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California School Age Consortium

Since 1982, the California School-Age Consortium has worked to support and advance professionals and organizations in providing quality and affordable out-of-school time programs. Our vision is that out-of-school time will be a public priority throughout California. Through our leadership, out-of-school time professionals and programs will be valued like teachers and schools as an essential service supported by government, business and community resources. We accomplish our mission through a focus on: Connecting professionals; Enhancing competency; and Building a community. We approach our work with a commitment to: Developing high quality, equity driven leaders; Enhancing local capacity and sustainability; and Building a collective and influential voice. We provide an array of free and low cost services including: Training and professional development, leadership development and advocacy.

Impact Stories
Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation

The Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization #20-1702191 is dedicated to honoring the life of our inspiration, Jimmy Miller, by supporting the healing of mental and physical illness through surfing and ocean related activities. Through recreational, education, and mentoring programs, the Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation enables surfers, educators, therapists, lifeguards and friends to help people affected by mental and physical illness feel the joy and healing power of the ocean and surfing. JMMF pioneered the formation of an adaptive surfing program titled Ocean Therapy, where surfing is used as a means to increase self-esteem and self-efficacy in individuals suffering from mental and/or physical illness. The Ocean Therapy program is currently working with at risk children in the Los Angeles foster care community, veterans from all branches of the military and injured Marines in the Wounded Warrior Battalion in Camp Pendleton. We are looking to expand our programming to the addiction/recovery populations, victims and survivors of mass public and terrorist attacks, those suffering from suicidal ideation and anxiety, depression and other mental health illnesses.

Nature Nurture CIC

Nature Nurture is a social enterprise whose mission is to engage communities with nature to enhance health & wellbeing, support resilient communities and foster custodians of nature. We deliver nature-based interventions including green social prescribing, education & conservation programmes, community events, horticultural therapy & community gardening. We enable urban communities to engage with the nature on their doorstep & co-create places where wildlife & people thrive. We draw from a variety of approaches, including Forest School, Earth Education & the creative arts. These serve as conduits to nature connection, social cohesion, conservation, climate awareness & action. Please Note: Nature Nurture is a Community Interest Company Limited by guarantee. This legal form is 'not-for-profit' and is for organisations who pursue a social and/ or environmental purpose. If it is dissolved the residual assets will be preserved for the community rather than distributed to members.

Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation, Inc.

The Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation connects Americans with their wilderness heritage by providing access to and stewardship of one of the world's most spectacular places -Montana's Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex, the crown jewel of the Wilderness System. We help hundreds of hard-working volunteers, including youth, develop a land ethic and give back to the wilderness by opening trails, restoring heavily used areas, maintaining historic structures and fighting weeds. Active wilderness stewardship is our mission. The Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation: Provides its hard-working volunteers with a unique back country experience Works cooperatively with the US Forest Service to engage youth groups, individual volunteers and other organizations. Opens and clears trails enjoyed by thousands of wilderness users year-round Ensures that future generations will continue to have safe access to The Bob Is a non-profit, tax deductible 501(c)3 organization dependent on donations

South Sudan Grassroots Initiative for Development(SSGID)

South Sudan Grassroots Initiative for Development (SSGID) is a National non-profit, Humanitarian and Development community organization established in the year 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice (Registration Number 1921) and the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (Registration Number 350). SSGID was founded by a group of women and youth of South Sudan with the aim of responding to the ever increasing social, economic, and health challenges affecting the predominantly rural / pastoral population of the Country. SSGID philosophy is based on the principle of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) where target communities are viewed as ASSETS with lots of opportunities, resources and ability to influence their desired outcomes other than as Problem Centres for humanitarian actions. SSGID, therefore, supports communities through a wide range of programmes that are community-driven with a niche on community innovation and problem solving. SSGID's programmes are focussed on vulnerable women and girls because SSGID subscribes to the belief that "if you educate a woman, you educate a nation." In addition women and girls are the worst affected categories of people in South Sudan as far as poverty, education attainment, human rights violation besides being marginalized in development programmes. SSGID also believes that youths play a very key role in transforming societies and are regarded to be having proactive minds towards development as well as being enthusiastic members of the society. SSGID provides Livelihood skills training and capacity building programmes to empower the young women and men in the communities so that they could contribute to their own development and build a resilient and sustainable community Vision Statement: Just, educated, healthy, equitable, peace loving and self-sustaining communities. Mission Statement: Dynamic partnership with communities to promote peace, reduce inequality, hunger, ignorance, poverty and diseases. Our MOTTO: To improve the health status and wellbeing of the vulnerable women and girls in communities through community driven: Livelihoods improvement, Girl Child Education, Promotion of health and sanitation, progressive culture, gender and protection programmes. Objectives: SSGID is driven by the following core objectives in its programme design and interaction with various Promotion and strengthening of sustainable agriculture among women and youth. Improvement of health and solidification of communities' response to emerging health issues. Women and youth empowerment through education and human rights advocacy. Promotion of peaceful co-existence among citizens and proactive participation in good governance stakeholders. Equity Promoting equitable and equal opportunities for all the beneficiaries and in employment in SSGID. Integrity A very high sense of moral and ethical standards in all SSGID dealings with all stakeholders and the public. Transparency and Accountability A very high level of openness and responsibility to all its stakeholders Respect Holding SSGID stakeholders with a high level of esteem and appreciation. Teamwork Always promoting teamwork spirit among its employees. The objectives for which SSGID operates are to ultimately give dignity to the people of South Sudan and to make them realise and enjoy a peaceful coexistence from within South Sudan and with the wider world community. Specifically, this will be achieved through the following objectives: i. Advocate for the large communities' social and development interests. ii. Mobilize local resources and other sources of incomes from individuals, international organisations, State governments and groups in furthering its mission. iii. Promote and carry out research, in furthering of its activities. iv. Promote community activities through singular or join workshops, exhibitions, meetings, lecture classes, seminars and training courses. v. Collect and disseminate information and exchange such information with other bodies having similar objects whether in South Sudan or overseas. vi. To acquire any moveable or immovable property and any buildings or things whatsoever and sell, dispose of Mortgage, lease or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property or rights of the Organization. vii. To enter into any arrangement with any governments or authorities that may seem conducive to the Organization's objects or any of them, and to obtain from such government or authority any rights, privileges and concessions which the Organization may think desirable to obtain. viii. To promote or assist in the promotion of any organization or company or other body having objects similar to those of the Organization. ix. Undertake, execute, manage and/or assist in any charitable work that may be lawfully undertaken, managed or assisted by other organisations. x. Write, publish, print or otherwise reproduce, circulate, gratuitously or otherwise distribute such documents, papers, books, newsletters, periodic, pamphlets or other documents, films and/or record tapes, (whether audio or visual or both) as shall be permitted by the laws of Publication and Access to Information Act of the Republic of South Sudan. xi. Carry out any such other lawful thing as may be necessary for the said objectives. SSGID supports vulnerable communities of South Sudan by acting in the following areas i. Rescue, provide emergency care, rehabilitate and resettle women and children and other IDPs. ii. Promote community health. iii. Improve community water, sanitation and hygiene. iv. Advocate and work for gender empowerment. v. Promote Education in emergency and peace situations. vi. Engage in Peace Building and Human Rights promotion at community level. vii. Promote Youth and women Enterprise and Vocational Skills Development. viii. Carry out Humanitarian Emergencies. ix. Engage in Research and Development. x. Promote vocational trainings for children, youth, women and adults. xi. Carry out life skills education children, youth and adults. Field Offices S/No. Location Role 1. Juba Headquarters 2. Wau Field Programs Office 3. Kuajok Field Programs Office 4. Aweil Field Programs Office 5. Tonj South Field Programs Office 6 Torit Field Programs Office 7 Malakal Field Programs Office 8 Rumbek Field Programs Office Management and staff of SSGID i. Board of Directors constituted by 7 members that decides on SSGID policies, supervises Senior Management, approves work plans, budget and auditors. ii. Senior Management comprising of 53 staffs that include Executive Director, Programs Manager and Finance Manager, Gender Youth and Development Manager and among other posts iii. Program Implementation and administration Staff comprising of the following but not limited to the following: Program Officers, Gender and Protection Officers, Logistics Officers, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Human Resource Officers and Support Staff.

Asd Sportinzona Melina Miele

Sportinzona Melina Miele is a sport association that was born in 2010 in order to promote social inclusion trough sport. It was founded by people that want to make a change in their community. The founders, the board members and the staff have in common the passion for sports and a background as social workers or civil right's activism or as a volunteer of the organization. CONTEST ANALYSIS In Milan there are nearly 114,000 young adults between 11 and 20 years old, around 24,000 among them come from a foreign country. A large portion of it does not have access to sport for economic, social and cultural reason and this build higher barriers on the path of integration and cohesion, especially for migrant young generations. Moreover, in the last years it has been noted a serious abandonement of sport practice in younger generations, with negative consequences on their health and socialization with other young people and opening to disadvantage bringing in some cases to the increase of negative behaviours. (From the 2017 Special Eurobarometer on Sport and physical activity emerged that Italy is not one of the best perfomer. The 62% of the of respondents never exercise or play sport and just the 1% are the most likely to exercise or play sport regularly, which is the lowest rate in EU.) There is a real need to promote sport not just as a way to improve physical appereance, as it is perceived for the 33% of respondents of the report, but as a vehicle of well being, inclusion and social values. The organization aims to convert this perception through a series of communication and empirical activities that will impress the audience. It aims to demonstrate the positive effects from which people can benefit (making sport/physical activity a part of their everyday lives, spending time with disadvantage people and new citizens) as individual and part of a community. One of the aim of our projects is to develop an exchange relationship between sport societies and socio-educational subjects which will have the following effects: - creating more sport opportunities for young generations living in the city, especially disadvantaged urban areas, in order to foster their access to social rights; - breaking down access barriers to sport societies for disadvantaged young people and encouraging the creation of a varied context from a social and cultural point of view; - innovating the sport associations and societies approach by enhancing the educational and inclusive feature carachterising the relational dimension of sport. In the last years we found on the field that in order to do an ficient educational work with kids, playing soccer, volleyball, rugby or basketball is the first step for the beginning of a important human relationship. MISSION SPORTINZONA seeks to address the main Milan's city urban challenges of the inequities, polarized communities,as well as micro/macro segregation emerging in all the Milanese areas. For this reason, sport could be identified as a complementary and integrated means to face them. To furtherly implement those aspects, there is a need of three types of experienced professionists: sport technicians, educators and volunteers specifically trained on those aspects. Generally speaking, according to the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations , the practice of sport and the incentivation of sports through the event will contribute to sustainable development and to the establishment of a climate of peace, tolerance and respect among people. vertheless, the entire event will support the rising of awareness among younger generations on the social potential that sport practice can generate bringing to: new and more traditional ways of socializing, creation of a greater sense of ownership to the community, respect and knowledge of different cultures, respect of common rules and civic engagement, incentivation to volunteering actions, affirmation of new non-formal places and methods of educating youth. In particular sport will allow to raise awareness on the importance of policy geneder toright the message that sport is accessible to everybody: man, female, disadvantaged and disabled people and new citizens. As indirect effect our projects tackles the issues of: early school drop out, cohesion and fight against racism and xenophobia, respect of civic obligations and rules avoiding disaffection to institutional life, alongside with the topic of healthy standards of life (avoidance of drug abuse, healthy eating habits, healthy non web based socialization options). OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the projects are: 1. Experimenting an integrated and multidisciplinary practice combining different fields of intervenction; 2. Encouraging the development of a methodology that allows the enhancement of sport as an educational opportunity that contaminates both the skills and knowledge of the educators and sports technicians; 3. Organizing events; 4. Encouraging the development of "sport as a means of social inclusion city policy" with the public administration-private ngo's stakeholders network 5. Offering opportunities for sports to people who are usually excluded due to access barriers; 6. Support social inclusion processes by promoting the possibility of creating new groups in which subjects from different cultural and social backgrounds meet and compare sport as a cross community action and instrument. ACTIVITIES Sportinzona would like to be an infrastucture to fill the gap. The organization is working with professional educators, pedagogists, sociologists, psichologists, trainers, with specific formal training and certified sport skills with the following activities: 1) build networks for social projects that use sports as a tool and opportunity for a better reach of kids with disadvantage backgrounds. 2) organization of sport activities such as team trainings, tournaments events in the outskirt areas of Milan's city. 3) setting a No League sport-educative methodolgy that has an important educative impact, using sport has the main efficienct tool. 4) acrivities in order to promote a change in the grassroot's sport culture where the differences can be a richness for all. Meetings, trainings workshops, conferences. 5) activities thet promote innovation in the working methods, giving voice to the actors and to the the participants in the evaluation process. European projects, multi tasking events with music, culture, sport engaging the No League community in the organization. 6) engage the trainers, educators, kids and family in a community path where everybody is important and connected trough links over the sport field into other life's fields 7) active citizenship activities for the community, involving the actors of the projects in different and changing roles during the different phases of the projects. From being an athlete and player, kids can become trainers and referees as soon as they get older and they still want to support the organization's programs. The organization will provide trainings and tools in collaboration with the national and local sports federations, universities, schools etc. Our organization has one main umbrella project: No League, with different targetted projects: No League social games, No League all star, No League@school, sport4trotter. The project NO LEAGUE, use sport as a tool to promote positive values such as inclusion, equality, cooperation, respect and solidarity. Within an integrated public-private system, we seek to see a change in the approach to sport by breaking down silos and taking a more streamlined and holistic method, especially for what concern the creation of an integration between social service and sport. The idea is to develop a multidisciplinary board combining the capacity building of the public stakeholders, the academic know-how and the expertise of sport and social-educational territorial subjects. Being together is the prerequisite for a better inclusion, because it is evident now more than ever that it is possible to overcome challenges only if "no one is left behind". To do this it is necessary to create a network that aggregates the most relevant players in Milan, not only in sport field.

Peace Passers

Through the game of soccer, Peace Passers helps spread joy, promote peace, and connect local and global communities.

Pull Your Heart Out

To provide an educational mentorship program using strength sports as an outlet and deterrent to prevent disease, disordered eating, drug addiction, and violence within the at-risk youth and underserved population. We create a community where people feel supported while achieving their goals.

Krd Foundation


Koreatown Youth And Community Center

The mission of the Koreatown Youth and Community Center, Inc. (KYCC) is to serve the evolving needs of the Korean American population in the greater Los Angeles Area as well as the multi-ethnic Koreatown community. KYCC's programs and services are directed toward recently immigrated, economically disadvantaged youth and families, and to promote community socio-economic empowerment.

Marthas Vineyard Boys And Girls Club Inc

The Mission of the Martha's Vineyard Boys & Girls Club is to provide quality programs and services to all ages of the Island-wide youth population that will prepare them for healthy and productive lives through professionally developed programs that help to develop self-esteem, leadership skills, personal values, and mutual respect, in fun and safe environments.

Friends Of Tryon Creek Park

The mission of Friends of Tryon Creek, in partnership with Oregon State Parks, is to inspire every community to identify, cultivate or reclaim their relationship with nature in this cherished urban forest. Our vision is an inclusive community connected to this cherished urban forest now and for future generations.