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T.R.I.P. – The Road to International Passages — is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to benefit inner-city youth and underprivileged kids between the ages of 11 and 14 years old. Both historically and presently, underprivileged youth do not have the financial means to travel abroad due to their family’s limited financial and social resources. In T.R.I.P., youth will be able to study and explore a plethora of different cultures through a multi-faceted curriculum designed to incorporate language, world culture, history, current events, and financial numeracy. Each summer, the students will have the opportunity to research, through inquiry-based projects, and travel to a foreign country through a sponsorship provided through our organization. T.R.I.P.’s vision is to both advocate for, and assure, youth are exposed to the history, demographics, local currency, and beauty of many different cultures of the world in an effort to broaden each student’s individual worldview.
lobbying and strengthening social and legal equality for representatives of the Roma national minority, overcoming discrimination, stereotypes, education, development of a youth platform, protection of the rights of people with disabilities, cultural and educational work, development of the leadership of Roma women, Political participation for Roma activists, leaders, development of initiative groups under local authorities, development and support of social entrepreneurship, preservation of Roma culture, language, traditions.