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Displaying 37–48 of 171

myAgro Farms

Our mission is to help small-scale farmers in West Africa move out of poverty by earning sustainable livelihoods from their farms. We believe the solution lies in giving families the ability to invest their own resources in appropriate fertilizer, seed and modern agricultural techniques so they can enjoy increased harvests and income every year. myAgro provides increased financial access to family farms by giving local farmers the ability to pay for the tools and supplies they need on savings layaway, via a mobile money service that is accessible from even the most hard-to-reach villages. This innovation adapts an old concept – layaway plans – to a new context – rural farmers living on less than $2 a day – and it uses a familiar technology – the mobile phone – that is easy, convenient and trusted. We also provide our farmers with agricultural experts to accompany them during planting so they can gain the most benefit possible from their investment, and with direct market access to purchasers so they can get the most income from their harvests. Our model is an extremely efficient way of addressing rural poverty and food insecurity. Our vision is to move a million small-scale farmers beyond subsistence farming and out of poverty by 2025 by scaling our programs in West Africa and by creating a model that other distribution networks around the world can integrate into their own program offerings.

HavServe Volunteer Service Network

The name, HavServe, comes from the understanding that if you have, you serve. If you have time, you serve. If you have compassion, you serve. If you have resources, you serve. If you have knowledge, you serve.

Kids for the Kingdom Inc

Statement of Faith We believe the Bible to be the Word of God, verbally inspired and wholly without error in all that it declares and therefore is the supreme and final authority for faith and life. We believe in the one true God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We also believe in the virgin birth and the Deity of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who is also the son of man. We believe the vicarious substitutionary death of Jesus Christ on the cross made atonement for the sin of the world, efficient for all who repent and believe. We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ which insures the resurrection of all believers who have received God’s gift of eternal life. We believe in the imminent return of Christ to this earth to set up His kingdom and to judge the righteous. We believe that man was originally created in the image of God, that he fell into sin through the first Adam, and that he is responsible for all sin committed after reaching the age of accountability and that sin causes him to be separated from God and lost eternally. We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells all who receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We believe that Christians are called and commanded to do good works. We believe that Christians are called to witness for Christ and to preach the gospel to all nations.

Share Your Closet

Clothe less privileged people with articles of clothing you no longer want in your closet.

Never Alone

Never Alone Inc.’s mission is to serve our neighbors who are in legitimate need of food. We are dedicated to serving all persons regardless of creed, race, or gender, with love and dignity as we convey the encouraging message: When you encounter life’s struggles, you are “Never Alone.”

Books for Development

Books for Development addresses the book famine that prevents children and adults in many developing countries from learning to read. We do this by building library collections since we believe that the best contribution you can make to people’s development is to promote their literacy. As a non-profit, we take donated books, use volunteers to sort them and then ship them to poor countries to create libraries. We leverage our efforts--using free labor and donated books that might otherwise be dumped in a land fill. Books for Development was formerly known as Good Steward Global Initiative.

UNITE Foundation

The UNITE Foundation seeks to empower the next generation of leaders in West African development. Driven by our commitment to youth development, we provide financial support to Camp UNITE, which equips West African youth with the skills and knowledge they need to lead healthy, productive lives. Beliefs - We believe in the transformative power of the youth summer camp experience. - We believe in each young person's ability to make a positive contribution to the world. - We believe education is the most powerful tool a young person can have.