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Displaying 373–384 of 488

Growe Foundation

Education comes in many different forms throughout a child’s life and Growe believes that experiential learning is crucial to shaping children’s understanding, values and behavior. By providing children with engaging educational experiences that connect them to food, how it’s grown and why fruits and vegetables are essential to their diet, we aim to address the childhood health issues and the environmental problems facing society.

Pratyush Sinha Foundation

The mission of the Pratyush Sinha Foundation is to assist local communities in achieving health and harmony through yoga and mindfulness programs. PSF believes that every child has the potential to become a healthy, happy, and conscious citizen of the world. We believe that we can create healthier communities by teaching children skills that will help them cope with social, economic, and environmental factors

Freewheelin Community Bikes

Freewheelin' provides accessible bicycles and teaches youth life and leadership skills that improve their physical and mental well-being. Freewheelin' believes in: The worth and gifts of each person to enrich the world; Bicycling as accessible transportation for recreation, employment, and healthy living; The importance of positive youth/adult mentorship; Empowering youth as leaders who give back to their communities; Lifelong learning, resiliency and persistence; Positive neighborhood and community connections; Making bicycling accessible and affordable; and, Being welcoming to people of all backgrounds, abilities, and incomes. We serve aged 10-18 in our educational programs, and young adults ages 16-22 in employment programs with a primary focus on under-resourced youth

Team Wilderness

It is the mission of Team Wilderness to grow teamwork, leadership, and character within our urban youth through wilderness excursions.To achieve our mission we emphasize striving to be E.T.H.I.C.A.L. in the wilderness and reflecting on its application to life. Empathy - we have empathy for our peers and othersTeamwork - we understand and embody a positive team cultureHealth - we recognize what is necessary to be our best self and live a healthy balanced life Inclusive - we are inclusive of everyone and support and respect differencesCommunity - we understand our social and environmental responsibilityAdversity - we challenge ourselves mentally and physically resulting in increased self-confidenceLeadership: we step-up by collaborating, communicating, & problem-solving

True Nature Society dba Quail Springs

Founded in 2004, Quail Springs is a leading educational non-profit that resides on a 450-acre permaculture demonstration site on the traditional homelands of the Chumash people in Cuyama Valley, California. Our mission is to empower students of all ages and backgrounds with knowledge, skills, and inspiration essential to cultivating ecological and social health in a rapidly changing world. Quail Springs teaches strategies and techniques instrumental for designing and building resilient, affordable, and carbon-neutral housing as well as ecologically sound and sovereign food systems. We are connected to an expansive local and international network of leading-edge practitioners. We envision an equitable global community that shares the bounty of this living planet and the responsibility to tend to its health. We believe the most effective way to foster positive change is through our relationships, both with one another and our ecologies.

One World Children's Fund (Partners for ACCESS)

One World Children's Fund is a non-profit organization that provides fiscal sponsorship and raises funds and awareness for effective grassroots organizations serving children with education, healthcare, and shelter. ACCESS (African Community Center for Social Sustainability) provides a comprehensive model of health care services, education and economic empowerment with a focus on children and families affected by HIV-AIDS in Nakaseke, Uganda.

The Sanneh Foundation

The Sanneh Foundation serves the holistic youth development needs of the increasingly diverse Twin Cities metro area. Our mission is to empower youth by supporting and promoting educational attainment through in-school and after-school support, improve lives by providing programs that strengthen physical health and social and emotional development, and unite communities by advancing diversity, equity, and community well-being.

Seeds in the Middle Inc

Seeds in the Middle, named by fourth graders in central Brooklyn, inspires parents, educators, students and their community to access all opportunities beginning with improving their health, enhancing arts education and greening their environment. We are joyful, respectful, educational and engaging. We nurture the whole child. Our innovative strategy to fight obesity and combat health disparities initiates at schools. We weave proven programs into a comprehensive package to turn around ills driving down opportunity and advancement. We empower and educate all to get healthy and scale disparities. Our pilot Hip2B Healthy schools are in central Brooklyn, a neighborhood with one of New York City's highest obesity, diabetes, and heart disease rates. Our programs are models for replication. We have run community farmers markets and founded Soccer for Harmony tournaments, inspiring social change through soccer. We are proud to boast that our focus 4th grade class test scores in 2012 surpassed the citywide average! At Seeds in the Middle, we partner with faculty. We teach how to grow, market, access and prepare nutritious food, how to exercise and engage in the arts, all the elements needed to promote life-changing lifelong health. Our partners come from all walks of life: chefs, athletes, educators, artists, builders and more. We cross cultures. We transform gray into green, destitution into inspiration.


The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Scout Oath: "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight." Scout Law: A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Vision Statement: The Boy Scouts of America will prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Scout Law


A faith based 501c3 non-profit organization that will provide the tools, skills, and confidence needed for young women of all backgrounds, to pursue a college degree in the sciences. To help them to successfully, matriculate into health professional and STEM programs. Closing the gap of female (minority) representation in STEM careers and to overall help them gain confidence in themselves and in making career and life choices that lead to success.


EmpowHERto works with girls and young womxn between the ages of 14-21 to provide them with the tools they need to succeed and influence positive systemic change. Our mission is to provide programs in the areas of leadership, health and wellness, civic engagement, financial literacy and STEAM to build their confidence and enhance their leadership skills in all facets of life so they too can become quite the success story

Out Youth Austin

Out Youth promotes the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social well-being of sexual and gender minority youth so that they can openly and safely explore and affirm their identities. We serve Central Texas LGBTQIA+ (lesbian/gay/bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning, intersex, and asexual) youth and their allies with programs and services to ensure these promising young people develop into happy, healthy, successful adults. Founded in 1990, Out Youth has grown and changed over the years, but we’ve always retained our most important facet – providing a safe space for LGBTQ+ youth to come together, receive support, and make friends who understand who they are. We host a variety of programs and services for youth and provide trainings and resources for parents, teachers, and community members.