Hope from Home CRC Tea


Virtual Tea Fundraiser

Thank you for giving Hope from Home at Community Resource Center's 26th Annual Tea!

Your virtual cup of tea and gift today help provide critical funding to support Community Resource Center's mission of helping our neighbors create paths to healthy food, stable homes and safe relationships. Learn more about CRC's mission and programs: CRCNCC.ORG/MISSION

Your Impact:
  • $50 helps provide nutritious food to a child for a week.
  • $100 helps a homeless family with shelter and resources.  
  • $247 helps provide counseling for a child heal from domestic violence. 
  • $522 helps pay the deposit on an apartment for an unsheltered family.  
  • $1,520 helps provide nutritious food for 10 families for a week.  
  • $3,180 provides a safe shelter, healthy food, legal assistance, counseling and the tools needed to change the life of a family leaving abuse. 

If you'd like to make a monthly donation, please contact us at development@crcncc.org.

About Community Resource Center: 

Community Resource Center (CRC)’s mission is to help our neighbors create paths to healthy food, stable homes and safe relationships. As a provider of integrative services, CRC’s programs include a domestic violence emergency shelter, hotline and prevention/education outreach, a Therapeutic Children’s Center, professional counseling, legal advocacy, food and nutrition distribution center, homelessness prevention and rental and housing assistance.

A note about donations made during CRC Tea using Pledgeling: 

  • We are using Pledgeling, a Zoom nonprofit partner, to accept donations during the event.
  • Pledgeling is a nonprofit and is not charging CRC for the use of their platform.
  • When you donate, there is an automatic tip added to your donation. This tip is how they are funding the platform. You are not obligated to add this tip, and CRC will not receive it.
  • To opt out of the tip, please select “other” and then type in 0 so no tip will be added.
  • The donation will show up as “Pledgeling Foundation” on your credit card statement. Rest assured, your gift will be transferred to CRC as a donation, we tested it before the Tea!


The fundraiser organizer hasn't posted any updates.