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Displaying 85–96 of 406

Food Empowerment Education And Sustainability Team

FEEST is an organization led by youth of color in South Seattle and South King County working to improve health in our schools. Focusing on the need for more healthy, affordable, and culturally relevant food at school, FEEST centers young people as leaders toward concrete changes in our food systems. Our mission is to set the table for young people to transform the health and equity of their community by gathering around food & working towards systems change. At the foundation of our work are youth-led dinners where students gather around food and build community with peers. Breaking bread together builds lasting connections that become a foundation for long-term organizing. Rooted in radical joy, we are building power toward policy changes that increase food access for all students.

Impact Metrics

CoachArt’s mission is to create a transformative arts and athletics community for families impacted by childhood chronic illness. Children living with chronic illness may feel isolated because of their condition. Frequent hospital visits and deficient immune systems often cause them to miss time in school and recreational activities. Families, overwhelmed by the cost and demands of ongoing medical care, often lack the resources to seek out or afford extracurricular activities. Healthy siblings are affected too when family resources are focused on a chronically ill child. CoachArt supports these families by offering free recreational lessons that bring a sense of normalcy back into their lives. Since 2001, CoachArt has matched volunteer coaches with students for one-on-one or group lessons in arts and athletics. Our vision is that one day every family impacted by chronic illness will be connected to a community of support and an opportunity to learn and grow together.

Casting for Recovery

The mission of Casting for Recovery (CfR) is to enhance the quality of life of women with breast cancer through a unique program that combines breast cancer education and peer support with the therapeutic sport of fly fishing. The retreats offer opportunities for women to find inspiration, discover renewed energy for life and experience healing connections with other women and nature. CfR’s retreats are open to breast cancer survivors of all ages, in all stages of treatment and recovery, and are free to participants. On a physical level, the gentle, rhythmic motion of fly casting is similar to exercises often prescribed after surgery or radiation to promote soft tissue stretching. On an emotional level, women are given the opportunity to experience a new activity in a safe environment amongst a supportive group of peers. The retreats provide resources to help address quality of life issues after a breast cancer diagnosis, and a new outlet – fly fishing – as a reprieve from the everyday stresses and challenges of their cancer.

Peninsula Family Connections

Family Connections knows that a positive family dynamic is key to a child’s success. That is why Family Connections is a family learning community focused on education and growth for underserved children AND their parents and caregivers. Our mission is to create the highest quality family learning community so underserved children and parents together become the drivers of their own success.

Impact Metrics and Stories
Global Connections Foundation

Global Connections Foundation enables individuals to develop financial independence and build resilient communities in the underserved and under-resourced village of Nyanchonori, Kenya, by creating access to opportunities and resources, tools and knowledge to achieve their educational, professional, and entrepreneurial goals. Our Vision is to give all those with motivation to succeed, access to resources, training and support to become economically self-sustaining through entrepreneurship and employment.