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Displaying 361–372 of 74,612

National Compassion Fund / National Center for Victims of Crime

from the website: "The National Compassion Fund provides a single, trusted way for the public to give directly to victims of mass casualty crimes. We then work with affected communities to fairly and transparently distribute those funds to the victims." also: "The mission of the National Center for Victims of Crime is to forge a national commitment to help victims of crime rebuild their lives. We are dedicated to serving individuals, families, and communities harmed by crime." Alternate website:

Canadian Centre for Housing Rights (Formerly CERA)

CERA is an Ontario-based non-profit organization established to promote human rights in housing. Our staff and volunteers work with low income and other disadvantaged households to challenge discriminatory practices in the rental housing market, and to help these individuals and families access and retain the housing they need. We do this through directly assisting individuals experiencing discrimination, representing human rights claimants at the Ontario Human Rights Commission, public education, research, and test case litigation related to poverty, housing and human rights. CERA is the only organization in Canada that focuses on fighting discrimination in housing and using human rights legislation to challenge housing insecurity and homelessness. All of our services are free. CERA is sustained through project funding and direct fundraising. We receive no core funding.

Illinois Coalition For Immigrant And Refugee Rights

The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) is dedicated to promoting the rights of immigrants and refugees to full and equal participation in the civic, cultural, social, and political life of our diverse society. In partnership with its member organizations, ICIRR educates and organizes immigrant and refugee communities to assert their rights; promotes citizenship and civic participation; monitors, analyzes, and advocates on immigrant-related issues; and, informs the general public about the contributions of immigrants and refugees.

Committee for Human Rights in Latin America

HISTORY The Committee for Human Rights in Latin America (CDHAL) was founded in 1976, following the coups d'état in Argentina and Chile, known for their strong repression and human rights violations, by four pastors and priests of Christian churches in Montreal who, within their respective faith, had a function in relation to international problems. The CDHAL owes its birth to two concerns: first, a concern of Christians to educate and inform the Church and the Quebec population in relation to situations of political repression and human rights violations in Latin America; on the other hand, a desire to establish genuine solidarity among the churches there and those here. Initially, members of CDHAL belonged to a religious affiliation. However, for over 20 years, the composition of CDHAL, as well as his work is totally free of any religious affiliation. CDHAL is also known as the Christian Committee for Human Rights in Latin America (CCDHAL).

Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties, INC

MARL holds a variety of innovative set of educational activities public events, including an annual Human Rights Film Festival and public lectures. MARL works in schools helping develop teachers’ skills to help support curriculum and run the 'Leadership in Social Justice Program'. This unique approach inspires youth about social justice issues and empowers them to take action by building the skills to run programs focusing on issues in their communities. MARL works to change policies to uphold rights through legislative review by preparing briefs and studies at all levels of government. MARL also provides referral and legal information in response to inquiries from individuals. For young people interested in learning about their rights, MARL has developed the Under 18 Handbook, a Legal Guide for Manitoba Teens. This free handbook is available in hardcopy and on our website.

DOMINE - Organization for Promotion of Women's Rights

DOMINE is feminist, non-governmental, non-profitable organization, established in 2002 with a purpose of promoting women's rights and encouraging development of civil society. Organization's basic activities are education, video production, publishing, public campaigns and direct counseling and support. Domine acts regularly on: economical and political women's empowerment, advocacy of gender mainstreaming policies implementation and politics of equal opportunities, prevention of violence against women in all forms, promoting prevention of sexual and reproductive women's rights, direct legal, psychological and medical support to women, raising awareness of media responsibility regarding women's rights promotion, researching women's past/history of Split and Dalmatia, cooperation and networking with feminist and civil society organizations on local, national and international level, publishing and development of the first feminist library in Split and Dalmatia, media visibility of civil society, capacity strengthening of civil society organizations, cooperation of civil society organizations and local government units with a common goal of democracy promotion and the quality of life in society, stimulating of social entrepreneurship and self-financing.

The Young Center For Immigrant Childrens Rights

The mission of the Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights is to promote the best interests of unaccompanied immigrant children with due regard to the child's expressed wishes, according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and state and federal law. The Young Center is a champion for the best interests of children who arrive in the United States on their own, from all corners of the world. We serve as trusted allies for these children by accompanying them through court proceedings, advocating for their best interests, and standing for the creation of a dedicated juvenile immigrant justice system that ensures the safety and well-being of every child.

Heartland Alliance For Human Needs & Human Rights

Heartland Alliance’s mission is to advance the human rights and respond to the human needs of endangered populations—particularly the poor, the isolated, and the displaced—through the provision of comprehensive and respectful services and the promotion of permanent solutions leading to a more just global society.

MADRE, An International Women's Human Rights Org.

MADRE's mission is to advance women's human rights by meeting urgent needs in communities and building lasting solutions to the crises women face. MADRE works towards a world in which all people enjoy the fullest range of individual and collective human rights; in which resources are shared equitably and sustainably; in which women participate effectively in all aspects of society; and in which people have a meaningful say in policies that affect their lives. MADRE's vision is enacted with an understanding of the inter-relationships between the various issues we address and by a commitment to working in partnership with women at the local, regional and international levels who share our goals.

Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, was formed in 1963 at the request of President John F. Kennedy to involve the private bar in providing legal services to address racial discrimination. The principal mission of the Lawyers' Committee is to secure, through the rule of law, equal justice under law.

Center For Human Rights And Constitutional Law

Our mission is to identify highly vulnerable unaccompanied immigrant minors who are homeless or detained by federal authorities and provide these often traumatized minors with a temporary home and essential social, educational, and legal services to address their trauma, well-being, and legal immigration status

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

Although access to contraception and abortion was decriminalized over 40 years ago, barriers continue to exist to comprehensive sexual health in many communities across Canada. People of all ages, but especially young people, struggle with cost, lack of confidentiality in small or rural communities, and insufficient access to reliable, nonjudgmental information. CFSH’s donors are helping us provide the reliable and non-judgemental sexual health information all Canadians deserve. Your donations help us develop and distribute sexual health promotional materials, inclusive sexual health education materials, and accessible social media toolkits for our member organizations. In addition your support allows us to facilitate communication between our incredible member organizations to ensure we have a strong and united national voice for sexual and reproductive health.