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International Youth Foundation

The International Youth Foundation® (IYF®) stands by, for, and with young people. Founded in 1990 through a generous grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, IYF is a global nonprofit with programs directly benefiting 7.7 million young people and operations spanning 100 countries so far. Together with local community-based organizations and a network of corporate, foundation, and multilateral partners, we connect young people with opportunities to transform their lives. We believe that educated, employed, engaged young people possess the power to solve the world’s toughest problems, and we focus our youth development efforts on three linked objectives: unlocking agency, driving economic opportunity, and making systems more inclusive. Our vision is to see young people inspired and equipped to realize the future they want. The International Youth Foundation: Transforming Lives, Together.

Impact Stories
Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation

The Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization #20-1702191 is dedicated to honoring the life of our inspiration, Jimmy Miller, by supporting the healing of mental and physical illness through surfing and ocean related activities. Through recreational, education, and mentoring programs, the Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation enables surfers, educators, therapists, lifeguards and friends to help people affected by mental and physical illness feel the joy and healing power of the ocean and surfing. JMMF pioneered the formation of an adaptive surfing program titled Ocean Therapy, where surfing is used as a means to increase self-esteem and self-efficacy in individuals suffering from mental and/or physical illness. The Ocean Therapy program is currently working with at risk children in the Los Angeles foster care community, veterans from all branches of the military and injured Marines in the Wounded Warrior Battalion in Camp Pendleton. We are looking to expand our programming to the addiction/recovery populations, victims and survivors of mass public and terrorist attacks, those suffering from suicidal ideation and anxiety, depression and other mental health illnesses.

Artpreneurs Inc

Arts on the Block, a nonprofit arts organization with a nearly 20-year history in the region, is the only hands-on studio art apprenticeship program in the region offering youth and young adults the opportunity to learn about art, design, and business by engaging in real-world public art commissions. We recruit, train, place, and support youth and young adults with art and design aptitudes who might not ordinarily be introduced to entry-level jobs and career paths in the creative industries. AOB apprentices join one of our existing studio crews led by master teaching artists and supported by a team of management professionals. AOB crew members work their way up through summer intensives and year-round projects to produce large-scale mosaic public art. Along the way, they receive customized professional skills training, connect with our creative network, and pursue individualized plans for success in creative careers.

Extreme Kids and Crew Inc

Extreme Kids & Crew, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is a welcoming community center where children with disabilities can socialize, create and play, and their families can join in the fun while sharing disability specific resources with other caretakers. Through arts and play based programming, caregivers, siblings and children of all abilities come together to explore, connect and gain confidence. We believe in fostering and celebrating our local disability community and the larger community of disability around the country and world. Our playspaces allow children with disabilities to find, hone, and display their particular talents, fine tune their socialization and fine motor skills, and make friends among a diverse group of people. Our blog, cultural events, and the Felix Awards, use the arts to reach out to a larger sphere. We aim both to combat the isolation the disability community often feels when faced with a culture that rarely acknowledges the complexity and worth of people with disabilities, and to change the larger public’s concept of what it means to be disabled.

Facing History and Ourselves

Facing History and Ourselves uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate. At Facing History and Ourselves, we believe the bigotry and hate that we witness today are the legacy of brutal injustices of the past. Facing our collective history and how it informs our attitudes and behaviors allows us to choose a world of equity and justice. Facing History’s resources address racism, antisemitism, and prejudice at pivotal moments in history; we help students connect choices made in the past to those they will confront in their own lives. Through our partnership with educators around the world, Facing History and Ourselves reaches millions of students in thousands of classrooms every year. Independent research studies show that experience in a Facing History classroom motivates students to become upstanders in their communities, whether by challenging negative stereotypes at the dinner table, standing up to a bully in their neighborhood, or registering to vote when they are eligible. Together we are creating the next generation of leaders who will build a world based on knowledge and compassion, the foundation for more democratic, equitable, and just societies.

Greenbrier Repertory Theatre Company

Our Mission The mission of GVT is to create live, professional quality theatre in West Virginia and through theatre to enlighten, enrich and enliven the life of our Region. Who We Are: •We are a producing organization that is dedicated to sharing the connection between art and life with our community through the live, interactive voice of theatre. •We create work that speaks to the human spirit and work that entertains. •We are committed to the education of young people. •We are dedicated to developing new plays. •We are a unique rural arts group committed to excellence in live theatre. Goals •To produce theatre, here in rural West Virginia. •To develop new shows and to perform an eclectic choice of plays •To be a regional, residential theatre that combines talent from our community with professional talent. •To employ a core company of theatre artists. •To tour into schools and rural communities. •To be an artist-driven organization. •To provide quality programs for our area’s children and to teach them in theatre arts, self-worth and critical thinking. •To be a force in the economic growth of the Greenbrier Valley through our year-round programming.

Alliance Of Hope For Suicide Loss Survivors

Kindness matters – and to the more than five million people around the world who lose a loved one to suicide each year – it matters a lot. We provide healing and compassionate support during the lonely and tumultuous aftermath of suicide. We help people survive suicide loss, and go beyond “just surviving,” to lead productive lives filled with meaning and joy. It is our vision that no suicide loss survivor on the planet go without support. Since our founding, we have helped tens of thousands of suicide loss survivors from many cultures and faith traditions all over the world. The Alliance of Hope was founded as a labor of love in 2008 by Ronnie Susan Walker, a seasoned mental health counselor who lived through the traumatic loss of her stepson to suicide in 1995. During her own grief journey, Ronnie recognized there was a void in resources for people bereaved by suicide. She intuitively understood what researchers have validated in recent years: suicide loss survivors are a high-risk population for suicide themselves if they don’t receive healing support in the aftermath. She also knew firsthand that in-person support groups were few and far between, but that many suicide loss survivors needed support 24/7. When she took a class at a local high school to learn how to build a website, her goal was simply to extend friendship – and healing, compassionate support – to other survivors. At the time, she did not know there were more than 45 million others, just in the U.S., whose lives had been forever altered when their loved ones died by suicide. She launched not having any idea of what was to come. She added a community forum, where survivors could come to share their stories and connect with others who understood. Much like the movie “A Field of Dreams”, bereaved souls from across the globe made their way to this healing, online space. The first member joined, then the 40th, and then the 14,000th. In the first few years, Ronnie personally responded to each new survivor. Eventually other loss survivors began to volunteer under Ronnie’s guidance. They too reached out with compassion to others who were hurting. Today, more than 100 suicide loss survivors have volunteered as moderators and stewards of our online forum, which operates like a 24/7 group for thousands of people. They ensure it remains a healing culture for all who seek support. Many more talented, caring souls have provided pro bono support on our board of directors and advisory council. We would not be here without them. As the Alliance of Hope enters its second decade, our work is more important than ever. As suicide rates continue to rise, so do the number of loss survivors seeking support. According to a recent British Medical Journal study: individuals bereaved by suicide are 80% more likely to drop out of school or quit their jobs – and 64% more likely to attempt suicide – than individuals grieving sudden losses by natural causes. Indeed, suicide “postvention” is suicide prevention.

Us Science Technology Engineering And Math Foundation

Mission To inspire the next generation of STEM professionals leveraging programs, hands-on activities, services, and strategies that will engage, educate, develop, and create responsible citizens. ​ Vision The US STEM Foundation vision is to grow a national talent base of students that will become the next generation of STEM professionals as well as responsible citizens that value the power of community outreach. About the US STEM Foundation The US STEM Foundation was established to orchestrate a partnership connecting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics businesses and professionals with students to make a real difference in the lives of our youth and the future of our community. Together, our current mentors and volunteers are striving to make a difference and inspire the next generation of STEM professionals. US STEM Foundation exists for a simple reason: to provide the skill set necessary for a new generation of youth and to build a community in which academics and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) can flourish. US STEM Foundation is a catalyst for success, bringing together industry professionals and scholastically curious students to foster growth and friendships that last a lifetime. ​ US STEM subsidizes, organizes, develops and delivers hands-on technical activities for our students. A vast number of our students have gone off to top universities across the United States in pursuit of STEM degrees. These students stay active as leaders in their schools, professional societies, and communities. US STEM also provides scholarships to students with financial needs for higher education in STEM fields. ​ We have nurtured unfocused youth to grow and achieve high honors in a broad range of academics. Our reserved students step out of their shell into technical leadership roles. ​ There is a dire need for the services the US STEM Foundation provides as evident by the critical unmet demand for engineers, scientists, and technology specialists - a core challenge US STEM is embracing.

Amala Foundation

The Amala Foundation inspires the diverse youth of the world to live in unity, serve compassionately and lead peacefully. All of our youth programs are a place for empowerment and healing. Many of the youth we serve, including refugee and immigrant children, have experienced extreme poverty, child labor, gang violence, abuse and neglect; many have witnessed the atrocities of war and have literally run for their lives; many have been uprooted from their native cultures and struggle to integrate into an entirely foreign world. We provide a safe space for these youth to heal, express themselves, share their stories and connect with a loving and supportive community. The Amala Foundation is involved in a number of local, national, and international humanitarian service projects. Camp Indigo was started in 2002 and is now in its 13th year of offering a week-long day camp experience to Austin area children ages 4-12. Camp Mana, now in its eighth year, offers a similar experience over two days in Hawaii. Our One Village Project, including the Global Youth Peace Summit, is in its 7th year and serves more than 150 local, immigrant, international and refugee youth each year. Our Young Artists in Service program provides free art instruction to at-risk children in addition to creating inspiring murals at places like the Austin Children’s Shelter. The Gui Village Living Water Program was a humanitarian service project we successfully completed in 2005, installing two water wells in a Nigerian village, saving 3,500 people (including 2,000 children) from disease. Our partnership with the Bhatti Mines School in Delhi, India helps ensure 200 Indian children a day are receiving an education instead of being forced into child labor.

Powerful Beyond Measure

Powerful Beyond Measure (PBM) is a 501c3 non-profit that implements efforts towards youth and community development; focusing on creative, academic, professional, civic, social and personal growth by strategically integrating the arts, entertainment, sports and media industries into programming. Our vision is to utilize these influential fields to effectively reach the urban communities of our targeted youth, via multi-dimensional services that will help positively shape young people and empower the adults around them to become active leaders and contributors. We aim towards the following: o To impact urban youth by exposing them to enriching and positive experiences, opportunities, and adults – leading them towards a greater chance for a productive adult life and away from negative endeavors o To create alliances with other non-profits to support them by developing a collective effort to assist and empower those around us; as well as support like-minded organizations with resources and services. o To help lower income families experience the same rights as those of greater income i.e. education, job training & access, programs and food/clothing – through volunteerism and information PBM uses the arts, entertainment and sports as tools to motivate. This approach was developed upon the realization that these fields are powerful by way of their appeal and influence on our target population. By harnessing that power to make programs more appealing, we can continue to implement the important values and societal offerings of more conventional non-profits. Powerful Beyond Measure believes we can help each other realize our potential for greatness, inspire the pursuit of success, and make powerful strides by working together for altruistic purposes. Founded in 2006, the organization began with its charter program, C.A.P.E. League (see below) – a multi-dimensional youth enrichment program. In 2007, we launched Exploring Possibilities, a unique career day for teens and young adults to discover non-traditional professions. Since 2008, we have produced PBM's Weekly Source Email – an on-line newsletter distributed to DC area residents, community groups and non-profits. It lists public events, job openings, services, scholarships and programs. In 2017, PBM will re-launch the Triple I Program to provide young adults with the opportunity to gain professional experience through hands-on work, mentorship, workshops and giving back.


Our vision is to be the leader in preparing youth for life. The Indian Waters Council, Boy Scouts of America provides quality youth programs designed to strengthen character, develop good citizenship, and promote physical fitness. The Council serves 6,000 youth in 8 counties of the Midlands, including Richland, Lexington, Saluda, Bamberg, Calhoun, Fairfield, Orangeburg and Kershaw. Activities for Scouts range from weekly meetings to full summer camp programs, and many on weekends and nights. Our core programs are: Cub Scouts: year-round, boys 1st-5th grade, family- and home-centered program to develop ethical decision-making skills, character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness; Boy Scouts: year-round program, boys 11 - 17, vigorous outdoor program and peer group leadership with the counsel of an adult Scoutmaster; Venturing: year-round CO-ED14 - 21 years, youth-run leadership and outdoors; Exploring: CO-ED ages 14 - 20, hands-on career exploration; Camp Barstow, Boy Scout Camp on Lake Murray, Saluda, year round; Scoutreach: alternative model using paid staff along with volunteers in neighborhoods and schools with a significant population of at-risk youth and emphasizes literacy, health and community development. We Hold Programs Where Children Are and Where Families Live Some Scout meetings are held at church or school in the evening a short drive from home. We also hold programs in housing authorities, community centers and in afterschool and summer programs where children are spending many hours already. We a Great Community Collaborators The goal of Scouting isn't to change the culture of a neighborhood - it is to bring it together and be a catalyst for positive change, as defined by the neighborhood. To that extent, Indian Waters Council proudly partners with the Housing Authorities, School Districts, Faith Based and Community Based Organizations in each community. We Provide Service One of the Boy Scouts of America's founding principles is to provide service to the community. Each Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop or Venture Crew is required to provide a significant number of hours in their community to complete service projects and volunteer at special events, work at a local food pantry or serve meals at a homeless shelter. Each Eagle Scout is required, with the help of his Troop, to complete a Service Project of meaningful and lasting impact. We Provide Support Each District has a full time District Executive who: Helps Units Organize for Success Recruits and Develop Volunteers for the Unit Serves as a Support to the Unit Once Volunteers Are in Place We Sustain Success Indian Waters is about more than increasing membership for the Boy Scouts. It's about working with communities to build a program that is completely community driven. We continue to provide training and resources for the life of the Unit.

Impact Stories
My Grief Angels

My Grief Angels is "For and By" People Grieving Worldwide My Grief Angels, a 501 (c) (3) public charity, is an Online Grief Support Community of People worldwide coping with loss and helping each other by leveraging new technologies to find and share the latest resources, education, information and personal grief journeys/ experiences. VIDEO - ABOUT MY GRIEF ANGELS Overview (1 Minute): VIDEO REVIEWS OF MY GRIEF ANGELS BY COMMUNITY MEMBERS (1 Minute): Community Member Reviews: "I found My Grief Angels While Crying on Google" Review: Projects include: - Free and Open Virtual Grief Support Groups Per Type of Loss Experienced. The groups were initially launched on April 1, 2020 s our emergency response to help people grieving during the COVID19 Pandemic, and to date - we have held over 500 free and open group meetings. PROGRAM VIDEO & TESTIMONIAL: - Grieving @ Holidays - As suggested by virtual group participants, we launched a program by which we hold Free and Open Virtual Grief Support Groups for anyone grieving the loss of a loved on all major holidays - the day of the holiday; including: Mother's Day, Father's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, and others. PROGRAM VIDEO: - Grief Chat Hour - - As suggested by group participants who wanted to continue the community discussions after the weekly group meetings, an online community was set up and a "Grieg Chat Hour" program was launched to designate 8pm EST as the daily hour where people looking for community with others grieving can check in and connect with others; post their thoughts and review latest research on grief and grieving process, workplace grief, etc. PROGRAM VIDEO: - Grief Education Petition - - For the vast majority of group and online community participants, most felt totally unprepared for the loss of their loved one, and their number one suggestion was for schools to do more to prepare us for what will be part of all of our lives. Therefore, we recently started a public petition to make "Grief Education" a graduation requirement for all. PROGRAM VIDEOS (1 Minute Each): and - The Grief MOOC - First Free Massive Open Online Education Course on "Grief: How it can kill or empower us" available thru the European MOOCs Platform and the Happiness Academy PROGRAM VIDEO: - Free Mobile Apps- Free Mobile apps developed and launched by My Grief Angels Volunteers; including "Virtual Grief Support"; "Pet Loss", and "Good From Grief" apps available thru Google Play, Apple itunes, Amazon, HTML5 and other major app stores. PROGRAM VIDEOS: - Virtual Grief Support App - - Pet Loss App - - Good From Grief App - - Grief Attacks - Shared Community Stories: Online community user submitted personal stories on grief attacks experienced and how each got thru them. PROGRAM VIDEOS: - Photos & Garage Sale: - Going Back To School: - Re-entering the Apartment: - The Trip Home: - Books: "Good from Grief: How to Turn Unimaginable Grief Into Something Positive in 288 Uplifting Twitter-sized Life Stories" Book Link on Amazon (Group offered at Cost): - Grief Support Resources Directory by Type of Loss Experienced - User Shared Grief Attacks Coping Strategies Program My Grief Angels, throughout its projects, addresses topics that include: - How grief can impact our health; - How have others coped with their grief and grief attacks; - How have others put their grief in motion; - How have others turned their grief into something positive; - What are the resources available for our type of loss, and more...