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The Greenways Land Trust's area of interest extends from the Oyster River to the Eve River, and from the Mainland Inlets to the Insular Mountains, with a particular focus on the District of Campbell River. Visit our website to see the many projects and campaigns that we have underway, all of which help to acheive our goals of: * Working as an agency to accept and manage environmentally sensitive land, * Acting as a community resource centre on issues of land and stream stewardship, and * Working with area municipal governments, community stewardship groups and landowners to plan and develop a Greenways Habitat Corridor System.


World Fisheries Trust acts locally and globally, using a multidisciplinary approach to match solutions to problems; not problems to solutions. The organization is not an activist group, but rather works as an honest broker with all points of view and creditable scientific evidence. We do scientific and social research, contribute to policy development and work on field implementation of solutions. Our particular expertise includes bridging the divide between technical solutions and societal realities, including tools for enhancing community engagement, public awareness, and societal equity. The combination of local and international projects provides unique insights for this work, as well as providing a conduit between Canadian and international partners.

The Halo Trust

The HALO Trust helps countries recover after conflict. Clearing landmines, to save lives, is at the heart of what we do. We work with communities that are too often forgotten once the fighting has ended, a point reinforced by Princess Diana after her visit to Angola in 1997. But the nature of conflict has evolved, so too has the dangerous debris left behind when the fighting is over. As well as clearing landmines, we deal with unexploded ordnance, from bullets to aircraft bombs, and we educate communities to keep them safe. We also build safe arms stores and systems for securing guns.

Peconic Land Trust

Mission: The Peconic Land Trust conserves Long Island's working farms, natural lands, and heritage for our communities now and in the future.Impact: The conservation of working farms, natural lands, and heritage is closely inter-connected to many benefits that are important to all us who know and love the area ~ fresh local produce, miles of hiking trails, clean and productive bays and wetlands, drinking water protection, strong local economy, healthy ecosystems, storm water protection and buffer against effects of climate change, free public garden, historic preservation, lower property taxes (because of undeveloped land), and continued enjoyment of this unique region for generations to come.

Lewisboro Land Trust

Exposure to nature decreases anxiety, depression, and negative rumination; while at the same time increasing well being, and creative thinking. People with disabilities usually don't have the same access to nature and environmental education as the general public. The Lewisboro Land Trust Access Nature Program, reaches out to people with disabilities to enable them to experience the benefits of nature. We design each program to fit the needs of the individual group, sometimes using educational naturalists or nature programs. The goal of Access Nature Programs is to provide a comfortable. safe, enjoyable experience of nature while educating on the benefits gained. The ultimate goal is self reliance, having gained the knowledge and confidence to enjoy nature on their own.

Young Women's Trust

Young Women's Trust champions young women aged 18 to 30 on low or no pay. We're here to create a more equal world of work and raise young women's incomes. We tackle sexism and misogyny, with and for anyone who has experienced this. We offer young women free coaching, feedback on job applications and information to help them get where they want to be. We bring together a network of thousands of young women to support each other, build their self-belief, and have their voices heard. We work with young women and anyone who experiences misogyny and sexism to campaign for equality in the workplace. And our research provides insight into what young women's lives are really like, fuelling our campaigns for change.


The Community of the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Region embraces the Nuu-chah–nulth First Nations "living" philosophies of Iisaak (Living respectfully), Qwa' aak qin teechmis (Life in the balance), and Hishuk ish ts'awalk (Everything is one and interconnected). This vision was articulated to the CBT during public consultations with the residents of the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Region Community. The Clayoquot Biosphere Trust supports local research, education, and training that is consistent with a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve's objectives of conservation and community health. The CBT is responsible for initiating educational, scientific and cultural projects and programs in the region, as well as providing financial support to other eligible organizations. The CBT was established to represent the region of the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve including communities adjacent to the Biosphere Reserve Boundaries.

Habitat Acquisition Trust

Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT) works in partnership with governments, non-profits, communities, schools and landowners to enhance habitat protection on public and private land - making everyone part of the solution! Established in 1996, HAT's mandate is to protect natural environments on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, a spectacular part of Canada in the south-west corner of British Columbia. This is a special part of Canada where the warm, mild climate is home to species and habitats that cannot be found elsewhere in Canada - and some of these ecosystems and species are the most endangered in the country. A disproportionate number of BC's threatened and endangered species occur in the region, which also has a disproportionate amount of BC's private lands. HAT works to protect land permanently through: * land acquisition through purchase or donation; * conservation covenants; * education & stewardship. Thank you for your support!

Adult Literacy Trust

The Adult Literacy Trust, or ALT, provides adults the opportunity to break the cycle of exclusion and poor literacy by providing personalised tutoring in basic reading skills, delivered through a network of skilled volunteers. Through one-to-one instruction, the charity is dedicated to ensuring that individuals who wish to improve their literacy skills receive the help they need to become successful readers, and to increase their life chances. When adults learn to read, it better prepares them to live out their roles in the community as parents, workers and citizens. Teaching an adult to read can have a profound and lasting impact on their ability to function successfully within society, by improving their ability to find and retain decent-paying jobs, actively engage in community activities, and help informed decisions that can ensure healthy lives. ALT's mission is to recruit and train volunteer tutors who provide instruction to adults in reading, targeting the staggering number of adults in the UK who have poor literacy, lacking basic skills beyond primary school level or less. Individual tuition is provided to adult students, free of charge. The organisation works with a number of teaching institutions, as well as local authorities and libraries, to source adult learners who can benefit from reading tuition.

Richmond Land Trust

To preserve the rural character and quality of life in Richmond, Vermont, and its surrounding communities through land conservation, historic preservation, land stewardship, and community service and education

Manitha Neyam Trust

Our Vision is to Ignite a universal passion and love for humanity that will steer future generations towards a world of peace, opportunity and happiness.  Our Mission is to recreate a future of love, opportunity and happiness for all those who have suffered, and continue to suffer from the civil strife. We plan to achieve this by:

Essex Land Trust