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The mission of Ayúdame3D is to create and provide 3D-printed prosthetic devices to people with limb differences, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The organization aims to promote a culture of inclusion, empowerment, and innovation, by leveraging technology, education, and community engagement. Ayúdame3D envisions a world where every person with a disability has access to affordable and functional assistive devices that enable them to live with dignity, independence, and full participation in society.

Olympic Refuge Foundation

We are shaping a movement to ensure young people affected by displacement thrive through safe sport Sport has the power to have the most incredible impact on young lives. We are uniting leaders, businesses, coaches and young refugees from across the world to create a team with purpose, a team like no other. We all share one goal - for displaced young people to find belonging through sport, and shape their own futures, their way. Having been through the unimaginable hardship of displacement, on this team they will find somewhere to feel at home again. Somewhere they can develop the skills to succeed in life and truly thrive. Sport can be the springboard for a future that didn't seem possible. Helping young people find their place in the world, find success in their dream career. Or even finding themselves at the Olympic Games. Together we can help them discover a future full of opportunity, fuelled by the Olympic spirit. Our work It is easy to take the feeling of home for granted. That sense of being safe, welcome and respected. For young people uprooted by conflict, persecution or disaster, sport can offer a safe haven. Sport can develop stronger ties in communities, provide opportunities to learn new skills, build networks and improve health. We want to ensure 1 million young people access safe sport by 2024. To do this we're focused on making an impact in three areas: Access - making sure more young people affected by displacement can access and benefit from safe sport, for instance, through our programmes of sport- and play-based activities and upskilling coaches and through the Refugee Olympic Team. Adoption - ensuring that the role of safe sport in supporting young refugees is widely understood and used, for instance, encouraging national governments to include safe sport in their refugee response frameworks. Collective action - mobilising multiple partnerships to create sustained change, and improving the way sport is used to support young people affected by displacement. Together we can achieve more.

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation

IGLYO - The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth & Student Organisation is the world's largest LGBTQI youth and student network, counting more than 100 Member Organisations in over 40 countries across the Council of Europe Region. IGLYO's mission is to strengthen the rights of LGBTQI youth, fight for equality and inclusion, and empower LGBTQI youth voices. IGLYO represents the diverse rights and intersectional needs of LGBTQI young people and works hard to ensure that their futures are bright. We achieve our objectives through international training and events, targeted capacity building programmes, intercultural exchanges and peer learning, thematic research and advocacy actions, online tools and resources, digital story-telling and campaigning, networking activities, and more. Since our establishment in 1984, IGLYO has been growing steadily with new Members joining every year. Our Members are organisations who represent and/or support LGBTQI youth and/or students, work with LGBTQI youth or issues, comprise mainly of LGBTQI youth, or have a specific department working for/with youth.

YFU Bulgaria

YFU Bulgaria's mission and aims can be enlisted as follows (non-extensive list): - promoting the development and affirmation of spiritual values, education, and culture; - supporting social integration and personal fulfilment - nurturing the traits for a new system of values and consciousness of world citizens in young people; - providing assistance in overcoming barriers to communication and helping quality professional realization; - expanding the opportunity for young people to rediscover the importance of family and homeland and its spiritual values and national traditions; - developing in young people the ability for initiative, civic and social responsibility; - promoting the development of a sense of belonging.

I Wish STEM company

I Wish is a volunteer led global initiative to inspire young females (aged 14-17) to explore a career in STEM. I Wish has evolved since its inception in 2015 from being a once a year Showcase to an all year-round showcase of opportunities in STEM. I Wish is now multi-faceted. It comprises of Showcase Events both in person and streamed virtually in addition to providing a STEM information resource for students and teachers campus weeks with 5 Higher Education Institutes, an alumni circle building stem bridges from primary to secondary and on to Higher Education and through our Survey a policy driver for government and stakeholders in STEM. The Showcase Events comprise: 1. a Conference Zone where the students hear from women and men forging careers in STEM, from groundbreaking researchers to entrepreneurs, data scientists and engineers; and 2. an interactive Exhibition Zone where the students can engage with STEM industries and higher education from leaders in their field like Dell, Trinity, ARUP, Aer Lingus, DIT to entrepreneurs and creatives working in STEM; 3. a Teach IT Zone designed as a resource for teachers; 4. a Create IT Zone demonstrating the creative side of STEM; 5. a Build IT Zone promoting female entrepreneurs in STEM. Since 2015 the I Wish Showcase Events have turned the heads of over 50,000 girls towards STEM and empowered them to become the next generation of thought leaders, innovators and game changers in our ever changing world.


The purpose of the Foundation is to raise public awareness by making distributions, granting other economic advantages or support individuals or organizations acting for the common good in the fields of environmental protection, science, culture and the arts. Distributions are to be made on case by case decisions and in a discretionary manner by the foundation board The foundation shall support organizations and projects which comply with its purposes as they are defined hereinabove. In particular, at present, such projects may refer specifically to the following activities: Cleaning-up and preservation of the oceans Protection of glaciers and polar zones Protection of endangered animal and plant species or species that are likely to be classified as endangered in the future Preservation of natural ecosystems, natural land, rivers and seas worldwide Promotion of sustainable development all around the globe Commitment to the development of renewable energy sources Spreading people's consciousness in regard to our planet's finite resources and their permanent destruction by man Other projects or missions may be added to the Foundation's activities anytime in the future. The Foundation shall be authorized to enter into all transactions for the purpose of and in accordance with its purpose. The charitable purpose of the Foundation is exclusive and irrevocable.

Dijital Toplum Arastirmalari Dernegi

Dijital Toplum Arastrmalari Dernegi adopts the motto of 'conscious digital society' and produces projects that will increase the fight against information pollution and raise awareness of digital media literacy. To combat misinformation, Dijital Toplum Arastrmalar Dernegi created project and continues its mission through this project. is a fact-checking non-profit trademark of DTA and actively fighting misinformation. At Dogrula, we fact-check the news and social media channels for the public interest. We prioritize supporting the democratic process, raising awareness of gender inequality, prevent cyberbullying and hate speech.

Guardians of Equality Movement

Our mission is to address the specific needs of Syrian LGBTQIA+ individuals and defenders, and provide comprehensive person-centred support through holistic protection and integrated services; with which we aim to Serve, over time, as a model for organisations operating in Syrian LGBTQIA+ contexts. We aim to increase the understanding and participation of Syrian LGBTQIA+ across humanitarian industries and entities, as well as all levels between local and global communities and politics through our advocacy and human rights & research efforts. Our media and advocacy department aims to challenge and correct stigmatised, stereotyped, and discriminatory narratives around Syrian LGBTQIA+. All to impart equality for Syrian LGBTQIA+ inside Syria, in the Middle East, and globally. Guardians of Equality Movement envisions the equal rights of LGBTQIA+ Syrians through the international protection of their freedoms. We envision creating safe and tolerant environments for LGBTQIA+ inside Syria and globally. We hope to expand our work to target all LGBTQIA+ throughout the Middle East and North Africa region.

The Flying Seagull Project

We spread joy worldwide through music, art, circus and dance. Working with vulnerable, abandoned, outcast and poorly people, we run creative sessions to help build confidence, aid childhood development and strengthen communication.


Providing a high-quality educational experience for learners at all levels and to all members of the society, starting from primary school all the way through to continuous career development. We work hard to provide the learners with essential tools, materials and high-end technology to support their learning experience and ensure they have access to knowledge regardless of their geographical location. We aim to increase the learners' level of knowledge, skills and professionalism to the highest so they can contribute toward re-building the community.

Stichting Women Win

Women Win's vision is that of a world in which every adolescent girl and young woman fully exercises her rights. Our mission is to advance the playing field that empowers girls through sport and play. Women Win is the global leader in girls and women's empowerment through sport. We leverage the power of play to help adolescent girls and young women build leadership skills and become better equipped to exercise their rights. Since 2007, we have impacted the lives of 2,822,400 adolescent girls and young women directly and indirectly in over 100 countries. This is possible thanks to collaborations with a wide variety of grassroots women's organisations, companies, development organisations, sports bodies and government agencies. Women Win currently supports initiatives in Asia, Africa, Middle East, North and South America. Our work is focused on empowering girls and young women through sport, emphasising the prevention of gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and economic empowerment. In practice this involves developing high quality specialised tools and curricula; delivering training and capacity building workshops; monitoring and evaluation tools and systems development; and providing strategic and programmatic support. Women Win invests in and manages a diverse portfolio of global partners with approximately 1.5 million euros of direct funding granted annually.


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. We lead international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people.