Donate via Pledge to @transanta

@transanta is a mutual aid social media campaign that connects santas everywhere with trans youth in need. Through anonymous and safe gift-giving, trans and queer youth who are houseless, in foster care, or otherwise without vital support receive the gifts they want and the affirmation they need from people all over the world!

We are graciously accepting one-time and monthly donations of any size to support our mission and keep our program running. Help us show young trans people that they are loved and cherished exactly for who they are!

Your financial contributions to our program are tax deductible to the extend permitted by law thanks to our fiscal sponsor, Allies in Arts, a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Thank you for your ongoing love and support!

Questions about making a donation? Please write to



Support Pledge

Make a bigger impact by supporting our mission. We depend on the generosity of donors like you.

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