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Displaying 589–600 of 680

Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya (I.M.A.M.)

The Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya (I.M.A.M.), Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization that serves as the liaison office of the Supreme Religious Authority, Ayatullah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, in North America. We are devoted to building a strong Shia community in North America by serving as the central point of contact between the religious authority and the centers, organizations, and faithful believers. We are passionately dedicated to the advancement of the Muslim communities in North America – whether it be in the religious, spiritual, educational or social realms. Our mission is to serve the advancement of Muslims in North America through the direction of the Supreme Religious Authority (Marjaeya) in implementing the teachings of Almighty God, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his Holy Progeny (peace be upon them).

Principle Based Leadership

To develop men into servant-first leaders worldwide; to train men to discover and live out their created-for purpose in authentic community as a Band of Brothers, loving husbands and fathers, and as followers of Jesus, the ultimate servant leader; to leverage the advance of the Kingdom of God on earth by aligning with like-minded social activist and faith-based organizations to bind up the broken hearted, empower the poor, rescue women and children at risk, mentor and rehabilitate prisoners, set free those who are bound in chains, and awaken those who sleep. And while doing so with all diligence and genuine humility, acknowledging and deflecting any and all credit or praise to our Father in Heaven who gave us life, the will and love to serve others, and every gift we have to give.

Jewish Federation Of Madison

The mission of the Jewish Federation of Madison is to work toward building a strong and unified Jewish community in order to ensure the survival, well-being and continuity of the Jewish people in this area, in Israel and throughout the world. The Federation acts to develop the resources and create the initiatives required to support agencies, activities, services and programs which strive to fulfill this mission. The primary goals pursued by the Federation to fulfill this mission are: To develop human and financial resources; To encourage and support Jewish educational programs, formal and informal, at all levels; To support the social service needs of the Jewish community; To affirm, support and strengthen our relationship with the people of and the State of Israel; To enhance the quality of life for Jews in other countries and to support the migration of Jews in peril; To maintain effective relationships and understanding between the Jewish community and the community-at-large.

Reflections Of Trinity

Reflections of Trinity serves to meet the basic needs of those in crisis and facilitates structured opportunities for people to engage in meaningful community service. Organizational Outcomes: - 100% of program participants have access to nutritional groceries - 100% of program participants have access to clothing, furniture and housewares - 100% have access to or receive referrals to supportive services - 60% of seniors served experience reduction in hospitalizations due to a lack of nutrition. To achieve these outcomes, we: - Build client relationships to better understand the needs of the community and evaluate program impact. - Provide food to those that are food insecure - Provide clothing, housewares and furniture to those in crisis situations - Assist seniors with household tasks that would improve their daily life - Facilitate events for seniors to combat social isolation and promote interaction. - Connect program participants with partner agencies that can assist with any other areas of need.


Affirmation does charter itself for the purpose and position herein stated, as a charitable, service, educational and religious oriented association: As members and friends of the gay and lesbian community, it is our intention to work for the understanding and acceptance of gays and lesbians as full, equal and worthy persons within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and society, and to help them realize and affirm self-worth. Affirmation: Gay and Lesbian Mormons is a welcoming community and welcomes all persons regardless of sex, race, color, age, national origin, religion, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Affirmation supports and encourages its members by assisting them in dealing with the Church, their families, employers, work associates and social contacts. The association offers its members strength and support in solving personal problems through mutual acceptance and fellowship.

Sisters Of Providence Of Saint Mary Of The Woods

The Sisters of Providence were founded in 1840 in West-Central Indiana by Saint Mother Theodore Guerin and her five sister companions from France. Their mission was to bring the gift of education to the young people of the wilderness and to serve as witnesses of God's love. They set about these tasks with great faith and determination, succeeded in establishing schools and orphanages, tending to the sick among their neighbors and sharing the light of God's Providence with whomever they met.Now, in modern times, the Sisters of Providence have expanded their mission to include non-traditional forms of education outside of the classroom. Today you will find the sisters educating the public about environmental and social justice issues, serving as chaplains in prisons and hospitals, providing homes for foster children, advocating for the homeless and rural poor, operating food pantries and a free medical clinic, and counseling families and the elderly. Wherever there is need of God's healing and love, a Sister of Providence will serve.

The Summit Church Denver

The Summit is a community of men and women who follow Jesus Christ and live out his mission to the city of Denver and the world. At the core of this vision are a few important beliefs: GOSPEL: Jesus is active today and is transforming lives by His Spirit—a reality made possible because He lived the sinless life we couldn't live, died the sacrificial death that we deserved, and resurrected from the grave to reign forever! Now, by the power of His Spirit, we boldly proclaim the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and the hope that this Good News offers to the city. COMMUNITY: The gospel does not just free individuals from the tyranny of sin and evil, it also restores us to right relationship with God and others. Thus, life isn’t meant to be lived alone – we need friends and family to partner with us on this journey. God desires that those who follow Jesus live in community rather than isolation in order to grow with one another and be changed by His gospel in radical ways. This community is called the Church. MISSION: Since the beginning of Creation, God has been on a mission to make himself known to humanity. Though this was ruined by sin, through Jesus, we are restored and empowered to take part in God's mission of reconciliation and salvation to the world. Therefore, we exist not for ourselves but rather for the joy and good of the people around us. In sum, we are serious about following Jesus by the power of his Spirit. We want to understand his gospel with excellence, and as a result, live well in community and on mission to the city of Denver.

Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim

Rooted deeply. Our association with KKBE links us to a distinguished past. As one of the oldest congregations in America (founded in 1749), the birthplace of Reform Judaism in America (1824), and home to the oldest sanctuary in continuous use for Jewish worship in America, we are committed to preserving the legacy of our heritage. We come to KKBE to feel the spiritual uplift that comes from connecting with our deep roots. And, with pride, we share the stories of our historic congregation, sanctuary, and cemetery with visitors from throughout our city, country, and around the world. Growing wisely. At KKBE, “Reform” is a verb. Through reflection, study, experimentation and change, we affirm the ability of our congregation, and its individual members, to grow and evolve Jewishly. We strive to be lifelong learners, open to finding wisdom in ancient texts and spirituality in modern songs. We take seriously the mandate of Reform Judaism to make “educated choices;” we empower our members and educate our children to make Judaism a meaningful and significant part of their lives. Cultivating community. We seek to be an inclusive community for all individuals who wish to make KKBE their spiritual home. As we support one another through our joys and sorrows, as we come together to the rhythm of the Jewish calendar, we grow together as a congregation, as a family. Just as we cultivate relationships within the walls of our synagogue with care and intentionality, so too do we cultivate inclusivity and opportunity throughout the wider community. We embrace our sacred teaching not just to seek justice and peace, but to pursue them.


The Preschool program has been established as a service to the families and children of our area communities. The curriculum emphasizes teaching the whole child by seeking to provide opportunities for the social, mental, physical, and spiritual development of the child. Active play is balanced with quiet activity to prevent fatigue and over stimulation. Within a Christian atmosphere the staff seeks to teach readiness skills in reading, math and writing, a beginning exploration of science, music and art appreciation and a weekly language experience in Spanish. Creative play, traffic safety, field trips, nutritional morning snacks and interdenominational Christian education are also part of the program. This includes an anti-bias multi-cultural curriculum. The Preschool program is organized to nurture in children a positive self-image where they can work, learn and play with companions of their own age in a friendly, happy, atmosphere, where there is cooperative democratic living and where children can gain new skills, appreciation and good habits.

Diocese Of Southeast Florida

St. Matthew's is concerned with the developmental growth of children. Our students learn through active exploration and interaction with the teacher, parents, other children and materials using hands-on activities in a non-academic atmosphere. Experiences are provided that meet children's needs and stimulate learning in all developmental areas -physical, social, emotional, and intellectual. Each child is viewed as a unique person with an individual pattern and timing of growth and development. The curriculum and adults' interaction are responsive to individual differences in ability and interests. Different levels of ability, development, and learning styles are expected, accepted, and used to design appropriate activities. Interactions and activities are designed to develop children's self-esteem and positive feelings toward learning. St. Matthew's also provides a unique involvement and learning experience for parents. ​St. Matthew's Cooperative Preschool does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion or ethnic origin. Our educational philosophy is Christian centered, promoting values which include affirming the inherent worth and dignity of every person, justice, equity and compassion in human relations.

Maryknoll Sisters Of St. Dominic

Mission in the Third Millennium challenges Maryknoll Sisters to respond as women yearning for authentic justice and reconciliation in the midst of a fractured and divided world.  Called to reflect God's compassionate and inclusive love, we are sent to walk with peoples of many lands, crossing the boundaries of culture, race and religious beliefs.     Maryknoll Sisters live the gospel values through a variety of ministries. We are engaged in evangelization, pastoral work, education and social welfare, medicine, communications, agriculture and science.  We serve the poor wherever we find them: in their homes, in prisons, in hospitals, in refugee camps, and on the streets.     Some of us work with youth groups, women and the elderly, and in the arts and communications.  Others promote and participate in ecumenical and interfaith dialogue.  Often we find ourselves networking with national and international non‑governmental organizations.     Wherever we are and in whatever we do, we strive to participate effectively in the mission presence and activity of the Universal Church so that God's Reign of peace, justice and love may be proclaimed and witnessed to throughout the world.  Mission means seeding hope wherever we are.

Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Chicago Chapter

Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association Chicago Chapter (DDMBA-Chicago) was established in 1993. We are a local affiliate chapter of Dharma Drum Mountain (DDM) Taiwan, and are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization in the United States. At DDMBA-Chicago, we teach and promote the understanding and practice of Chan Buddhism, cultivating wisdom and compassion, and the freedom and ease of body and mind through Chan practice. The vision behind our efforts is that of “Uplifting the Character of Humanity and Building a Pure Land on Earth” as promoted by our late teacher and Founder of DDM, Chan Master Sheng Yen. Our localized mission is to create a vibrant and sustainable community by encouraging spiritual growth and promoting happiness. To achieve the vision and mission, we offer various practice and caring programs, including group meditation programs, chanting, book study, social activities, and more. Through fluent English and Chinese language skills, we help to bring benefits to both English- and Chinese-speakers, in their individual lives and throughout the society, through an understanding of Buddhism as a living philosophy.