center for charitable giving we carefully choose projects and families that will create the most value per dollar spent (Value=Cost:Results). We are aimed at not only raising money for the less fortunate, but also hosting events designed to get people plugged back into churches, FOR THE RIGHT REASONS! We also participate in disaster clean up projects, mission trips abroad, and anywhere else we are needed. We simply aim at fostering positive change in any way that we are able to contribute. Our hearts and minds are always open to new ideas and new missions, so feel free to contact us anytime with suggestions and/or prayer requests.

Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation

Tzu Chi missions are a network of universal love. Tzu Chi works in the missions of charity, medicine, education and humanitarian with the spirit of sincerity, integrity, trust and honesty. We believe in the equality of all beings and the Buddha-nature latent in every person. Through charity, the rich can obtain blessings and joy while the poor can receive security and peace. With love, compassion, joy and selfless giving, Tzu Chi members strive to bring about the pure world of Tzu Chi through helping the needy, giving joy and eliminating suffering. We invite all people of goodwill to join us in purifying minds, pacifying the society and working towards a disaster-free world. "Respect, Gratitude and Love-Serving with Compassion" this is what Tzu Chi way.

Principle Based Leadership

To develop men into servant-first leaders worldwide; to train men to discover and live out their created-for purpose in authentic community as a Band of Brothers, loving husbands and fathers, and as followers of Jesus, the ultimate servant leader; to leverage the advance of the Kingdom of God on earth by aligning with like-minded social activist and faith-based organizations to bind up the broken hearted, empower the poor, rescue women and children at risk, mentor and rehabilitate prisoners, set free those who are bound in chains, and awaken those who sleep. And while doing so with all diligence and genuine humility, acknowledging and deflecting any and all credit or praise to our Father in Heaven who gave us life, the will and love to serve others, and every gift we have to give.

Impact Stories
Christian Cosmetology Association International

The Christian Cosmetology International Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit outreach ministry to the Beauty Industry. The mission is to pray, intercede, and to empower Cosmetologists physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually to achieve their highest level. To support Cosmetologists who are physically and or mentally disabled due to accidents or mental illness. To provide living benefits, which include terminal illness, critical injury, chronic illness, and pre-need cremation, funeral, and burial plans. To help Cosmetologists plan and prepare for a solid future by offering life insurance products and retirement strategies for legacy building. To equip Future Professionals with the tools needed for Growth and Personal Development for a successful career. To support the Cosmetologists who have special needs by giving back to the lives of individuals who have unselfishly shared their gifts and talents to beautify and edify the world. My passion for the Beauty Industry began over 50 years ago when I acquired my cosmetology license. My vision became clear when I accepted the call from God to attend the Apostle Frederick K C Price School of Ministry. Upon graduation with honors, I received my ministry license and ordination from, the late, Apostle Frederick K. C. Price and my Honorary Doctorate from St. Stephens Bible College. Ultimately, my profession and ministry were ordained to assist Cosmetologists in successfully orchestrating their lives and careers to ensure they avoid burnout and do not end up mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually bankrupt. After I became a licensed insurance agent, it made me aware of the importance of Cosmetologists planning ahead for a healthy and secure future. Statistics say that 50% of Americans retire broke because of improper preparation. I have personally experienced the pitfalls of being unprepared for the inevitable. Meaning that your body can only withstand so much trauma and misuse before it breaks down physically and mentally unless it is been cared for properly. To live in harmony with a balanced lifestyle, your spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and financial stability are all learned and practiced good behaviors. That can only be taught by an expert like myself who lived through the ups and downs of my life and career as a Beauty Industry Professional. My vision is clear for the (CCIA)Christian Cosmetology International Association. It is a marketplace ministry whose purpose is to serve Cosmetologists and Beauty Industry Professionals as an opportunity to fulfill the calling of God upon my life and ministry. My goals are to use my experiences, gifts, talents, and skills collectively to enhance, enrich, empower, and impact the lives of Cosmetologists worldwide. Mark 16:15...Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature (cosmetologists)...John 8:31 You are my disciples indeed. We welcome, thank you, and appreciate your prayers and financial support. Love Joy and Peace, Dr. Stella Spicer Founder Est. 1987-2022 Website:

Sisters Of Providence Of Saint Mary Of The Woods

The Sisters of Providence were founded in 1840 in West-Central Indiana by Saint Mother Theodore Guerin and her five sister companions from France. Their mission was to bring the gift of education to the young people of the wilderness and to serve as witnesses of God's love. They set about these tasks with great faith and determination, succeeded in establishing schools and orphanages, tending to the sick among their neighbors and sharing the light of God's Providence with whomever they met.Now, in modern times, the Sisters of Providence have expanded their mission to include non-traditional forms of education outside of the classroom. Today you will find the sisters educating the public about environmental and social justice issues, serving as chaplains in prisons and hospitals, providing homes for foster children, advocating for the homeless and rural poor, operating food pantries and a free medical clinic, and counseling families and the elderly. Wherever there is need of God's healing and love, a Sister of Providence will serve.

A Community Of Transformation

A Community of Transformation (ACT) is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to transformation in individuals, communities and the earth. We strive to integrate mind, body and spirit to achieve peace, harmony and wisdom. Our Vision – An inspirational, heart-centered community that nurtures profound transformation. Society is undergoing a fundamental transformation in the way it views the world and our role in it. A new world view is unfolding and it is our goal to assist individuals as they open to this new reality, shifting from a material and limited world, to an interconnected world of relationships, rich in meaning, and alive with consciousness and spirit. This evolving scientific understanding of the Universe encompasses the potentials and powers of consciousness including: perceptions, beliefs, attention, intention, and intuition. These new understandings give us a solid framework for creating our lives, playing an active role in attracting what we want. This framework also underscores our significant role in creating the future of the planet and, ultimately, the universe.

Both Hands Foundation

Both Hands mission is to fulfill James 1:27 by serving orphans, widows, and Christian adoptive families. One of the main reasons people don't proceed with the adoption process is because of the high cost, typically between $25,000-$50,000. Both Hands is an different kind of adoption fundraiser that strives to eliminate that financial barrier with the average family raising $22,000 per project in 2021 and 2022!  Both Hands helps adoptive families and volunteer groups organize service projects for widows while raising funds for adoptions and orphan causes. Similar to a 5k race, the family or group gathers a team of volunteers who raise sponsorship for their day of service with the funds raised going towards adoption expenses for family projects or adoption grants for group projects. The widow receives free help around their home and all of the volunteers have a chance to serve their community. Both Hands - One for the Widow. One for the Orphan.


In Monroe County, Indiana, a person earning minimum wage must work 72 hours every week of the year to afford a two-bedroom apartment. In a county where 1 in 5 people are living in poverty, unaffordable housing holds our community back from being a place that families can call “home”. Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County’s mission is to eliminate poverty housing by building simple, decent, affordable homes in partnership with qualifying families. Habitat homeowners pay interest-free, no-profit mortgages, which are used to build more habitat houses. Because houses are principally built with volunteer labor, mortgage payments are affordable for low-income partners. Habitat qualifying families, or partner families, are selected based on their need for housing, ability to repay the no-interest mortgage and willingness to partner with habitat by earning 250 hours of “sweat equity” or volunteer time. Through the work of thousands of volunteers and organizations, habitat for humanity of monroe county has built approx. 170 homes.

Shores Of Grace Ministries

Shores of Grace is a worship and missionary ministry currently headquartered in Recife, Brazil, led by Nic and Rachael Billman. Our focus is setting those in prostitution and abuse free and walking them through restoration; taking the love of the Father to the poor and the broken and helping them see their true value, and equipping and serving the church in Brazil (with bases in Recife, Rio and Fortaleza). The goal of our staff is to reveal Father God in all that we do. Whether we’re leading worship in a church, walking the streets of Brazil or shopping at the local grocery store, we want to reveal the Father. This is the calling that God has placed on our lives and we believe it’s a calling for the whole church, for all of the sons and daughters of the living God. To live a life of compassion and power where miracles and healing follow us everywhere we go, just as they did with Jesus. We also have a base in Philadelphia, PA where Luke and Alisan Billman live their lives with compassion and power for the people in communities surrounding their home.