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Justice Rising International

We believe that education is the most powerful tool to build peace and to break the cycle of war. We also believe that every child, regardless of circumstance, should have access to a quality education.Justice Rising builds peace in war-affected communities by providing quality education to children at risk. We build schools, train teacher leaders, and develop community programs towards the goal of promoting peace and mitigating future conflict.

Teens For Food Justice

TFFJ strives to eradicate food insecurity through youth-led community-based solutions and to end the cycle of diet-related disease and poor health outcomes that dramatically and disproportionately impact our low income communities, particularly those of color.

Girls Justice League

The Girls Justice League seeks to change the directional so that girls are directly impacting the systems that hold such enormous power over their futures. All too often, girls, young women and those who identify as female, particularly girls of color and those from low income communities, find the direction of their lives impacted and dictated by myriad systems and institutions, including juvenile justice, public education, workforce development, public health and human services, and child welfare. The Girls Justice League is a collective of young women and their allies working to build and reinforce a culture where girls are fully empowered and where gender, race, and other disparities are identified and confronted in the systems that affect their futures.

Youth Justice Coalition

The Youth Justice Coalition (YJC) is working to build a youth, family and prisoner-led movement to challenge race, gender and class inequality in Los Angeles County's and California's juvenile injustice system. The YJC is working to transform a system that has ensured the massive lock-up of people of color; widespread police violence, corruption and distrust between police and communities; disregard of youth and communities' Constitutional and human rights; the construction of a school-to-jail track; and the build-up of the world's largest prison system.

Knoxville Family Justice Center

Knoxville Family Justice Center’s (KFJC) mission is to facilitate a coordinated and comprehensive approach to family violence through collaboration, education, and advocacy. Their vision for the Knox County, Tennessee area is to create a community of strong, healthy families from the devastating effects of violence.

Women Veteran Social Justice

Our mission is to Identify, Connect, and Empower women veterans through social, professional and personal connections. We do this by utilizing electronic and live networking across communities, across the United States and internationally. Technology and collaboration have been tools to firmly anchor and connect an otherwise invisible nation of women who have served with those who are serving and those who are preparing to serve in the military.

Bates Mission

The goal of Bates Mission is to support former foster youth in Texas by offering household necessities, life skills training, and job opportunities. It is our mission to create an environment where former foster youth feel accepted and valued, where they can learn job training to find and maintain stable employment, and where they can learn life skills to improve every aspect of their life.

Mission Fit

At MissionFit we will foster a sense of community and personal confidence through fitness programming.

Mission Of Our Lady Of Mercy

Mercy Home offers abused or neglected youth who seek a new beginning hope and promise of a healthy and successful future, safety, respect and opportunities for growth. Mercy Home seeks benefactors who believe in the miracle of God's mercy and in the integrity of those who care for the health and safety of our children. Mercy Home is committed to raising public awareness of the plight of all of society's at-risk youth in order to encourage support of programs that would enable them to begin their own process of healing.

Matthews Mighty Mission

My mom inspired me to develop "Matthew's MIGHTY Mission" to help others with disabling conditions explore adapted toys, innovative technology and modified activities. My hope is that by empowering others with meaningful activities, they will be able to live life to its fullest, unconditionally, and barrier-free.

Chinmaya Mission West

To provide to individuals, from any background, the wisdom of Vedanta and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become positive contributors to society.