Support Out Loud Chorus This #GivingTuesday


Reducing bigotry against the LGBTQ+ community in Michigan through music.

In an era of increased hostility to the rights of marginalized people, Out Loud Chorus (OLC) is working to reduce bigotry and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community through entertaining and empowering musical performances. OLC is a non-auditioned, mixed-LGBTQ+ community chorus who are committed to putting on musically excellent shows that are fun, educational, and inspiring for our audiences. 

For nearly 30 years, OLC has provided a safe haven of music and community for LGBTQ+ people and allies, and is currently Washtenaw County's only arts organization for the entire LGBTQ+ community. Your donation this #GivingTuesday helps us continue to fight bigotry and bring music to our community.



The fundraiser organizer hasn't posted any updates.