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Thirst Project

Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water, vital to health and sanitation. The Thirst Project seeks to provide health and sanitation. As waterborne diseases kill more children every single year than HIV, Malaria, and all world violence combined. And small children are at significant risk, as they typically do not have strong enough immune systems to fight diseases like cholera, dysentery, or schistosomiasis. By providing a community with safe drinking water, disease rates can drop by up to 88% virtually overnight! Child mortality rates can drop up to 90%- overnight! Likewise, the time children spend collecting water keeps them from going to school and getting an education. Women and children spend on average six to eight hours each day walking to fetch water. The average distance that women and children in developing communities walk to fetch water is 3.75 miles. The Thirst Project makes clean water accessible, lowers health risks and empowers children's education.

Project C.U.R.E.

Project C.U.R.E. was founded in 1987 to help bridge staggering health resource gaps in the developing world by matching medical supplies and modern equipment with facilities in need to empower doctors and nurses with the tools they need to treat disease, deliver vaccines, perform life-changing surgeries and ensure safe childbirth. Project C.U.R.E. operates distribution centers in Colorado, Tennessee, Texas and Arizona and receives donations of supplies and specialized equipment from hundreds of U.S. hospitals and medical manufacturers. Thanks to the dedication of thousands of volunteers nationwide, two to three cargo containers of life-saving aid leave Project C.U.R.E.’s warehouses every week. In addition, Project C.U.R.E. sends volunteer medical teams to underserved facilities abroad to provide free care and train local healthcare staff. Today, Project C.U.R.E. is the world’s largest distributor of medical donations to resource-limited communities across the globe, touching the lives of patients, families and children in 130 countries.

Project HOPE

Our mission is to place power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. We are a global health and humanitarian relief organization, committed to transforming lives and uplifting communities by empowering healthcare workers to expertly implement and teach innovative lifesaving solutions, in times of need and into the future.

Project Learning Tree

Project Learning Tree® (PLT) is an award-winning environmental education program designed for teachers and other educators, parents, and community leaders working with youth from preschool through grade 12. PLT is an initiative of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative.

The Hunger Project

To end hunger and poverty by pioneering sustainable, grassroots, women-centered strategies and advocating for their widespread adoption in countries throughout the world. The Hunger Project carries out its mission through three essential activities: mobilizing village clusters at the grassroots level to build self-reliance, empowering women as key change agents, and forging effective partnerships with local government.

Care To Help Project

Care to Help's current focus is securing healthy drinking water for the minority hill tribe people of Central Vietnam. Many people in the rural Central Highlands do not have a safe source for clean drinking water. Securing a safe source of water is the essential foundation of a healthy existence.

Project Salone

The mission of Project Salone is to care for the orphan and widow and advocate for the voiceless. Project Salone will raise awareness of the orphan crisis and directly aid orphans and impoverished families to create a sustainable future.

Project Lucas

Project Lucas helps Kenyan children and families living in extreme poverty by sharing the Gospel with them while meeting their needs, equipping them with education, and investing in their communities.

Project Schoolhouse

Project Schoolhouse is an international non profit that focuses on education, clean water, and sanitation in rural Nicaraguan communities. We work with communities that have identified both the problems they want to solve and the solutions to fix them. Our purpose is to facilitate projects that have real grassroots support and local buy-in that result in sustainable progress. By tackling education, water, and sanitation issues simultaneously we help communities achieve more complete solutions to complex problems.

Aruna Project

Aruna Project is an impact driven athleisure brand that brings lifelong freedom to the sexually enslaved and enables our customers to be active, build confidence, and create change. By uniting women around the world, we envision a day when every woman is free to choose her own adventure. By mobilizing thousands to take part in Aruna Runs across the US, we can bring freedom to the enslaved through our Training Center in the heart of the brothel system. By offering employment through our Indian Private Limited Company to those who have stepped into freedom, we can sustain their freedom and restore the liberating power of choice. In growing our business we are able to employ more women freed from sex trafficking in the US to create an international sisterhood of women who have overcome

Project Well