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RIJ is an independent non-profit organization that funds projects for people displaced by conflict around the world. RIJ supports projects that provide opportunities for people to lead an independent normal life while staying near to home and their loved ones; projects that enable people to give back to the community and make valuable contributions to the local economy as well as rebuilding their own future.
Our mission is to improve quality of life for people with Down syndrome worldwide and promote their inherent right to be accepted and included as valued and equal members of society. We aim to: Provide information, support and resources to people with Down syndrome, their families, supporters and the professionals who work with them with specific focus on developing countries. Represent people with Down syndrome with a single global voice and encourage international communication and cooperation. Raise awareness about Down syndrome and the potential of people with Down syndrome to contribute and live valued lives in the community.
To empower the library and information community to actively promote the African development agenda through dynamic services that transform livelihoods.
Created in 2002, Vision du Monde is a French humanitarian organization, belonging to World Vision international partnership, which aims at helping the most vulnerable children. Thanks to its Christian DNA and driven by stewardship and human centred values, our NGO is dedicated to tackle the causes of poverty and injustice. We help the most vulnerable children to experience fullness of life, by growing, learning and achieving their dreams in a caring and secured environment. Vision du Monde works with the world's most vulnerable people in the most remote or unstable areas of the world. It serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. Our staff of 25+ deals mainly with global relief, development and advocacy. We pursue this mission through integrated, holistic commitment, working closely with children, families, communities, local authorities. We make sure that each one of them are interviewed and committed from design to fulfilment in our development programmes. Empowered step by step during the ten to fifteen years of a programme, we empower them to set their own goals, settle autonomy and pass on skills and knowledge in a sustainable and community-based outlook. Vision du Monde runs 17 development programmes in 12 countries across 4 continents. It benefits from the 70 years of experience of World Vision, first child sponsorship NGO and first Clean water humanitarian provider in the world, operating in 99 countries with offices in 85 of them. Our mission encompasses, in a global and sustainable development approach, 6 key sectors across clean water, sanitation and hygiene; food security; health; education; child protection and economic development to enable families transform relationships, build resilience and secure source of revenues. World Vision recently launched a new global strategy called Our Promise 2030, contributing to reach Sustainable Development Goals. Focusing energy and resources on increasingly fragile contexts and hard-to-reach areas, the organization strengthens his advocacy against violence, exploitation and human rights violations. Vision du Monde is dedicated more than ever to reach the most vulnerable children in the world, in difficult areas, relying on the expertise and cultural understanding of local teams, 97 % of them originating from the country. Alliances with other NGOs such as Red cross, Cares, Coordination sud or public organization such as EU or World food programme or International Labour Organization, make our action more efficient.
ChildFund Korea creates a world where children grow up upright and enjoy happy life.
To enhance capacities and competencies of local Civil Society Organization (CSOs) and other structures through technical support, research and appropriate knowledge management
To spread the values of Judo throughout the world and inspire generations for a healthy life based on solid moral principles, to offer guidance and leadership for its stakeholders while preserving the integrity of the sport and of the athletes, as well as all its members and to organize entertaining events for fans
MAITS is an international disability charity whose mission is to improve the lives of some of the world's poorest people with developmental disabilities and the lives of their families, through better access to and quality of health and education services and support. We provide education, training and support for those working with and caring for persons with developmental disabilities such as cerebral palsy, autism and global learning disabilities to ensure they are able to achieve their full potential in a way that is sustainable and inclusive. We support people with disabilities in the following ways: The training of healthcare and education professionals, community workers, families and carers- to better understand their conditions and build their skills and knowledge to ensure persons with disabilities have better access to and improved quality of services. The development of training materials and resources on disability- the training materials are tested out and adapted to the local context, and when needed, translated into the local language, to ensure high quality care for those with disabilities. Linking organisations that need training with those who are able to provide it- through our website and through our database of 208 volunteer therapists and educators. In addition to facilitating face-to-face training, MAITS has an ongoing programme of resource development, designing tools that assist in the support and inclusion of individuals with particular needs, whether it be at home, school, in healthcare provisions or elsewhere in the community, in low-resource settings. We have a small team of specialists who create resources and we connect those looking for training with those who can provide it. Our mission is to improve the lives of some of the world's poorest people with developmental disabilities and the lives of their families, through better access to and quality of health and education services and support.
To support juveniles in conflict with the law through legal representation, social support and advocacy for a restorative juvenile justice system.
Our name highlights the necessity to take care of the future, the desire and the need to develop the world in which we live in. Children represent the first beneficiaries of the future and thus are the clearest symbol on how important it is to build a future together, starting today. Our organization is active in cooperation towards development, the integration of various cultures and the growing partnership based on solidarity. All of these aspects combined provide an equal and sustainable growth that we aim to achieve and value deeply. We are a group of people from various religious backgrounds with shared goals, who believe in the collaboration of mankind towards the construction of a common future.
Our mission is to replace dirty and expensive lighting solutions with sustainable energy alternatives for the million people living without electricity in Southern Africa.
The Foundation's mission is to partner with rural African communities on the outskirts of wildlife areas to improve their quality of life and achieve long-term conservation through programs focusing on education, conservation and community empowerment.