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Displaying 445–456 of 276,801

Benedictine Sisters Of Pittsburgh

We are the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh — continuing 1500 years of \nseeking God in Community, Prayer and Ministry.

Sisters Of Christian Charity

The Sisters of Christian Charity are women of Christ-like love who live and make visible the love of Christ in the world.

Benedictine Sisters Of Chicago

The Benedictine Sisters of Chicago are a monastic community of Roman Catholic women who live, pray, and serve God's people together.

Sisters Of Notre Dame

Our charism and spirit remain alive in the Church through our witness of life and apostolic service. In fidelity to our charism, we participate in the mission of Jesus Christ, witnessing God’s goodness and provident care to others. The Church sends us through our congregation to assist our sisters and brothers to direct their lives to God in faith so that all may experience God’s goodness. As an apostolic community committed to our mission, we devote ourselves to education in all its forms, especially catechesis and other ministries. Impelled by a missionary spirit, we respond to the needs of the times and share God’s compassionate love with people of all faiths and cultures, particularly those who are poor and marginalized.

Dominican Sisters Of Peace

The Dominican Sisters of Peace number nearly 355 vowed Sisters and 580 Associates (volunteer lay people in mission) and are part of the worldwide Order of Preachers, sometimes known as the Dominican Order. (The OP after our name stands for Order of Preachers). We serve God's people in many ways, including education, health care, spirituality, pastoral care, prison ministry, the arts, and care of creation, among others. The Gospel message of love and compassion lead us to be concerned about peace and justice issues, including comprehensive immigration reform, sensible gun control, alternatives to the death penalty, and advocacy against human trafficking among others. Our Sisters are in 19 states and in Nigeria.

Benedictine Sisters Of Florida

The Benedictine Sisters of Florida seek God in monastic community, prayer and ministry. Nourished by the Word of God and our life together, we and our supporters and volunteers respond with the compassion of Christ to feed the hungers of the people of God.

Sisters of Charity - Halifax

For more than 150 years, the Sisters of Charity-Halifax have had an impact on the various communities in which they live. They respond to the needs of today’s world in education, health care, pastoral ministry, social justice and community outreach. "Corporately and individually we strive to develop a sensitivity toward those whom the world oppresses, to right in great ways or small the injustices we see around us, to heal the wounds of the embittered, to speak peace to the troubled, to urge the mighty to right wrongs. We live our mission through loving presence, through prayer, through ministry with others." An international organization based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sisters of Charity currently live and work across Canada, the eastern United States, Bermuda and Peru.

Sisters Of The Road

Sisters Of The Road exists to build authentic relationships and alleviate the hunger of isolation in an atmosphere of nonviolence and gentle personalism that nurtures the whole individual, while seeking systemic solutions that reach the roots of homelessness and poverty to end them forever. We believe that all individuals are equally worthy, that no one has a monopoly on the truth, and that we have much to learn from one another. We consistently refuse to participate in or condone any act of violence, harm or humiliation, including sexism or racism. Our founding goals are to be a safe, public place for everyone, especially women and children, to offer nourishing meals at little cost or in exchange for labor, and to offer job training and employment experience to local residents. For thirty-five years, Sisters' has worked to fulfill these goals and to build a community based on nonviolence, dignity, and systemic change.

Sisters Of Notre Dame

The Sisters of Notre Dame of California belong to an international congregation of more than two thousand Roman Catholic women religious. Impelled by a missionary spirit, we respond to the needs of the times and share God’s compassionate love with people of all faiths and cultures, particularly those who are poor and marginalized. Trusting in God who makes all things new, we commit ourselves to live incarnational spirituality, grow in life-giving relationships, be one in diversity.

Sisters Of St Joseph

MISSION STATEMENTSeized by God's love, we work in collaboration with others to bring union and reconciliation to our world, "that all may be one." John 17:21 VISION STATEMENTCentered in contemplation, we work toward changing patterns of relationships which contribute to alienation, poverty and oppression.

Hospitaler Sisters Of Mercy

Their mission is based on our commitment to human dignity and service to others. We strive to be role models of Gospel values in our commitment to the individual dignity of those for whom we provide care. Our intent is to offer supportive personal care and health services in an environment that promotes resident values.