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Displaying 289–300 of 521

BASA balinese Language Preservation

Our mission is to empower communities to strengthen languages, culture and the environment by using the internet more effectively. Our primary vehicle of engagement is a multilingual cultural wiki designed, populated, and used by the community to help the community satifsfy their evolving community needs. The BASAbali wiki has engaged by nearly 2.5 million to date. The wiki empowerment process is now being replicated in Makassar, Indonesia. BASAbali is a registered nonprofit in the US. BASAbali Wiki is a registered charity in Indonesia. Matur Suksma (thank you very much) for your care of local languages, culture and the environment.

Aimwell Kids Yoga

Our Purpose: AIMWell Kids partners with schools to offer yoga classes to students while in school. Our purpose stems from research that yoga is an accessible modality of working through trauma, emotions, maintaining and aiding physical health, and forming positive connections. Additionally, we believe self-regulation, emotional control, and reactions to stress are taught skills that we hope to help develop.AIMWell Kids is the future of Yoga in the Classroom.

Yellowstone Academy

Yellowstone Academy’s vision is a Houston community where every child receives an education that cultivates their intellect, nourishes their spirit, and empowers them to create a fulfilling future. We believe that our community flourishes when we are able to realize the potential of all of our children. By providing an academically rigorous, faith-based education, Yellowstone Academy is answering the challenge of the education crisis that faces many students in Houston's historic 3rd Ward.

Kakenya's Dream

The Kakenya Center for Excellence seeks to empower and motivate young girls through education to become agents of change and to break the cycle of destructive cultural practices in Maasai Kenya such as female genital cutting and early forced marriage. We believe in impacting one girl at a time, one community at a time, until all girls in Africa have the opportunities they need to thrive as individuals. These future women leaders will improve their communities, their nation, and the world.

New Leaders Council

The mission of New Leaders Council (NLC) is to train and support the next generation of progressive political entrepreneurs – those who are leading industries, setting trends, and building institutions that support robust civic and political life in a global America. NLC believes in recruiting emerging leaders from outside of the traditional power structures, engaging them on both local and national levels, and equipping them to be civic leaders – not only for elective office, but also in their communities and workplaces.

Indian Centre for Development & Rights

We at iCDFR are striving to achieve a happy and healthy world, where people live in harmony with each other and sustainable environment for generations to come. We believe it is possible to make a world which knows no suffering and knowledge permeates through all levels. To improve education system, provide basic healthcare facilities, raise awareness on human rights, empower women to increase gender equality, as well as focus on environmental sustainability in rural India.

Childrens Choice For Hearing And Talking Sacramento

CCHAT’s mission is to teach children who are deaf or hard of hearing to listen, develop spoken language, and speak for themselves with the help of hearing aids and cochlear implants. We believe that deaf and hard of hearing children, regardless of the severity of hearing loss, can learn to listen and communicate orally. The foundation of CCHAT’s program is to remove language barriers so children with hearing loss are empowered with the speech skills to access a lifetime of scholastic, vocational, and social success.

Arts for Learning San Diego

Arts Education Connection San Diego envisions a world where all students, families and communities imagine, create and thrive through the arts. We believe that the arts and artists are essential community resources that deserve sustained advocacy and long-term investment. We train and commission artists of all disciplines to engage directly with diverse communities through vibrant partnerships at the individual, family, school, and community level. Our arts programming reaches participants of all ages.

Al Ehsan Charitable Foundation Nepal

Al Ehsan Charitable Foundation (Nepal), which is licensed for charitable work in Nepal (Registration No:2646/074/75, PAN:606933953) and is concerned with providing relief and education services to the whole community in Nepal.. Our vision Promote non-profit (charitable) work to the high level. Objectives: The Organization is based on the following objectives: 1. Serving the people of Nepal in relief and advocacy. 2. Sponsorship of orphans, widows, the poor, the needy and those with special needs. 3. Providing relief services. 4. Providing educational services and providing scholarship programs. Our projects: 1. Education: Building safe, secure and comfortable schools and supporting teachers to provide high quality education. 2. Orphans: Providing orphans' sponsorship 3. Water: Providing safe water supplies to communities. 4. Food Distribution projects: It is the distribution of food parcels among the poor people. Request to donors Al Ehsan Charitable Foundation (Nepal) is a charitable organization, and it has multiple projects in the field of relief, education, training, social and voluntary fields, and these projects need financial support to achieve their noble goals, and the Foundation does not have an independent financial income except for reliance on God and then on you. The Foundation request for help and assistance to philanthropists and donors to achieve the goals and activities of the Foundation. "God does not waste the reward of the doers of good." Peace, mercy and blessings of God Thank You Al Ehsan Charitable Foundation Nepal

Ravenwood Natural Science Center

Our Mission is to Connect People with Nature, Community and Self Ravenwood is all about healthy kids, families, and communities. Quality mentoring guides our mission, especially when it connects us deeply to the land and each other, creating relationships filled with meaning, hope, and resilience. There are many distractions and obstacles in our fast-paced society, and an increasing number of negative trends—obesity and health issues, screen addition, attention disorders, stress, violence, disrespect, substance abuse, you name it—all of which need our attention and action as a community. Ravenwood is here to help, a place for kids and adults to learn and grow, naturally.

Igda Foundation

The IGDA Foundation focuses on improving the lives of game developers by making game development a more diverse and inclusive community. We want every person on the planet to love playing games, and we think the best way to make that happen is to have a game development community that is inclusive of, and welcoming to, every person who wants to make games. We believe that diversity of all kinds in game development leads to better and more successful products and companies, and happier and more successful game developers.

Dynamo Charities

Dynamo and Dash Charities believes in using the sport of soccer to support communities in the greater Houston area. We are committed to leveraging the passion of our players, our staff, and our fans to provide resources and education that positively impact lives in our community. We focus on 5 pillars of Impact in the city of Houston: 1-Youth development through education and soccer 2- Food Insecurity 3- Military and Veteran Support 4- Cancer support and awareness 5- Sustainability