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Displaying 25–36 of 134,942

Save Oceanside Sand

Save Oceanside Sand is a group of local advocates for sustainable sandy beaches in Oceanside, California. Working with local, regional, state, and federal authorities, we encourage the City of Oceanside to design, approve and fund a sustainable and permanent solution to Protect and Restore the natural ecosystems disappearing from our beaches.

The Kristen Ann Carr Fund

The Kristen Ann Carr Fund provides grants for cancer research and seeks to improve all aspects of cancer patient life with an emphasis on adolescents and young adults.

Save the Michaels of the World

Save the Michaels raises awareness of prescription and other drug addictions. Abuse and misuse of these controlled substances leads to serious illness, depression, deaths from overdose and suicide, and the devastation of caregivers and loved ones. Save the Michaels House of Hope and Community Resources supports families during their loved one's journey through addiction and into remission. We provide a nurturing and supportive environment to parents, grandparents and spouses of addicted individuals. We practice compassion and promote education, self-help and wrap-around care before, during, and after treatment.

Save Starlight

Save Starlight is an initiative working to restore, revive and revitalize Starlight Bowl—an open-air amphitheater in the heart of San Diego's Balboa Park. The Bowl has been closed since 2012, and has fallen into disrepair.We envision a venue for open-air performances, concerts, cinema, festivals, plays, community events, and musical theater. We imagine a new generation of diverse performances, a stage for the San Diego community hosting magical entertainment experiences. Our goal is to preserve the Bowl's heritage, ensure accessibility, and use creative technology to address opportunities and challenges for its location and architecture.

Help Save The Bees Foundation

Help Save the Bees Foundation helps, inspires and educates others about the fascinating nature and vital importance of bees, the challenges they face, and their impact on our planet and the human race.We are a clearinghouse for people and organizations who want to help through education, support and donations.We graciously accept donations to provide funding for organizations and institutions of higher learning who are working to provide real world solutions.

The Life You Can Save

The Life You Can Save is a movement of people fighting extreme poverty. We hold that an ethical life involves using some of our wealth and resources to save and improve the lives of those less fortunate than us. For this reason, we spread knowledge of what all of us can do to reduce poverty and we encourage people to publicly pledge a percentage of their income to highly effective aid organizations.

Impact Metrics
Save The Great South Bay

Save The Great South Bay is dedicated to revitalizing and protecting the bay so that our children and grandchildren can fish, swim, boat, and clam as did generations past. We work to educate Long Islanders as to what is wrong with their waters - and how we can fix them. We advocate for local sewer construction along the bay, for open space preservation, for stricter guidelines on fertilizer use, for implementing the latest in wastewater technologies, for local action, and most importantly, for a return of the clams and the oysters.

Save The American River Association

To protect and enhance the wildlife habitat, fishery, and recreational resources of the American River Parkway. Our volunteer, non-profit group of members and Board of Directors work to ensure that the American River Parkway will survive and prosper for the benefit of future generations.

Save The Animals Rescue Foundation

Their mission is to mitigate the damage done to the wild population through the progress of humans. Their plan is to continue to expand the wildlife facility.

Save The Street Children International

Provide empowering support and Christ-like compassion to orphans in Uganda and those fighting injustice on their behalf

Save A Girl, Save A World

Focusing on four pillars, wealth, life skills, careers and health & wellness, our mission is to provide education and awareness by sharing successful life experiences through mentoring that brings together several generations of young girls and women whose life experiences transcend time. Through these mentor relationships we: • ensure that young girls are equipped with a healthy self-image to contribute to social importance and personal development. • instill self confidence, life skills and new experiences to contribute to society in a life-changing way. • promote academic achievement through programs, conversations and one-on-one interactions. • provide mentors across diverse disciplines aligned to resources, industries and experiences to help young women develop goals and ideas to have a global impact. • engage young women in financial literacy to foster healthy consumerism and spending habits.

The Tibet Fund

Founded in 1981 under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, The Tibet Fund is the primary funding organization for the health, education, refugee rehabilitation, cultural preservation and economic development programs that enable Tibetans in exile and in their homeland to sustain their language, culture and national identity.