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International Medical Corps

International Medical Corps is a global humanitarian nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and medical relief programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer United States doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care and economic systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.

Medical Mission International

Our vision is to provide a high standard of patient care to populations with poor access to health care resources and extend this mini try to many communities overseas. MMI is presently working in Peru doing medical and dental short term outreaches and in Africa where we do medical and wound care programs, presently in Burkina Faso and Togo.

Medical Ministry International

MMI's vision is to care annually for 100 million of the world's needy by the year 2050. MMI is committed to meet the need for medical care among the world's poor with lasting solutions through excellence in medicine, patient care, and health education. We do this by mobilizing volunteers on short-term medical projects and establishing and equipping permanent medical centers. We work alongside national doctors and helpers from the countries we go to, joining the efforts of the local church where possible. This healing ministry strengthens village churches and enhances missions outreach in our participants' home churches.

Medical Teams International

Our mission is to demonstrate the love of Christ to people affected by disaster, conflict and poverty around the world.

Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps exists to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities.

International Medical Health Organization

To develop and improve healthcare, education, and infrastructure in underserved regions worldwide.

Atlas Service Corps

Atlas Service Corps, Inc. (Atlas Corps), started in 2006, is an international network of nonprofit leaders and organizations that promotes innovation, cooperation, and solutions to address the world's 21st century challenges. Our mission is to address critical social issues by developing leaders, strengthening organizations, and promoting innovation through an overseas fellowship of skilled nonprofit professionals. Profiled as a "best practice" in international exchange by the Brookings institution and featured in the Washington Post as a model social entrepreneurship program, Atlas Corps engages leaders committed to the nonprofit sector in 12 to 18 month, professional fellowships at organizations to learn best practices, build organizational capacity, and return home to create a network of global changemakers. Our mission: to address critical social issues, Atlas Corps develops leaders, strengthens organizations and promotes innovation through an overseas fellowship of skilled professionals. Our method: atlas corps facilitates overseas fellowships for the best of the world's rising leaders. They volunteer at outstanding organizations addressing social issues and are enrolled in an ongoing training program. After 12 or 18 months, they return to their countries to work for at least one year (and usually their entire career) back in the nonprofit sector, sharing new skills, best practices, valuable experiences and a global network of changemakers.

Mobile Medical Team International Inc

The need for medical care and health education pervades both developing nations and the lower socioeconomic populations of rich countries. This need is often magnified by natural disasters as larger health and relief organizations struggle to meet the needs of only the most acutely affected populations or begin to withdraw after the immediate crisis has subsided.

Tech Corps

The Mission of TECH CORPS' is three-fold and is achieved through: • PROGRAMS Bringing additional technology resources to K-12 students and teachers through national, state and local programs such as Computing Career Corps, E4Tech, High School Coding Camp, Student Code Corps, Student TECH CORPS, Student WEB CORPS, Techie Camp, and Techie Club. • PEOPLE Recruiting and supporting tech-savvy volunteers from the community to advise and assist schools and youth-serving nonprofit organizations in the integration of new technologies. • PARTNERS Increasing educational technology resources through partnerships with education, business, government and community.

Peach Corps

The Peach Corps is dedicated to supporting and advocating for individuals with PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis, and the chronic health conditions associated with these illnesses. Our goal is to empower them on their journey toward optimal well-being.

Story Corps

StoryCorps’ mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world. We do this to remind one another of our shared humanity, to strengthen and build connections between people, to teach the value of listening, and to weave into the fabric of our culture the understanding that everyone’s story matters. At the same time we are creating an invaluable archive for future generations.

Peace Corps

To educate children, empowere communities, improve infrastructure, and provide skills to enhance the lives and livelihoods of people all over the world.