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Stop AAPI Hate

In response to the alarming escalation in xenophobia and bigotry resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Asian Pacific Planning and Policy Council (A3PCON), Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA), and the Asian American Studies Department of San Francisco State University launched the Stop AAPI Hate reporting center on March 19, 2020. The center tracks and responds to incidents of hate, violence, harassment, discrimination, shunning, and child bullying against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States.

UNICEF - Oxygen Generation Plant

The response has truly been global, rapid, and multi-faceted. UNICEF is supplying medical oxygen to over 90 countries to help fight COVID-19. Just this year, in addition to the 15,188 oxygen concentrators, UNICEF alone has distributed over 19,600 oxygen accessories (like pulse oximeters, flow splitters, oxygen analyzers and humidifier bottles) and 578,000 consumables (like nasal cannula, face masks and tubing) to 93 countries. In addition, UNICEF country offices have supported many governments to initiate plans to install and/or refurbish PSA plants or provide liquid oxygen to further bolster oxygen scale-up efforts.

Arthritis Foundation

The Arthritis Foundation is the champion of yes. Leading the fight for the arthritis community, the Arthritis Foundation helps conquer everyday battles through life-changing information and resources, access to optimal care, advancements in science and community connections. Our goal is to chart a winning course, guiding families in developing personalized plans for living a full life – and making each day another stride towards a cure. The Arthritis Foundation leads the way in: access and advocacy: on capitol hill and beyond scientific discovery: for better treatments and a cure help and support: when and where people need us juvenile arthritis: our unwavering promise to families community and connections: making a difference

Human Rights Campaign

The Human Rights Campaign envisions an America where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community. The HRC Foundation was established in 1986 as a non-political, tax-exempt organization. Through innovative outreach, education, advocacy and research, the HRC Foundation focuses on the policies, issues and practices that affect LGBT individuals and their families including health care, parenting, adoption, schools, family law, employment, coming out, religion and faith, civil unions and marriage, financial planning, minority-specific concerns and senior health and housing. The HRC Foundation is one of the nation's most respected sources of information on LGBT issues and its resources are utilized throughout the LGBT community as well as among policy-makers, corporate executives, religious and community leaders, elected officials, journalists, researchers and the media.

TVN Foundation

The TVN Foundation was launched in 2001 by TVN which is the leading broadcaster in Poland owned by Warner Bros. Discovery. The Foundation’s goal is to provide assistance to patients, medical, educational, care facilities, and hospitals, as well as helping the poor and institutions of great social importance, which have found themselves in need of funding. Since the beginning of its charitable activity, the TVN Foundation has provided help to nearly 30,000 people, many hospitals and other health-related institutions. The Foundation finances treatment and rehabilitation of sick children, as well as supports seniors by purchasing medication not covered by their insurance. The TVN Foundation not only renovates and builds medical facilities (hospitals, clinics and, hospital wards), but also finances the purchase of medical equipment. In 2021 the TVN Foundation, due to a huge underinvestment of child psychiatry in Poland, began to build the Psychiatry Center for Children and Youth within the largest children’s hospital in Poland: the Children's Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw. The construction is planned to be finished by the end of 2023. The total amount of money needed for this investment is over 7 Million USD.

Impact Metrics
Heifer International

Heifer International's mission is to end hunger and poverty and to care for the Earth using gifts of livestock, seeds, trees and training in sustainable agriculture community development projects to help millions of people become self-reliant. Since 1944, Heifer has helped transform the lives of more than 18.5 million families (94.5 million people) by giving them gifts of cows, goats and other livestock. Along with the animals, families receive training in animal care and conservation for environmentally sound agricultural development. We also provide training in community development, gender equity, sharing and caring, strategic planning and other subjects as needed, including literacy. The process takes several years and is not declared successful until the community shows sustained improvement in nutrition, income and self-reliance. Each family that receives an animal agrees to Pass on the Gift by sharing the first-born female offspring of their animal with another family in need, so each gift of livestock starts a chain of self-reliance that spreads throughout  entire communities.

Green The Bid

"Together we can establish sustainable commercial productions. It is time for us to shift our industry to zero-waste, carbon neutral, sustainable and regenerative practices." In 2022 year alone, in collaboration with our members, Green The Bid has: Produced a Complete Sustainable Production How-To Manual. Provided webinars to national and international organizations including presentations for, and with, AICP Week, Advertising Week, Telly Awards, Shots/YDA, Cannes Lions, and more. Created educational programming with D&AD. Held quarterly member meetings featuring Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland & Co-Founder of The Elders, Chad Frischmann from Project Drawdown, Victoria Harvey and Keiren O’Brien from Filmlocker, and Steve Smith from albert’s Studio Standard. Built robust guides with instructions on how to sign up for a green energy plan, hold an e-waste drive and donate food. Worked with multiple key stakeholders in our community on the solutions for the carbon impact of our data storage (stay tuned for more on this!). Redesigned our website for even easier access to our resources. Saw membership grow to nearly 400 member companies and supporting organizations.

myAgro Farms

Our mission is to help small-scale farmers in West Africa move out of poverty by earning sustainable livelihoods from their farms. We believe the solution lies in giving families the ability to invest their own resources in appropriate fertilizer, seed and modern agricultural techniques so they can enjoy increased harvests and income every year. myAgro provides increased financial access to family farms by giving local farmers the ability to pay for the tools and supplies they need on savings layaway, via a mobile money service that is accessible from even the most hard-to-reach villages. This innovation adapts an old concept – layaway plans – to a new context – rural farmers living on less than $2 a day – and it uses a familiar technology – the mobile phone – that is easy, convenient and trusted. We also provide our farmers with agricultural experts to accompany them during planting so they can gain the most benefit possible from their investment, and with direct market access to purchasers so they can get the most income from their harvests. Our model is an extremely efficient way of addressing rural poverty and food insecurity. Our vision is to move a million small-scale farmers beyond subsistence farming and out of poverty by 2025 by scaling our programs in West Africa and by creating a model that other distribution networks around the world can integrate into their own program offerings.

Advocates For Children And Families (FL)

Advocates for Children and Families, Inc. (ACF) was founded in 1992 to provide ethical adoption services to children and families. Throughout our 30 years of operation there have been many changes in legislation and advances in the evidence-based social sciences related to adoption, that have influenced our model of practice. One aspect of our work that has never changed is ACF's child-centered approach of prioritizing the well-being of children. Our mission is to promote and assist in the formation of stable families. The well-being of children is our priority. We believe every child deserves a permanent home in a safe, nurturing environment.  Our team is comprised of attorneys, licensed mental health professionals, and support staff who are specially trained and continually engaged in advancements within the field of child welfare and adoption. ACF's commitment to advocating for children and families has resulted in over 1,026 children finding stability and permanency within a nurturing family. By supporting Advocates for Children and Families, you are participating in improving the lives of children and families. Charitable contributions allow us to: 1) Find forever families for children with special needs. 2) Meet basic needs including housing, utilities, food, and clothing for families in crisis. 3) Support parents in creating individualized solution-focused plans to move from crisis to stability. 4) Provide trauma-informed clinical counseling services.

Canine Assistants

Our founder and Executive Director, Jennifer Arnold, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis as a teenager and spent two years using a wheelchair. It was a difficult time for her as she felt isolated, alone, and dependent on those around her. Her father, a physician in Atlanta, heard about an organiztion that trained service dogs to help people in wheelchairs. The program, which was located in California, had a long waiting list and worked mainly with those in their own region, so her father decided to start a similar program in Georgia. Three weeks after the first planning meeting for Canine Assistants, her father was hit and killed by a drunk driver while he was taking a walk. Determined to accomplish her dream and complete what her father had started, it took Jennifer and her mother ten years of hard work and dedication to open the program. Fortunately, Jennifer no longer needs a wheelchair, yet she fully understands the needs and concerns of others with physical disabilities. We no longer want people with disabilities to feel isolated and dependant on others. The dogs trained at Canine Assistants can turn lights on and off, open doors, pull wheelchairs retrieve dropped objects, summon help, and provide secure companionshieven more important than the physical skills they possess, is their ability to eliminate feelings of fear isolation, and loneliness felt by their companions. One Canine Assistants' recipient made the value of this skill quite clear when asked by a reporter what she like most about her service dog, immediately she responded, "My service dog makes my wheelchair disappear."

Pledgeling Coronavirus Relief Fund

Money raised through the Coronavirus Relief Fund will be split evenly amongst CDC Foundation, International Medical Corps and Direct Relief to support first responders & medical professionals working on the coronavirus globally. CDC Foundation EIN: 58-2106707 Funds raised by the CDC Foundation through their Emergency Response Fund will be used to meet fast-emerging needs identified by CDC to help respond to the public health threat posed by this virus. These include additional support for state and local health departments, support for the global response, logistics, communications, data management, personal protective equipment, critical response supplies and more. International Medical Corps EIN: 95-3949646 International Medical Corps is taking an agency-wide approach to their response, providing their 7,000+ staff members in more than 30 countries with clinical guidance and planning documents designed to help them screen patients, enhance infection prevention and control (IPC), and protect health providers. They also have developed specific training materials to help staff and healthcare providers better respond to the virus. Direct Relief EIN: 95-1831116 Direct Relief is coordinating with public health authorities, nonprofit organizations and businesses in China and the U.S. to provide personal protective equipment and other items to health workers responding to coronavirus (COVID-19). Direct Relief is also staging personal protective equipment with regional response agencies across the world, including in the Caribbean and South America through the Pan American Health Organization. For most recent updates on the spread of the disease, please visit the CDC's website:

Impact Metrics and Stories
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) is changing the lives of children with cancer by funding impactful research, raising awareness, supporting families and empowering everyone to help cure childhood cancer. When Alex, who was diagnosed with childhood cancer just before her first birthday, was 4, she told her parents she wanted to set up a front yard lemonade stand. Her plan: to give the money to doctors to help them find a cure. Her first “Alex’s Lemonade Stand,” held with the help of her older brother Patrick, raised an astonishing $2,000 in one day. While bravely fighting her own cancer, Alex continued to set up lemonade stands every year. As news spread of the remarkable girl so dedicated to helping other sick children, people everywhere were inspired to start their own lemonade stands — donating the proceeds to her cause. In 2004 when Alex passed away at the age of 8 — her stand and inspiration had raised more than $1 million towards finding a cure for the disease that took her life. Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) was started by her parents in 2005 to continue the work that Alex began. Our mission is simple: to change the lives of children with cancer through funding impactful research, raising awareness, supporting families and empowering everyone to help cure childhood cancer. Since Alex set up her first lemonade stand in 2000 — truly exemplifying the saying “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade” — we have raised more than $250 million. That money has helped to: - Fund more than 1,000 cutting-edge research projects at nearly 150 institutions. - Create a Travel For Care program to help support families of children receiving treatment and develop resources, such as our SuperSibs program to help people everywhere affected by childhood cancer. Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is the living embodiment of Alex’s spirit of determination and hope. Like Alex, we believe that every person can make a difference. Together, we can bring about a cure. Please join us in “making lemons into lemonade” today!