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The Spirit Of Harmony Foundation

The Spirit of Harmony Foundation supports the moral imperative of music education, weaving together the social, biological, economic, and academic benefits to young people who are involved in consistent instrument-based institutional music lessons and performance. Our organization focuses on networking, as we help match the practical and varied needs of music education programs with the resources that will help them excel. We believe in providing opportunities for personal development and self-expression through the support of music and music education for young people regardless of socioeconomic status, geographic location, or ability. Mission: Providing opportunities for personal development and self-expression through the support of music and music education.

Lovers Of Fresh Ideas Artist Coalition

Lo-fi encourages, excites & promotes the enjoyment of human-powered activities. Lo-fi believes that human-powered activities should be physically, emotionally, and mentally rewarding and, most importantly, they should be fun. We are not alone in our belief that over time, human-powered activities such as riding a bicycle, walking, or jumping around on a pogo stick can make people happier, healthier, and strengthen ties within our communities. By engaging in the fun of getting up, getting out, and getting active, we can inspire even more people to follow suit. This not only improves our lives, but can radically change the world around us

Mike Harneys Play Ball


Ujyalo Foundation

The core ideas that underpin the mission of Ujyalo Foundation are: Innovation, Gender Inclusive Leadership, and Social Enterprise. Based on these core ideas, Ujyalo Foundation's mission is "to empower communities through technologies, innovation, social enterprise, and gender inclusive leadership, collaboratively locally and globally". We strongly believe that the best way to create sustainable development in any community is by investing in its young women. With initiatives like EmpowHER, and Women Leadership Summit, we provide safe platforms for young women to enhance their leadership skills, explore their unique selves as leaders in their communities, and develop their ideas into potential livelihood opportunities in Nepal. These programs give women a safe space to learn and lead without any social stigma or fear of discrimination. After going through our programs, our women have become confident, independent leading their ideas in different capacities, and creating their own strong collectives of young women. After leading these initiatives for two years and working with 1600 young women, we have discovered just how much such an effort can contribute in the advancement of young women and their causes, especially in a society driven by patriarchy. We want young women in Nepal to believe that a space where young women can lead fearlessly on the basis of their merit and idea, not their gender is possible. Our vision is to create a world where young women can live, learn and lead without any prejudice and discrimination, and have men as the champions to promote women safety and leadership.

The CORA Foundation (Community Outreach and Resources for the Arts) (Syracuse, NY)

The CORA Foundation was formed for the following purposes: To support and encourage educational cultural activities and events in the greater Syracuse Community. To support and encourage artists within a wide range of disciplines. To work with Central New York arts organizations to enhance the availability and quality of cultural presentations for the diverse communities of greater Syracuse. To bring to diverse audiences exhibits of works from outside Central New York that otherwise might not be available to Syracuse area people. The ArtRage Gallery mission is to exhibit progressive art that inspires resistance and promotes social awareness; supports social justice, challenges preconceptions and encourages cultural change. Our goal is to provide ArtRage visitors with an experience that encourages the breakdown of boundaries so that people can see themselves in the work and then in one another. And that, we believe, is the seed of a movement for cultural and social change.

Movement on The Ground

We are a foundation responding to a humanitarian crisis affecting the innocent men, women and children forced from their homes by climate change, poverty and war. We identify needs not being met and aim to fill these needs by activating our network of logistical, financial and structural partners to provide these needs thoroughly and without hesitation. In addition to providing urgent needs, our mission is to deliver a more dignified, sustainable, and innovative response to the refugee crisis in Europe. We believe that refugee camps should be more inclusive, more self-sustaining and providing refugees with a better quality of life and adaptation process to their new environments. With collaborative efforts with interested corporations, other charities, refugees, volunteers, and donations, we are activating a network that re-defines the global refugee camps.

NYC Muslim-Jewish Solidarity Committee

We are a grassroots community where Jews, Muslims, and all are welcome. We build relationships to stand against hate and violence through shared values and social action. What we share is more powerful than what divides us: PEACE We envision a city, country, and world where no one is feared, marginalized, hated, attacked, and killed because of who they are. We challenge prejudice, bigotry, racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, discrimination, and oppression. We stand in solidarity with our neighbors by speaking out against hateful incitement, interpersonal and institutional violence. LEARNING We encourage curiosity and education for transformation. We reflect on our identities by celebrating Muslim and Jewish traditions. We commit to building respectful relationships to gain knowledge. GIVING BACK We mobilize our community to make an impact through service and volunteering. We build on the momentum of social justice and civil rights movements. We believe in freedom, justice, and dignity for all, including the most disadvantaged.

Nepali Sahitya Manch USA

It is a public charity organization of Nepalese and Bhutanese People in USA which was established in the year 2018.The organization is officially exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c) (3) on May 15,2019. The organization represents New American people (People from Nepal and Bhutan) who share same native language, Nepali, cultures, traditions and ethnicity and social values. ” Our priority is to search our language, arts, literature, music and culture “is the motto the organization in the diasporic communities. The organization mainly engaged in preservation and promotion of our cultural identity and share the norms and values to the younger generations by means of publication, community services, public awareness, promotion of literary, arts, language dialogue and ceaselessly endeavored in promoting good taste, creative writing and healthy reading habits to the like-minded people, and groups through seminars, lectures, symposia, discussions, readings and performances, to increase the pace of mutual understanding through workshops and individual assignments and to develop a serious literary culture and arts through the publications of journals and performances individual creative works of every genre and histories of literature. We believe in” together we walk, together we progress” and “team work makes dream”. We love to connect more expertise and neighboring communities to integrate into the main stream of American society. We always seek help to address our community member’s issues. We, faith in co-ordination and co-operation to the resourceful and expertise society for resolution our social problems. We offer volunteer services to our community and other too. The head office of same is located at Michigan, USA.


Our Why IAEOU was founded because of our founder, Lisa Canning's, experience as a small business owner. Now 53, Lisa Canning has successfully been self-employed since the age of 17. Her first venture was a successful 12-million-dollar business in the music business with little to no investment except for the use of personal credit cards. When she did qualify for bank loans, after 4 years, her 20+ percent continuous annual and profitable growth, for more than 15 years, required ongoing investments that were hampered by banks who were risk adverse. Advisors and mentors interested in the growth of her small business were far and few between despite her being recognized as a Top 200-retailer (in a male dominated 'boys-club' industry), being routinely quoted in trade magazines and appearing on their covers, and being named by the National Association Women Business Owner of The Year in Chicago, Illinois. Since our inception in 2006, IAEOU has been focused on our founder mission to help under-served small business owners, especially women, find the resources they need to transform their ideas into sales and build the channels to market they need to grow and raise the capital they need to rise and thrive. At its core IAEOU is about helping those least served-those in small business who like our founder have viable business models that are offered few if any resources, struggle to access bank loans and who may not yet be investable by Angels or Venture Capitalists. Our Early Years to Present In our early years, IAEOU's family and friends supported the launch, advancement and development of our incubator, The IAE- The Institute for Arts Entrepreneurship, for the creative sector in Illinois. It was an experiment to see how quickly we could help small business owners find new sales and channels to market, as often this is the only way creatives in small businesses can survive and find any investment resources they need to grow. IAE achieved a 97% success rate with over 200 small business owners, helping them to find new sales and new channels to market. Our success brought us recognition by The United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) and the White House for our innovative education to helping under-served entrepreneurs thrive. Our academic model was published by USASBE by Elgar Publishing in the Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy in 2014. We were also invited to speak on the first ever creative industries panel at the 6th Annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Nairobi, Kenya in 2015. That recognition propelled our 501c3 forward into a global arena resulting in the introduction to IAEOU's co-founder Scott Gillespie, and to the founders of The JOBS ACT, Jason Best and Sherwood Neiss, from Crowdfund Capital Advisors. Scott is a growth adviser, investor and mentor to ventures (micro) around the globe; helping founders to transform their: ideas into products, products into sales, and ventures into businesses. Scott splits his time architecting regional startup ecosystems (macro) in: Australia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Palestine, Jordan, USA, Malaysia, and Colombia. As Founder and Director of theJigsaw Group, a business accelerator Scott and his team connect: founders, talent, customers, markets, and channels; with global opportunities. Jigsaw Group investment portfolio ranges from office fit out (UAE Compare), to new media (BTG Studios) and online education (co-founder IAEOU). To learn more about Scott go to ABOUT at the bottom of our website Shortly after Scott came on board, The IAE closed its physical doors, created a new partnership with Crowdfund Capital Advisors as their educational arm, and became a virtual accelerator called IAEOU- Vowels are to words what creativity is to business- basic and necessary. Why is creativity so basic and so necessary to business? Because growing a business is challenging! It takes a lot of creativity and ingenuity to mature from a startup into a venture with growing sales, viable products, adequate funding, and a team prepared for growth- especially without access to resources others who are considered more scalable gain access to far more quickly. And you have to be strong enough to fund raise which means you have to have traction and sales. The competition for survival weeds out >50% in 5 years according to the US Bureau of Labor. Once a venture achieves breakeven, our research suggests that a SME (small and medium sized businesses) #1 goal is to secure 'more sales' to build a robust pipeline (few if any businesses ever say they have 'too many sales'); yet the majority openly admit plans are easy and sales management is hard. Albion Ventures Growth Report 2013, examined the challenges faced by 450 SMEs with a combined turnover of over 1.6B and found that the biggest gap in the small business skillset is SALES. And because of IAEOU's success skilling SME's in sales; and based on Crowdfund Capital Advisors global research advising 50+ countries on how to build financial ecosystems for entrepreneurs, as well as working with over 100 startups, and because of their research supporting that online traction is critical to SME's online funding success; we have spent the last few years building our abilities to help entrepreneurs globally find sales and build their social media skill building to find key influencers and investors. Together with CCA we have worked on projects with entrepreneurs for The World Bank, Climate Innovation Center in Kenya; International Development Bank in partnership with the Universidad Anahuac in Mexico, and delivered social media education to Virl Microfinance, the largest microfinance fund in Zimbabwe. These projects lead us, 18 months ago, to launch a training program in Pakistan to help women who otherwise are discouraged from working to become social media marketing specialists who are focused on finding sme's sales and new channels to market. Part of the challenges entrepreneurs face is the need for lead generation and marketing support at a low price. We spun off this project under the IAEOU umbrella and named it Sana's Kitchen after the woman in Lahore who is our partner. See more at To date, we have perfected our education process and have been steadily working with clients successfully. Now we are partnering with a large training organization in Lahore, Pakistan called founded and run by a woman, Faiza Khalid, who shares our values and vision. With the passing of Title III of the JOBS act becoming a living law on May 16, 2016 in the United States, regular Americans (a.k.a. unaccredited investors), now have the opportunity to invest in ventures (incorporated as businesses, not for profits and B corps) they use everyday and in entrepreneurs they believe in. This allows family, friends, colleagues and peers to make investments of $10 or $100,000 to accelerate IMPACT and earn, real returns. We are in need of Global Giving's support because while we have part 1 of our mission just about ready to scale- to build an affordable resource through Sana's Kitchen to help SME's access sales and new channels to market- part 2 of our mission requires additional staff to create a parallel ongoing effort to reach key influencers and investors to build traction for their fundraising efforts through crowdfunding. IAEOU has recently been invited to become a key partner to a newly forming association too for the State of Illinois- The Illinois Business Innovation Association. Founded by Carol Abrahamson, a former valley venture capitalist and the founder of over 13 not for profits and 7 for profit businesses, our goal is to serve the over 200 incubator and accelerators in Illinois. We already have the support of the Governor's Office and have been invited into participating in numerous Bi-Centennial Events. We also are co-creating the newly created Great Lakes Innovation Summit bringing together the managers of incubators and accelerators across 5 states and Canada. Entrepreneurship is critical to the life of economies globally and to individuals, their families and the communities they serve. For the first time entrepreneurs (who come in all genders, ethnic heritage and represent a wide variety of causes) can use crowdfunding methods to engage with communities of origin, communities of interest, communities of geography and communities of diaspora to raise capital for their businesses. But this opens the door to more questions we need a new hire to help us to help them answer like: Where do I go to find my supporters that have capital? What is the right type of campaign for my initiative? What is the process to getting listed on one of these websites? How do I create a campaign that sells my vision to my potential backers? How do I approach the social network I am building for sales and new channels to market back my campaign? How do I stay compliant with the law? How do I use my crowd not just for money but knowledge, experience and relationships? How do I keep my investors informed about what I'm doing without diluting my efforts at running my business? What are investors looking for? What are the keys to success? As the 3 year-old fledging Regulation Crowdfunding industry takes shape, IAEOU wants to provide the under-represented especially female-owned, women of color, and social enterprises, access to answers to the above questions and best practices in education and training to help them become prepared to raise funds. Through the development of their social media and sales skill building we will help them find their audience and access the capital they need. We are so close to realizing our goal to connect these efforts to their fund-raising needs and believe with Global Giving's support we can overcome our staffing hurdle to fully realize our mission.

Colt Coeur Theater Company

We embrace the infinite theatrical potential of intimate live performance. We contemplate questions that inspire us and devise theater pieces which respond to and engage with the world in which we live. We address the ambivalence, terror and exhilaration of our age on the scale of person-to-person through theater that utilizes a simplicity of means to achieve richness of expression. Our original, story-driven, visceral theater straddles the line between mainstream and experimental, elevates design while valuing strong storytelling, and pulls you close and doesn't let go. We strive to create great happenings in small rooms, theater as close as a whisper in your ear or a stranger's hand brushing yours. Intimacy is our way in. Artistic Director Adrienne Campbell-Holt leads a 16-member ensemble of actors, playwrights and designers to nurture the next generation of theater artists through the development and production of new plays and by providing arts education to students from underserved NYC public schools. Over 6 years, Colt Coeur has produced 7 world premieres; developed 28 plays; and provided free arts education for over 100 students. Productions All 6 world premieres received rave reviews and have enabled us to build an audience base. Steven Levenson's SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN was selected by Ars Nova for ANTFEST and subsequently transferred to the Emerging America Festival in Boston before running for 3 weeks at HERE. Lucas Kavner's FISH EYE ran for 3 weeks at HERE and was included in NY Magazine's “Best of 2011″ list. Eliza Clark's RECALL had a 4-week run at the Wild Project and also received rave reviews. Nikole Beckwith's satire EVERYTHING IS OURS ran for 4 weeks in 2013 at HERE and extended due to demand. Ruby Spiegel's DRY LAND made NYPost's Top 10 of 2014 list and was recently published in American Theater magazine (along with photographs from our production). MJ Kaufman's HOW TO LIVE ON EARTH enjoyed a 4-week run in the fall of 2015 and was even featured on MSNBC's “The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donell. All of these plays have also been published and will receive future productions around the US and abroad. Play Hotel Our primary arena for developing new work is held 6 times/year. Workshops last 4-10 days, culminating in a free public presentation. Dialogue between artists and audience are held after each presentation. Past writers included Chiara Atik, Clare Barron, Lindsey Ferrentino and Amelia Roper. Education Initiative Company members serve as the Teaching Artists for this free annual play-making intensive which we offer NYC public school students ages 11-15 during the NYC public school Spring break. Student alums of the program return as paid Student Leaders and professional actors and playwrights serve as our Teaching Artists.

Alawite Islamic Charity Association

The Alawite Islamic Charitable Association AICA, a non-profit non-governmental organization located mainly in Jabal Mohsen - Tripoli and Akkar, registered under the decree No. 4500/1950 , was founded in 1950 in order to claim the rights of the Alawite Muslim community through development and social projects as well as Health care and medical services. Its projects and activities aim to mitigate all forms of discrimination towards civil Rights access (medical, health, education, work opportunities, or any other additional required support), raise individual and collective awareness, mainstream protection and disseminate risks prevention. The intervention strategy consists on holistic and sustainable community development, Advocacy and Peace Building, education and training, primary health care and medical services, religious services. Since 1950, AICA has created several institutions in order to ensure specific programs/activities responding to Alawite community and individuals' needs, such as: Alzahraa Medical Dispensary House of Wisdom Center The Social Hall Alduha School Mosque of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (AS) Mosque of Lady Fatima Alzahra (AS) VISION AICA ensures equity and access to Human Rights for vulnerable individuals and communities with facing any kind of discrimination, as for the Alawite Islamic Communities. AICA intends encouraging community development, through access to Rights/education, health, protection and economic empowerment from apart, and from another part, facilitating Psycho-social Support and Peace-building through Sport, art and different community initiatives. MISSION In reference to values and principles of Imam Ali (AS), AICA develops a humanitarian emergency response action, development and benevolence, targeting the whole community through adopting an integrated global ecosystem approach based on Rights (health care services, social awareness, cultural and educational services via its primary health care center, its schools, PSS center, Wisdom House/ Beit EL Hekme) and all its Alawite religious institutions), based on needs of vulnerable communities. MAIN GOAL AICA intends leading a global networking through faith in potentials, reinforcing positive social values, resources management, creating opportunities, strategic partnerships and community development. VALUES Based mainly on Imam Ali (AS) values, then with referring to Human Rights Declaration Charter and Social Work basis, AICA Chosen basic values related to Development in general, and specifically for its intervention, such as: Collaboration Giving Humanity Human Dignity Social Justice Partnership Sustainability Identity Peaceful Life Values COMPONENTS OF ACTION Alzahraa Medical Dispensary as a primary health care center ensuring a number of doctors, providing health care services and workers in a safe, effective and proper performance and quality, equally to all beneficiaries (neither based on racism, nationality, religion, gender or age). House of Widsom Center is the social center of the Association which provides social, cultural and religious services to a large number of beneficiaries where: - A team conducting a geographical survey of Jabal Mohsen in order to assess the humanitarian situation then to ensure the appropriate assistance, whether in kind, material or services. - All kinds of activities whether awareness sessions, general culture, vocational rehabilitation and/or psychosocial support which are conducted by AICA employees or within the collaboration a number of local and international organizations. o Community Development: Community projects/ Livelihood and socioeconomic empowerment (especially the women empowerment project for cooking and preparing the substance "Beit ElMouneh", with acknowledge the remarkable initiative of Baskets of Peace's Substance) as well as encouraging several community led ... o Protection/ Education / Training: Qualitative Education (School in Akkar), Training for youth and Capacity Building of groups, communities and professionals. o Peace-building/ PSS through Support groups' discussions /Sport/ Arts/ Skills/ Workshops WHO WE ARE? A group of professionals and volunteers who aim community development and access to rights (Education/Health/Protection/Employment opportunities/Food/Personal skills' development ) with no discrimination, awareness and advocacy through awareness sessions and peace-building, support through encouraging youth led initiatives, and Psycho-Social Support through Arts, Sport as well as Productive workshops. WHY DO WE EXIST? We believe in human values and positive youth potential and we consider AICA exists to ensure a better access to basic Individuals' Rights and to assist vulnerable communities to rise-up facing their fact, believing in their potentials and values in order to think and make the necessary change into their lives. AICA calls for a social cohesion within respecting other's difference, a good communication and partnership to make Change through actions. WHAT WE DO? We provide community-based development program through education, Training, economic empowerment, women and youth's led based on Rights and acceptance of the different others in order to re-build peace and tie positive relations. We engage and empower vulnerable categories of community through combined projects to become programs such as Primary Health care; education; Protection; PSS via group discussions, arts and sports, Peace-building via livelihood training and workshops as well community led/initiatives, etc WHERE? We exist in Lebanon, since 1950, in Tripoli and Akkar.

Chance to Dance

Beginning in 2013, the PAV Y.M.C.A and Chance to Dance; a 501c3 non-profit organization, joined together to provide an equitable and affordable dance education to children of low-income families. Currently, Chance to Dance services over 300 students, by providing them with an enriching and inexpensive experience in the arts. We offer classes for students age 3 through high school in the styles of jazz and hip-hop. Upon registering, each student receives 17 weeks of dance class, three costumes, a t-shirt, dress rehearsal and recital for just $50.00. While dance is what brings us together, our mission, the heart of our company is what grounds us in our practice. Chance to Dance’s mission, and the foundation in which we’ve built our company upon, is to “empower youth to pave the path from hope to change.” In order to facilitate this empowerment, we focus on five specific pillars of development in our students. “I am strong, I am beautiful, I am talented, I am empowered and I am ready to work hard.” These statements are recited by our students before the start of each class. Our students discover what it means to be strong by withstanding great force and pressure in a world of chaos. They grow to understand they are beautiful inside and out through building rapport. They focus on their talents by showing up, taking up space, and concentrating on their skills. They strive to be empowered; more confident in the ability to control their lives and claiming the rights to that life. They recognize this empowerment, talent, beauty and strength can only come through constant and consistent effort and being ready to work hard at all times. In creating a culture that believes in the truth of these pillars, Chance to Dance hopes to be a change agent for students in our community. It is our expectation as we build up our community, we can also build out. We want to stretch our hands and pave the path to other communities, offering this program to as many children as possible in the Chicagoland area and beyond. As we grow, we will continue to strengthen our foundation under our feet, feel the rhythm in the air, keep our goals on the horizon, and a passion for equity and dance in our hearts. We look forward to continually being able to inspire, create, dream and most importantly dance with as many children as possible.