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Inter-American Restoration Corporation

Vision Statement- To provide social restoration for third-world countries and the US in all phases of social interaction, including: health and medical, spiritual, social, educational, and vocational spheres of human existence. Mission Statement-The Inter-American Restoration Corporation is committed to addressing the needs of impoverished, underprivileged, or traumatized people, both at home and abroad. Established as a 501C3 corporation in 2002, IRC has strategically incorporated first-world resources, business practices, and efficiency with compassion and focus. The result has been to provide necessary and needed relief directly to the people who lack life's essential conveniences. Driven to satisfy the complete spectrum of the individual, IRC is dedicated to facilitating the spiritual, educational, physical, and the community needs of the person. As such, IRC directs projects geared toward the revitalization of the whole person and whole community. VALUES: 1) We Value the strength of community to empower operations, to leverage opportunities, and enhance communication. 2) We Value individual passions. 3) We Value organization that leads to efficient process, purposeful actions, and dynamic results.4) We Value Spiritual leadership as expressed in outward, inward and unseen actions. 5) We Value the necessity of empowering indigenous peoples to take control of their own social destiny. 6)We Value cultures of all kinds 7) We value opportunity.

Rural Urban Partnership for Africa, RUPFA in accronym

1.0 MISSION AND VISION 1.1 MISSION To alleviate poverty, reverse rural urban migration and promote self-reliance among the people. 1.2 VISSION Ensuring partnership of rural communities with the urban cities to reverse rural urban drift; by organizing income generation activities, community infrastructional development and community mobilization concept. 1.2 GOAL To promote environment promote and livelihood development for the relief of socio-economic problems and mismanagement of resources with the focus on women and children. 2.0 ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE 2.1 BRIEF HISTORY Rural Urban Partnership for Africa (RUPFA) is a Non-Governmental Organization in Africa headquartered in Accra, Ghana. It main aim is to fight poverty in our society especially at the rural communities and to be sure that well-being is for all. RUPFA Headquarter started in 2009 and took effect from 2010 with a management staff of four (4) and increased to twenty six (26) with volunteers at present, including ten (10) regional coordinators. Nos in the World, more than 360 management staff, volunteers, regional coordinators and others. We depend on individuals, business entities, corporate bodies, government, foundations, international donors, etc. For our work. We also operate in some countries : Malawi, Netherland, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Tanzania, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. Our major areas of operations are : 1) Community Development 2) WASH 3) Education 4) Food security 5) Climate change mitigation/Environmental Protection 6) Mission and Outreaches 7) Centre for Policy Integration and Resource Management (CPIRM) 8) General Health (nutrition, mental health, reproductive health, etc. 9) Shelters 10) General protection (child, GBV, PSEA, ...) RUPFA is registered with the number G-28, 582 of Registrar General of Ghana on 26th June 2009 under Companies Codes, 1963(Act 179) and the new number is CG172072015 of July 27, 2015 as well as our donars and/or as a member of World Association of Non-Governmental Organization-WANGO (USA), Institute of Cultural Diplomacy-ICD (Berlin, Germany) and World Water Council/Forum (Paris, France), Action Solidarite pour le Developpement Humain (ASODH France), Japan Water Forum (JWF), Global Cluster Protection, Human Rights Team (UNHCR as lead), UN Agencies with some of their clusters and work groups, Sun24 USA and more since 2012. It is particularly concerned with women, children, youths and the grassroots communities. The organization over the past Nine (12) years have been embarking on community development, climate change actions, WASH (water supply), Human Rights, educational and sensitization campaigns in communities, institutions and social groups throughout the ten (10) regions of Ghana, Malawi, DRC, Nigeria, etc. We have been organizing campaigns on Protection of Forest and Biodiversity, Protection of Rivers and Water Bodies, Climate Change Education and Bush fires, Desertification and Drought related issues to the general public, Agricultural, GBV and PSEA activities that we are currently working on the report. However, a paper presentation was made on an international platform on March 10th, 2013 at an economic congress put together by Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) in Berlin (Germany) and another presentation at International City and Civil Society Organisation at Istanbul (Turkey). Planted economic trees in some second cycle schools in the Greater Accra, Eastern, Northern and Volta Regions and have constructed community pipe stands in the North Tongu District to prevent people from drinking polluted water that is being shared with the livestock in the area and also developed small skill enterprise and income generation activities with small loans of GHc200.00-GHc1,500.00 covering over 200 people with women being 95%. Again we have been observing United Nations World Environment Day, World Water Day and World Forest Day on our own platform. We also engage Forestry Commission (FC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in our campaigns such as Protection of Forest and Biodiversity/Climate Change, Protection of Rivers and Water Bodies across the country. We have involved the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies on different projects including Environmental Sanitation. We have strategically involved the youth in our environment protection through the establishment of RUPFA GREEN CLUBS (RGC) in Senior High Schools (SHS) and RUPFA GREEN FORUM (RGF) in the Universities. We have being partnering with Ministry of Food and Agriculture on projects on Agribusiness and Farming and also Electoral Commission on a project dubbed: The role of the Youth in Ensuring Peace before, during and after Elections, all towards our Good Governance and Human Right Campaign. As of today, RUPFA has been able to form partnership with various institutions and traditional rulers in its operations. RUPFA has regional coordinators across the nation and beyond. Today, RUPFA is working under those countries listed below and the headquarter is in Accra/Ghana.

White Rock Lake Foundation

The White Rock Lake Foundation is instrumental in presenting the case for the rescue and improvement of White Rock Lake. It coordinates public relations efforts, serves as a unified advocacy group before the Dallas City Council, acts in close and effective cooperation with the Dallas Park and Recreation Board to assist in long-term planning and design, and spearheads private fund raising efforts.The White Rock Lake Foundation got its start in 1989, when Dallas business woman Jeannie Terilli founded Friends of White Rock Lake, which consisted of a dozen residents who shared her concern for the lake. Friends' first task was to have the dredging project for the lake placed on the upcoming bond election. Friends was among several similarly concerned groups who pleaded the case before the Dallas City Council, with successful results: the issue was placed on the bond referendum and in May, 1995, Dallas voters overwhelmingly approved a $9 million dollar bond issue to dredge White Rock Lake and restore it to a healthy, life-sustaining depth by the end of the century.From those grassroots origins, the White Rock Lake Foundation has been instrumental in presenting the case for the rescue and improvement of White Rock Lake. The leadership of the White Rock Lake Foundation adopted an initial list of goals that includes the development of a Comprehensive Landscape Architectural Concept Plan and a schedule for all of the restoration, preservation and development efforts at the lake. These goals have been adopted by the Dallas Park and Recreation Department.Fund raising continues to be a critical component of the Foundations' responsibilities. Private funds pay for “amenities" at the park such as picnic tables, bicycle racks, park benches, trash receptacles, and additional landscaping.

Paris Basket 18 Eme

Paris Basket 18 aims to promote the integration of young girls from underprivileged neighborhoods through sport. Two types of projects are carried out by the club: - actions around the leisure practice of basketball and sports in general. - actions around a competitive basketball practice The aim is to create an original way of social integration of children and adolescent girls from underprivileged backgrounds, to promote the practice of femininity in order to fight against the cultural sexism that girls face in their daily lives, the appropriation by adolescent girls of a cultural object very marked by the practice of males goes in the direction of a redefinition of the social roles attributed to boys and girls. Le sport est donc l'outil grace auquel nous mobilisons les jeunes filles. En complement de cela, nous leur proposons un accompagnement plus global afin de developper leurs competences qu'elles soient scolaires ou sociales. Nous mettons en place de nombreuses activites afin de permettre a chaque jeune d'etre epanouie et a meme de faire face aux difficultes qu'elles vont affronter en etant le plus confiantes possibles. Un ensemble d'actions autour de l'accompagnement a la scolarite est mis en place: - de l'aide aux devoirs - une mediation entre les familles et les etablissements scolaires - un suivi psychologique des jeunes et/ou de leurs familles - des ateliers de paroles encadres par notre psychologue Les intervenants sont formes et suivis tout au long de l'annee par notre psychologue afin d'intervenir de facon la plus juste possible aupres des jeunes.

Stichting WereldOuders

WereldOuders focuses on the empowerment and personal development of vulnerable children and families in Latin America and the Caribbean. With us, they receive attention and the support that suits them. WereldOuders has a unique approach, based on four pillars: a safe home, health, education and independence. By providing a social safety net while building the children's self-confidence, they regain a future perspective, an opportunity to realize their dreams. WereldOuders has projects in nine countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. These are Bolivia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru. A home is the most important safe base for a child. When a home situation is scarred by poverty, addiction, violence or the death of one of the parents, the secure base falls away. WereldOuders and partner organization NPH are committed to creating or restoring a safe home base for children and youth in Latin America. Our vision of "a safe home" has changed significantly over the past years. NPH was founded in Mexico in 1954 with the opening of a children's home for children who had nowhere else to go. The organization continued to expand to include children's homes in the other eight countries. More than 19,000 children found shelter in an NPH home. These homes were called "family homes" by the organization. NPH placed great importance on creating a warm, loving family atmosphere in the homes. No matter how well this worked out, a family home can never replace a real family. With today's knowledge, arising from empirical evidence and in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, we recognize the unintended harmful effect that institutionalization has on children and youth. Children and youth become alienated from their families and communities of origin. Stigmas attached to growing up in a children's home lead to (young) adults struggling to find their place in society. Having no family to fall back on makes it difficult to hold your own in society as an "uprooted" adult. 'Our' children can always come to NPH even later in life, but that is an exception in the world of children's homes. Uprootedness in general is a major problem: this group has difficulty raising their own children and keeping them from ending up in crime or on the streets. International child welfare organizations are therefore increasingly focusing on de-institutionalization. NPH, too, is going through this transition. We can and want to do more to really change the situation of families and children. We have to change course. We have therefore started to focus more and more on supporting vulnerable families and communities to prevent families from falling apart. This is not entirely new: since its founding, NPH has supported more than 80,000 children who did not live in an NPH family home.

Sailabilty Belgium

The motto of Sailabilty Vlaanderen vzw (Sailability) is "Iedereen moet kunnen zeilen"(Everybody should be able to sail) INTRODUCTION In simple terms the objectives of Sailability are to promote the benefits of sailing to people with mental and physical handicaps. This extends to everyone regardless of age, class, gender, ethnicity and physical status including the disadvantaged and those who cannot contribute financially. These latter we will support and will not allow to be excluded on financial grounds. We also welcome able bodied members (usually family members) to encourage and reinforce the integration of disabled people into mainstream activities and society. LOCATIONS We intend to ensure this activity is available in at least one location in each of the five Provinces of Flanders by 2020 and that there are at least 100 active disabled sailors across the Region. Sailability is located at Mol in Antwerp. Disabled sailing in three other locations (Brugges - West Flanders, Vilvoorde - Flemish Brabant, and Gent - East Flanders) will operate in co-operation with regular sailing clubs based at those locations. ROLE OF SAILABILITY IN NEW LOCATIONS Sailability reviews the suitability of the locations and advises on adaptions that might be necessary to ensure accessibility and safety. It will also loan boats and equipment (lifts/trailers) as required. In addition experienced members will train and assist the host clubs. FLEET Our fleet will be 10 boats by March 2016. We expect to be sourcing at least one to two boats each year to support increases in our activities. If resources permit, additional books will be acquired. We will continue to identify and acquire boats that are adapted for disabled people being very stable and unsinkable. ACTIVITIES To date our activities have focused on recreational sailing and to a much lesser degree on competition sailing. Recreational: The recreational sailing will grow mainly at the new locations we have identified and others we are looking into. Competition: More effort will be put into participating in national and international competitions. We will also be expanding National contests based on our work running the Flanders' Sailability Cup contests in 2014 and 2015. In these years we have welcomed participants from France, Switzerland, Australia and the Netherlands. We have also taken part in competitions in France and the UK. Rehabilitation: Further into our 2020 Strategic Vision Plan we will start with rehabilitation sailing activities together with Rehabilitation organisations and institutions. Introduction to Sailing: We will continue to offer initiation/introductory sessions to other organisations which support or look after disabled people TRAINING: We will continue to train the sailing monitors and volunteers; we are also going to start a training program to encourage as many G-sailors as possible to have the confidence and ability to sail independently. SHARING ASSETS: We will continue to work with other organisations which encourage disabled people to engage in sports and activities; we will allow them to use our boats to maximize their utilization. GOVERNANCE: Sailability will continue to be managed by a Board of Directors which meets about once a month. It consists of a: - - Chairman, - Vice-Chairman, - Sailing Manager, - Secretary, - Treasurer, Communications and Public Relations Officer, - Competitions Officer. Other members managing special projects attend board meetings as appropriate. A Strategic plan was drawn up for the period 2015-2020.

Shaar Shivion

Shaar Shivion (The Equalizer Group) is an Israeli non-profit NGO, which aspires to bridge educational, economic and social gaps in the Israeli society, by providing sportive-educational after-school programs to youth in the social periphery, minority areas and areas of need. These programs use the power of sport to increase the educational level of participants, and to instill critical life skills and values such as tolerance, co-existence, mutual responsibility and more. Our programs operate in areas where children and youth do not have (or have a very limited range of) a positive after-school activity. By providing a high level of an after school activity, not only we take the youth out of the streets, but also we are developing critical life skills and providing positive role models (coach, volunteers). Moreover, the schools, who know the children well, are choosing the participants of the teams based on personal needs of each participant (i.e. children with financial, social or behavioral difficulties). We operate three successful soccer programs and one basketball program across Israel: THE EQUALIZER: a social-educational-sportive program for boys and girls, which combines soccer practices and tournaments with academic assistance and value-based activities, aiming to promote equal opportunities, co-existence, empowerment and social mobility. Participants have weekly soccer training sessions with a professional coach and regional tournaments where they get to meet and play against children from other communities. More important, the participants, who are passionate about playing soccer, are required to participate in weekly sessions of study centers, ran by our volunteers, who deliver an ongoing educational program and support in school studies. Furthermore, they are required to behave at school otherwise they will not be allowed to participate in the soccer activities, and on the other hand, those who behave well at school will be rewarded in the soccer activities. BOATOT: a social-educational-sportive program based on the model of "The Equalizer", but with a focus on girls' participation. The program was established 2 years ago due to a low participation rate of girls in "The Equalizer" program. The program operates soccer teams for girls only, combined with an educational program which is adjusted for females and include: female empowerment, increasing self-confidence and self-esteem, body image, sense of belonging, self-image, and more. The program has a wide impact on gender equality progress both directly on participants and indirectly on their family and the community around. In 2019-20 season we will operate over 370 teams in these two programs, giving an equal opportunity for sports and quality education to more than 5,500 boys and girls, aged 9-16. Furthermore this year we will have over 800 volunteers, usually local students who receive their scholarships by volunteering with our teams. We are proud of offer a platform to volunteer in these communities and to the local students meaningful scholarships to support them during their studies. 48ERS: a social-educational-sportive project based on the same model, but for basketball teams. The program combines basketball training sessions and tournaments with educational activities with the goal to instill core values and to develop leadership skills amongst youth from disadvantaged communities. The program operates mainly in areas with a large Ethiopian-Israeli community aiming to use the team-platform to promote successful integration of their youth with the general society of Israel. Being part of the basketball team gives the opportunity to immerse themselves into a high quality after school program with other communities in a sport they usually do not take part of.

Association Le 99

In a will of local and experimental development, the 99 carries audiovisual, cinematographic, digital, innovative, sports, cultural and artistic projects respecting the values of the Social and Solidarity Economy. Le 99 carries, develops and/or accompanies projects/actions that have as their objective - among others- economic, social and cultural development. This association is a collective gathering physical and moral persons whose missions are: The promotion, organization and management of projects/actions (exhibitions, film festivals, cultural and sports events, educational programs, cultural and exchange trips, artistic residencies, digital projects...) respecting the values of the Social and Solidarity Economy.

Friends Of The Crawford Park District

To assist the Crawford Park District with educational and other special projects and capital improvements.

Bulgarian Volleyball Academy Nfp

Bulgarian Volleyball Academy is a project that aims to promote volleyball among children in the Bulgarian community in Chicago.

Sahabat Pulau

Sahabat Pulau is aim to create project involving youth and children to have a better life through integration project based on education and social business in remote areas. Through : 1. Rising the number of the youth volunteers in Indonesia. 2. Supporting the kids to have more interests in education or study. 3. Lifting up the family condition by socio-entrepreneurships. 4. Increasing the number of participation from the society to solve the problem

Fundacion Desafio Levantemos Chile

Desafio Levantemos Chile raises private funds to address public issues, seeking to make a sustainable social impact through different projects, transforming them into replicable models.