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American Friends of Un Techo para mi Pais (UTPMP)

VISION: A fair and poverty free society, where everyone has the opportunities needed to develop their capacities and fully exercise their rights MISSION: Work Tirelessly to overcome extreme poverty in slums, through training and joint action of families and youth volunteers. Furthermore, to promote community development, denouncing the situation in which the most excluded communities live. And lastly, to advocate for social policies with other actors in society. VALUES: Solidarity. It is an empathy with the most excluded families, which moves us to want to be and work alongside with them. Sharing their hardships and desires, to learn from their skills and perseverance, and to advocate against everything that excludes them and that does not recognize their rights as human beings. Conviction. To overcome poverty and injustice in our continent is possible. This certainty gives us the determination to work tirelessly and together with others to accomplish it. Placing challenging and high goals, as well as taking the necessary risks to go beyond all the fatalisms that surround us. Excellence. All of our work must be of high quality, given that it is intended for those less fortunate. Our work is rigorous, punctual, always creative and innovative. It is respectful of the commitments, perseverant in the face of difficulties, intelligent to recognize mistakes and correct them, and proactive in the search for solutions to the problems that arise along the way. Diversity. At TECHO, all young people are welcome, regardless of ethnic or social backgrounds, religious belief, political choices or sexual orientation. We are sure that our differences are an asset in joining forces for that which unites us: the fight against extreme poverty in our continent. Optimism. We look at the future with hope, without being naive, because we believe that it is possible to defeat the injustice that we see today. We move forward towards this future working with joy, because as young people we recognize what a privilege it is to dedicate our lives to make our world a more human and equal place for everyone.

Radiocave Corporation

6/15/2023 RadioCave & the Foundation of Families promote healing through music and the arts by supporting special needs and those facing adversity. Through education, awareness, and charitable events, we create a supportive and uplifting environment where people can interact and receive the love, validation and support they need to develop a positive outlook and zest for life. At RadioCave, we prioritize giving back to the community. As a result, our artists and the organization itself do not receive any compensation from our charity events, and 100% of all donations are always directed to our partnered organizations. This is why we base our fundraisers on Facebook. The RadioCave Corporation is a disability-owned, publicly funded, and educational non-profit organization. We comply with 501©3 / 509(a)2 regulations. Our mission is to work with individuals of all abilities through online and in-person community activities. We broadcast these activities live through various online platforms like Facebook, YouTube & Twitch. We need your support to keep RadioCave & the Foundation of Families alive and thriving. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of many people around the world. We have a vision of hosting amazing events that will inspire, educate and empower people of all abilities. We have a dream of traveling the world with our art and music caravan, spreading joy and peace wherever we go. We have a goal of organizing a yearly world’s healing fair, where we can celebrate our community unity. At RadioCave, we understand how vital community support is, especially in today's world where we rely on online platforms to connect with others. That's why we establish new objectives for each charity we collaborate with, giving us a clear vision and motivation. Through our online community and charitable events, we aim to create a positive impact that will spread and reach people globally. Support Our Artists and Saving Wildlife: Every purchase all proceeds go directly to the artist, or the Ark as specified in the descriptions. Visit our online marketplace: Will you join us in ending the sorrow and building a better tomorrow? Organizational Informational Website: Facebook Community Page: Facebook Non-Profit Page:

New York Classical Theatre, Inc.

New York Classical Theatre’s mission is to reinvigorate and create audiences for the theatre by presenting free productions of popular classics and forgotten masterpieces that pop up in non-traditional public spaces throughout the five boroughs. We are the only all-free professional theatre in New York City. Our free productions currently pop up outdoors in Central Park, The Battery, Battery Park City Parks, Prospect Park and Brooklyn Bridge Park and indoors in Brookfield Place and One Liberty Plaza. New York Classical’s hallmark is Panoramic Theatre, a style created by Founding Artistic Director, Stephen Burdman, to build a unique relationship between the actor, audience and venue. Scripts are adapted to fully embrace each performance space and through the influence of 19th century staging and single camera cinema techniques, the audience is placed at the center of the action of the play, giving them access to a deeply immersive theatrical experience. Our outdoor productions in expansive public locations push Panoramic Theatre further. At each performance, the audience follows the actors from place to place as the plot unfolds from scene to scene, following the journey of the characters. Using different areas to stage specific scenes opens up endless creative possibilities for performers and our audience. By utilizing large physical environments as our playing arenas, audiences literally inhabit the world of the play and become active participants in the drama unfolding around them. By offering our Off-Broadway performances for free, we ensure that all people, regardless of their economic, ethnic or educational background have access to the highest quality professional theatre. Our open rehearsals in public venues also allow our audience to observe the evolution of a production while demystifying the language and poetry of classical theatre. We firmly believe that the themes of the classics remain relevant to the lives of all New Yorkers today. Through the lens of classical theatre, we come to better understand human nature and our role in contemporary life. As a result, our free performances build new and future audiences for live theatre by attracting many underserved and non-traditional spectators.

Elite Star Foundation

BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF ELITE STAR FOUNDATION Elite Star Foundation is a child-centered non-profit organization established in 2021 dedicated to the safety and well-being of every child in Nigeria. At Elites star foundation, we believe every child deserves the opportunity to live free of neglect, violence, and exploitation. We are committed to promoting children's rights and advancing their opportunities for a bright and healthy future. That is why we strive to provide quality, non-profit services to children between the age of 1-17 years, irrespective of their color, ethnicity, race, gender, or background. Elite Star Foundation is an independent organization run entirely by dedicated volunteers passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of children. We work with partners in local communities in other to provide children with the resources and support they need to build a strong foundation for their future. We promote a safe and encouraging environment where children feel supported, loved, and empowered. We provide a platform for children to share their stories and receive feedback from their peers. We also offer mentorship programs to ensure that each child has the guidance and support they need to reach their goals. We are dedicated to making sure that every child in our community has the opportunity to reach their full potential and lead a successful life. We are passionate about making a difference and ensuring no child is left behind. Knowing that there are various ways we can drive changes for children in our community, we decided to focus on three key areas: Child Protection, Child Survival, and Child Education. OUR KEY FOCUS AREAS 1. Child Protection The Elite Star Foundation is working towards creating a safe and happy childhood for every Nigerian child, free from abuse and neglect. We aim to play a significant role in giving children all over Nigeria a voice while upholding the highest standard of child protection through advocacy, awareness, and responsive support service. We are here to defend the children whose rights are violated. We protect the most vulnerable children and make the rights of the child accessible. We are committed to preventing, identifying, and responding to any abuse and neglect of children in our society. Our approach is designed to keep children safe from harm, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, neglect, exploitation, and other forms of damage. We take all allegations of abuse and neglect very seriously and will respond to any reports promptly and thoroughly. We have a zero-tolerance policy for abuse and neglect. We are also committed to providing safe, supportive environments for children. This includes providing the children and communities with training on the signs of abuse and neglect and ensuring our programs are conducted safely and respectfully. We recognize that everyone in society is key to creating a safe and supportive environment for our children. We are committed to providing ongoing training and support to adults and children. We will do our utmost to ensure that everyone is familiar with our Child Protection Approach and is committed to promoting the safety and well-being of children. We are dedicated to the safety and well-being of all the children in our society, and we are doing our best to ensure that we mitigate the advent of child abuse in society. 2. Child Survival Child survival is a critical issue that requires the attention of all stakeholders in the global community. For too long, children have been dying from preventable diseases and injuries, and the impact of this loss is felt by their families and entire communities and countries. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 calls for "ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages, "focusing on child survival. We recognize that child survival is not an isolated issue but is closely linked to other key development objectives like education, gender equality, and poverty reduction. We must work together to create an enabling environment that provides the necessary support and resources to ensure the survival and well-being of all children. At Elite Star Foundation, every child deserves a chance to live a long, healthy life. That is why we are committed to using a comprehensive approach to promoting the survival and well-being of children worldwide. Our Child Survival Approach combines prevention, early intervention, and response strategies to ensure that children have the best chance of surviving and thriving. Prevention: Prevention is the best way to ensure a child's survival. We work to improve the health and well-being of children by providing health education and preventive health services. Our prevention strategies also focus on reducing poverty, increasing access to quality education, and promoting good nutrition and hygiene. Early Intervention: Early intervention is key to ensuring a child's survival. We provide rapid response services to children at risk of malnutrition, disease, or other health problems. Our early intervention services include providing nutritional supplements and access to medical care. Response: We are there to respond when a child is in crisis. We provide emergency services to children who are victims of natural disasters, conflicts, or other health crises. We provide medical care, food, clean water, shelter, and other essential services to needy children. At Elite Star Foundation, we are committed to protecting and promoting the health and well-being of children around the world. We use a comprehensive approach to ensure that every child has the best chance at survival. 3. Child Education At Elite Star Foundation, we believe that a child's education is the foundation of their future success. We strive to provide a comprehensive approach to education tailored to each child's needs. Through our programs, we strive to create a safe and supportive learning environment that helps children reach their highest potential. Our approach to child education is based on a holistic view of the child as a whole person. We recognize the importance of providing various learning experiences for children, including academic, physical, social, and emotional learning. Education should not be limited to the classroom but should extend to the community and beyond. We strive to create learning opportunities that cultivate creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. At Elite Star Foundation, we understand that each child has unique abilities and interests. We strive to provide an individualized approach to education that considers each child's needs. We offer a variety of educational programs, such as tutoring, mentorships, and after-school activities, that help children develop the skills they need to succeed. We also recognize the importance of family involvement in a child's education. We strive to create a partnership between families, schools, and other community organizations to ensure that every child has the support they need to reach their educational goals. At Elite Star Foundation, we are committed to providing children with the educational opportunities they need to become successful, productive members of society. We believe that quality education is the key to a brighter future.

North West Democratic School

North West Democratic School (t/a Sligo Sudbury School) was founded in 2017 to address the growing need for an alternative to mainstream education for children and teenagers. We provide an environment for self-directed education for children aged 5-18 years, supported by a muti-discipliary staff team. We currently employ 9 part-time staff members. Standardised education and the curriculum taught in schools today do not adequately support diversity and inclusion. The emphasis on competition, the one size fits all approach, the drive for higher standards of achievement and performance effectively exclude a large portion of the population from the possibility to succeed, and discourage the qualities of collaboration, empathy and kindness that are so needed in our society. Our social mission is to address this issue by giving young people autonomy in a supportive learning environment and fostering the most volitional and high quality forms of motivation and engagement for activities, including enhanced performance, persistence, and creativity. We are a democratically run organisation which provides children with a real voice in their own education and the running of the school, fostering empowerment and a sense of personal responsibility. Students are not obliged to follow a set curriculum but are fully supported in designing their own learning experiences, enabling them to grow in confidence and take on challenges that are timely and at the right level for them. This model of education is particularly suited to children who do not fit the confining criteria and standards of mainstream and who are therefore disadvantaged by the system itself as their emotional, social, and learning needs cannot be adequately met within the mainstream model. Our mission is to provide a safe environment where young people can engage in self-directed learning and democracy, where children are free to choose their own learning goals and pursue them at their own pace, while participating in a community of self-governance and justice where each member's voice is equally valued and heard. We believe that there are many approaches to learning and that each child can be supported in their chosen path. We are committed to providing an alternative model of education where children have choice about their learning, freedom to go about their business, and time to explore and create without pressure or constraint. We aim to safeguard an environment where autonomous, self-directed, intrinsically motivated learning can flourish.

Melel Xojobal A.C.

Melel Xojobal is a children's rights organization based in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Our mission is to promote and defend the rights of indigenous children and young people through participatory educational programs that improve their quality of life. At Melel Xojobal we work in a participatory manner to promote the strengthening of indigenous cultural identity, to defend human rights, to strengthen personal and cultural dignity, to ensure that justice and liberty are respected, and that the participation of all is ensured regardless of race, gender, creed, religious affiliation or ideology. We believe that education is a fundamental means by which people exercise self-determination and become the authors of their own history. Melel Xojobal's specific objectives are: 1. To implement participatory educational programmes with indigenous girls, boys, and young people to promote and defend their rights to health, education, protection from mistreatment, to regulated conditions of work, association and expression. 2. To generate through ongoing research a better understanding of child welfare, human rights and education in an urban context. 3. To inform and educate the Mexican public about the human rights of indigenous girls, boys, and young people of Chiapas. 4. To exchange and share ideas and experiences from a human rights perspective which relate to indigenous infant, childhood, and adolescent education among organizations on a national and international level. All of our work is guided by the aim of protecting and promoting five human rights established by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Rights to health, to education, to protection against all forms of mistreatment, to work, and to freedom of expression and association). Our work responds to the situation of indigenous peoples in Mexico, who account for around 10% of the population, and continue to live in conditions that marginalise them socially, economically and politically and which push them to the edge of society. To provide an indication of the need for our work: according to government statistices, in the city we work in, in 2010 61% of the population had no formal right to medical services; 24% of the population aged 3-18 did not attend school. In 2010 we formally counted 2,481 child workers in the city. In 2005 in Chiapas as a whole, 71% of the population under 14 lived in municipalities classified as being at high or extreme risk of malnutrition; in some municipalities infant mortality rates 75 in a 1000, on a par with several countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

Powerful Beyond Measure

Powerful Beyond Measure (PBM) is a 501c3 non-profit that implements efforts towards youth and community development; focusing on creative, academic, professional, civic, social and personal growth by strategically integrating the arts, entertainment, sports and media industries into programming. Our vision is to utilize these influential fields to effectively reach the urban communities of our targeted youth, via multi-dimensional services that will help positively shape young people and empower the adults around them to become active leaders and contributors. We aim towards the following: o To impact urban youth by exposing them to enriching and positive experiences, opportunities, and adults – leading them towards a greater chance for a productive adult life and away from negative endeavors o To create alliances with other non-profits to support them by developing a collective effort to assist and empower those around us; as well as support like-minded organizations with resources and services. o To help lower income families experience the same rights as those of greater income i.e. education, job training & access, programs and food/clothing – through volunteerism and information PBM uses the arts, entertainment and sports as tools to motivate. This approach was developed upon the realization that these fields are powerful by way of their appeal and influence on our target population. By harnessing that power to make programs more appealing, we can continue to implement the important values and societal offerings of more conventional non-profits. Powerful Beyond Measure believes we can help each other realize our potential for greatness, inspire the pursuit of success, and make powerful strides by working together for altruistic purposes. Founded in 2006, the organization began with its charter program, C.A.P.E. League (see below) – a multi-dimensional youth enrichment program. In 2007, we launched Exploring Possibilities, a unique career day for teens and young adults to discover non-traditional professions. Since 2008, we have produced PBM's Weekly Source Email – an on-line newsletter distributed to DC area residents, community groups and non-profits. It lists public events, job openings, services, scholarships and programs. In 2017, PBM will re-launch the Triple I Program to provide young adults with the opportunity to gain professional experience through hands-on work, mentorship, workshops and giving back.

Education For All Ltd

Education For All (EFA) believes that education a basic human right, and that educated girls educate the next generation. EFA focuses on girls from rural, remote areas of Morocco's High Atlas region who are missing out on secondary education due to living too far away from schools and being too poor to afford transport. EFA was founded in 2007 to respond to the high levels of illiteracy (estimated at 70%) amongst girls in the most deprived and remote areas of the High Atlas Mountains in Morocco. Instead of going to school, girls were staying home, doing domestic chores, marrying young and remaining in the cycle of poverty with limited choices in life. The 3 main obstacles for girls in rural Morocco to access school are Their villages are too far away from the secondary schools Their families are too poor to afford the travel costs There is low awareness of and value for educating girls THE SIMPLE SOLUTION EFA builds and runs safe and well equipped girls' boarding houses. We currently accommodate 250 girls in 6 houses, from the ages of 12-18 yrs. The EFA houses are a 'home away from home'. They are staffed by local women which helps to create an environment where their culture is respected and trust is built with the local community. They have 3 nutritious meals a day, hot showers, computer rooms and plenty of books and learning support. We also run an international volunteer programme to support the girls in their studies and activities which broaden their horizons. EFA Short Film Register to watch the short Film: Watch the trailer: It only costs $3 a day to educate a girl for a whole year! OR $85 per month or $1000 per year. IMPACT The short-term impact of EFA's work is that many girls now have the opportunity to go to school who otherwise would be at home. Since 2007 we have given access to a full secondary education for 370 girls. These girls are now young women want to become lawyers, scientists, teachers and entrepreneurs! We now have over 130 girls enrolled at University since 2013, with two now studying their Master's Degrees, 3 on full university scholarships and one who just graduated to become a Biology teacher. The longer-term impact is that these young women will be able to become financially independent, contribute to the workforce and economy and have more choice and voice in their families and society, ensuring progressive equality for future generations. They have also inspired a positive shift in attitudes in their communities towards educating girls, and are strong role models to their sisters and friends, demonstrating what is possible for them and how to realise their potential through education.

Ensena por Bolivia - ExB Entidad sin fines de lucro

Ensena por Bolivia's vision is that all Bolivians, regardless of their origin, can imagine and creatively build a society where they can develop themselves. The organization works with partner schools and communities to provide training and support to teachers and to implement innovative teaching and learning strategies that promote student engagement and success. Ensena por Bolivia's approach is based on the idea that leadership and educational equity are closely connected and that by developing strong, committed leaders in the educational system, it is possible to create lasting change and improve the lives of children and communities in Bolivia. The organization's work is aligned with Bolivia's national education goals, and our mission, vision and approach are based on the reality we observe every day in the communities and classrooms where we work. The short- and long-term impact we seek is focused on: 1. Improving access to quality education. We prioritize working in marginalized communities and with schools that lack resources or face other challenges that limit access to quality education. To achieve this, Ensena por Bolivia recruits and trains participants who are committed to promoting educational equity and social justice and who have the skills and knowledge to implement innovative teaching and learning strategies that promote student engagement and success. 2. Addressing the quality of education. Ensena por Bolivia focuses on improving the quality of education in Bolivia by promoting innovative teaching and learning strategies, encouraging the use of technology in the classroom, and providing professional development and ongoing support to teachers. The organization works with partner schools and communities to identify improvement opportunities and develop strategies to address them. Ensena por Bolivia would eventually advocate for policies and practices promoting quality education and supporting teachers and students. 3. Addressing the education gap between urban and rural areas. Ensena por Bolivia is working to address the education gap between urban and rural areas by establishing partnerships with schools and communities in remote or marginalized regions. ExB recruits and trains teachers willing to work in these areas and deeply understand their communities cultural and social context. We also work with local authorities and stakeholders to identify and address barriers to education in rural areas, such as limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and cultural biases. 4. Support the movement led by communities and Alumni. We believe that one of the most effective ways to generate social change is through the participation of social actors within the same communities that face inequality in different levels and areas. The objective is to build synergies with the entire educational community: Parents' school boards, educational councils, district education offices, student organizations and indigenous authorities. The aim is to contribute to the common goal of pursuing better education. Each actor in this ecosystem plays a crucial part in developing a more equitable vision of education that allows children and youth in our country to fulfill their potential. This is the base of our approach.

PTSD Foundation of America

To combat post traumatic stress; bring healing to our military community (active duty, reserves and national guard, veterans, and their families) through pastoral counseling, and peer mentoring, both on an individual basis, and in group settings. Raise awareness of the increasing needs of the military community through public events, media outlets, social media, service organizations, and churches. Networking government agencies, service organizations, churches and private sector businesses into a united “corps of compassion”, to bring their combined resources together to meet the needs of the military community on a personal and individual/family level. Our brave men and women in uniform understand duty, honor, and sacrifice. Many have returned home with both the visible scars, and the unseen wounds of war. to give back to those who have given of themselves so selflessly PTSD Foundation of America is a non-profit organization dedicated to mentoring to our combat veterans and their families with post traumatic stress. Many warriors are coming home with visible wounds; countless others are coming home with scars we cannot see, wounded souls from witnessing the horrors of war over and over again – PTSD. We feel it is our duty as Americans to help these mighty warriors and their families adjust and find their new normal. It is our turn to step up with other excellent existing community organizations and help those that have fought and sacrificed so much for us. We are faith-based in our approach and have a great history of providing hope and healing to those experiencing the unseen wounds of war. We offer a safe place where no one is judged, everyone is supported, and everything a warrior says or is revealed is confidential within the group. We would like the opportunity to train and/or help form groups within your community for warriors & their families to reach out to. Our teams consist of veterans, active and reserve service members as well as civilians that have a heart for the military and their families. We have active, reserve and/or veterans from every war up to world war ii that are coming to our groups. Warriors that we have worked with have learned how to heal and cope with ptsd to find their “new normal” and are now are reaching out to other warriors to let them know that there is hope in the darkness and they are not alone. please give us the opportunity to show you what we can do to provide hope for the warriors in darkness and the families who love and support them. to increase public awareness of post traumatic stress establishing relationships within the faith based community and secular organizations to facilitate support systems for our military community; locating and identifying churches currently ministering to, or are willing to consider beginning ministries to our military community workshops and counseling manuals are provided for both the warrior and their families. by assisting the spouses, children and other family members, we aid in the healing process of the individual with ptsd. Too often other treatment options fail to appropriately address the impact of ptsd on the family; training is available through regional workshops or through video. training should be undertaken by pastors, staff, counselors and lay-members who might interact in any counseling program; keeping the issue before the media and general public through regular press releases and email newsletters, as well as psa’s, websites and facebook

Jazz At Lincoln Center

The mission of Jazz at Lincoln Center is to entertain, enrich and expand a global community for Jazz through performance, education and advocacy. We believe Jazz is a metaphor for Democracy. Because jazz is improvisational, it celebrates personal freedom and encourages individual expression. Because jazz is swinging, it dedicates that freedom to finding and maintaining common ground with others. Because jazz is rooted in the blues, it inspires us to face adversity with persistent optimism.From our first downbeat as a summer concert series at Lincoln Center in 1987, to the fully orchestrated achievement of opening the world's first venue designed specifically for jazz in 2004, we have celebrated this music and these landmarks with an ever-growing audience of jazz fans from around the world.Representing the totality of jazz music, Jazz at Lincoln Center's mission is carried out through four elements—educational, curatorial, archival, and ceremonial—capturing, in unparalleled scope, the full spectrum of the jazz experience.In the mid-1980s, Lincoln Center, Inc. was looking to expand its programming efforts to attract new and younger audiences, and to fill its halls during the summer months when resident companies were performing elsewhere. Long-time jazz enthusiasts on the Lincoln Center campus and on the Lincoln Center Board recognized the need for America's music to be represented, and lobbied to include jazz in the organization's offerings. After four summers of successful Classical Jazz concerts, Jazz at Lincoln Center (JALC) became an official department of Lincoln Center in 1991. During its first year, JALC produced concerts throughout New York City, including Brooklyn and Harlem. By the second year, JALC had its own radio series on National Public Radio, and the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra (now known as the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra) began touring, and recording and selling CDs. By its fourth year, the program reached international audiences with performances in Hong Kong and, the following year, in France, Austria, Italy, Turkey, Norway, Spain, England, Germany and Finland. In July 1996, JALC was inducted as the first new constituent of Lincoln Center since The School of American Ballet joined in 1987, laying the groundwork for the building of a performance facility designed specifically for the sound, function and feeling of jazz.“The whole space is dedicated to the feeling of swing, which is a feeling of extreme coordination," explained Jazz at Lincoln Center's Managing and Artistic Director Wynton Marsalis of his vision for the new home of jazz, or the “House of Swing." “Everything is integrated: the relationship between one space and another, the relationship between the audience and the musicians, is one fluid motion, because that's how our music is." Under Marsalis's direction, JALC sought out world-renowned architect Rafael Viñoly and a team of acoustic engineers to create Frederick P. Rose Hall, the world's first performance, education and broadcast facility devoted to jazz, in New York City. As the centerpiece of a $131 million capital campaign drive, the 100,000-square-foot facility opened in fall 2004 and features three concert and performance spaces (Rose Theater, The Appel Room and Dizzy's Club Coca-Cola) engineered for the warmth and clarity of the sound of jazz.

Teach For Australia

Despite our prosperity, Australia's education system is one of the most inequitable in the developed world. The postcode you're born in can radically impact your future, determining the type of education you get to access. And without a quality education, our young people get left behind - set up for lives of disadvantage instead of lives of opportunity. It's not their choice; and it isn't their fault. Right now, the education sector across Australia is facing immense and urgent challenges. Young people are grappling with a system that struggles to support them to achieve their potential. Overburdened teachers are leaving the profession in droves, and there's fewer new graduates taking their place. Schools are under-resourced with the specialists they need to deliver a quality education for their students. The gap in outcomes between the most-advantaged and least-advantaged communities is already deep - and still growing. Our most marginalised and vulnerable students are being left behind. But together, we can do something about it. Established in 2009, Teach For Australia's vision is an Australia where education gives all children, regardless of background, greater choice for their future: and the ability to pursue the life opportunities they deserve. Research tells us quality teaching and leadership are major factors in making this happen. Improving teacher quality offers the greatest policy strategy to positively impact the educational outcomes of students. And school leadership is second only to teaching among all school-related factors that contribute to student learning. Raising students' achievement and driving equity into the education system depends on the effectiveness of teachers. So we're growing a community of leaders committed to equity for children by recruiting and developing exceptional people to teach and lead across the country. - We rigorously recruit high-calibre people from all walks of life to join our flagship Leadership Development Program; a unique two-year placement opportunity that sees successful candidates (known as 'Associates') work hands-on in secondary schools while studying their Masters in Education - We train and support them to become exceptional teachers who can give students the knowledge, skills and confidence to realise their potential. Associates work in the schools that need them the most: we partner exclusively with schools serving low socioeconomic communities. More than half of our partner schools are in regional, rural or remote communities. As subject specialists, Associates fill real vacancies in hard-to-staff positions; particularly in the critically in-demand science, technology, engineering and maths learning areas. We recognise quality teaching is only part of the picture - so we also invest in developing and supporting quality leadership as we seek to disrupt the status quo. - We energise and challenge our people to become agents of change against educational inequity; empowered to drive long-term transformational reform and innovation in education. We've established a pipeline of future leaders, with half of our teaching Alumni taking on formal school leadership roles. They're creating change not just as year-level coordinators, curriculum designers, subject leads and instructional coaches, but through school executive and principal-class positions. - Through our Teach To Lead and Future Leaders Program initiatives, we've helped more than 200 emerging school leaders build on their experience and insight as educators and grow into invaluable leaders who can raise school and student outcomes. In our first fourteen years we've supported hundreds of schools and thousands of vulnerable students - but we know there's so much more to do. We're determined to reach and teach 2 million Australian students by 2030. Our goals are ambitious but clear. By 2030, with the help of our partners and supporters, we aim to: - Reach and teach up to 2 million Australian students - Place and support 4,000 new teachers - Develop innovative solutions for the system - Grow the business behind our programs