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Pathways to Safety International empowers victims of interpersonal & gender based violence abroad. Pathways undertakes the global challenge of assisting victims who are enduring extreme suffering in isolated situations where support seems minimal and many obstacles block the path to safety. Services are provided 24/7/365 via technology on a global scale to American victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and forced marriage. This is achieved via an international toll free crisis line, 833-SAFE-833, accessible from over 120 countries, serving a population estimated at 9 million American civilians living overseas, 80 million Americans traveling overseas, and the 450,000 American military personnel and their dependents.
The International Bullying Prevention Association (IBPA) was founded in 2003 when grassroots practitioners and researchers came together to convene the first conference in the US entirely focused on bullying prevention. The organization is structured around four guiding principles which include: Ethical training practices Ethical conduct toward practices and performance Ethical conduct toward professional colleagues Ethical conduct toward community
The purpose of Resourcing Christian Education International (RCE) is to serve Christian education ministries in their mission of providing exceptional educational opportunities with a Biblical foundation and Christian worldview. As we partner with and assist educational institutions that range from traditional primary and secondary education schools to Christian colleges, seminaries and adult education centers, our goal is to serve them and their staff so that they can excel in the ministries to which God has called them!
Every orphan child having access to education, health care and protection. To grow into a role model and catalyst for charities involved in children welfare on national and international levels. To play a vital role in the global development by nurturing orphan children into creative, peaceful, peace loving and conscientious members of the society. Intellectual, moral and physical development of orphan children with respect to all religions, ethnic groups, color and race to eradicate gender discrimination and bring harmony in the society.
As the pioneering International Baccalaureate school in The Bahamas dedicated to achieving excellence in education, and in partnership with our families, our mission is to: - Challenge our students to develop a lifelong love of learning that extends beyond the classroom - Inspire curiosity, open-mindedness and a commitment to personal excellence - Foster a community of confident, creative and critical learners in an inclusive, respectful and safe environment - Nurture in our students a sound ethical foundation that will inspire positive action, service and leadership - Develop culturally confident global citizens who are able to succeed in any context - Build a student-centered and family-oriented community
The mission of Uplift a Child Interntional (Former name -Vonumu International) is to identify the poor and needy children, place them in a school, and support them through 10 -12 years of schooling through the high school. This will keep the children off the streets, provide them with the basic skills to develop, and give them an opportunity to emerge as self-reliant and productive members of the society. By the time the children completes high school, they will have the necessary social skills and will be mature enough to plan and work towards a brighter future. Until then, we work with each child in helping the child grow in the right direction.
Girls Education Mission International was emerged out of a pressing need among young women and girls who face gender-based discrimination and are therefore deprived of education and training opportunities to attain a better life. As a non profit, non-governmental organization aim for the betterment of humanity particularly the life of the Girl child, Girls Education Mission International envisions a World where girls become Women of Integrity, Vision and Impact. We want to see girls and women creating change and making lasting impact in their respective communities. We are on a mission to reach out to and advance the circumstances of girls who are not provided with strong motivation to reach potentials. We have a global mandate to establish empowered teams of young women and girls with relevant knowledge and practical skills that will enable them transform their lives and influencing their communities for good. We are intentionally inspired to equip girls to pass forward what they have learned, becoming productive citizens and visionary leaders capable of shaping sustainable society. Thus our motto "To be Willing, Equipped and Available.." Dreamt and begun in 2007, Girls Education Mission International was officially registered in 2011 in Nigeria with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) with registration number (CAC/IT/NO 45818). It was also registered with the Special Control Unit Against Money Laundering (SCUML) of the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) of the Federal Republic of Nigeria with registration number (RN:SC 321400084). Despite improvements in global and national laws and policies that provide the normative framework for women to advance their rights, it is imperative to acknowledge that a vast number of girls continue to experience violence and gender discrimination at home, in schools and in their communities especially when it comes to getting an education. As part of our smart and creative strategy to better the lives of humanity, we are committed to eradicating poverty, building peace and creating sustainable impact among young women and girls using education to achieve this aim. We believe that girls education and empowerment is the vital tool to harness innovation to improvise novel solution that are not only smart and creative but also more effective, efficient and just in achieving demonstrable results when it comes to tackling the challenges continue to face globally. GEM works directly with girls, parents, teachers, and community leaders, all of whom are the ultimate drivers and stewards of meaningful change for themselves, their families and their communities.
On the 11th of March 2011, Japan was hit by one of the most powerful earthquakes ever known to have hit the country. Following the earthquakes, large tsunamis devastated Japan's north-eastern coast, damaging or destroying nearly 40,000 buildings, leaving 20,000 dead. IsraAID's first team arrived on the ground 4 days after the tsunami, and distributed aid, cleaned houses, created child-friendly spaces, and rebuilt schools. During this period, IsraAID discovered a rapidly growing need for psycho-social and post-traumatic care, and has decided to launch the "Japan IsraAID Support Program (JISP)" in August 2013. Drawing on local and foreign knowledge, IsraAID and JISP have provided direct support to the victims and trained thousands of professionals and care providers in MHPSS, offering PTSD prevention, stress-management and leadership workshops. Founded in the aftermath of the great disaster in Tohoku, JISP now operates as one of the leading humanitarian organizations based in Japan's Tohoku Region where very few international NGOs activate.
This has been a difficult financial time for so many people in our country and inflation is even worse in Haiti. Not surprisingly, our donations have dropped drastically, threatening the operation of BRS. We are praying that many will step forward to sponsor one of our precious children. $125 covers tuition, books and uniform for a student for a year. $65 feeds him a muffin every school day. We had hoped to start a rice and beans lunch program with the help of an organization in Tennessee but it does not look like we will be able to afford it. Together we have accomplished so much and changed so many lives in a very stressed country. We are grateful. I know most of you hear the awful stories of gang activity in Port au Prince. It has kept us from going for over a year since we have to land in Port. But because you have helped us build Haiti leadership over the years, all projects are going forward even when we are not there. We never even thought that we could change Haiti but Savanette is a very different place than it was when we opened the Brad reddick school in 2006. IT started as a little school K-2 and now it has 400 students K- 11. When we started work there was no clean water and now there is abundant clean water and people come for miles to use our well water stations. There was no medical care, now there is a clinic that has provided care and medicines for hundreds for people. There had never been any opportunities for jobs People now work to grow vegetables, bamboo and raise rabbits. People are being hired as we speak to fix the septic system in the compound and people were hired to unload the container that arrived in November. There was just one church down the road and so much voodoo. Now we have not seen voodoo in years and little churches have cropped up throughout the Savanette area.
A faith based organization seeking the salvation of its members and their well being and the entire human race such as vulnerable children and women
Our mission is to provide a safe place for individuals to be empowered, restored, and unified through the arts and social entrepreneurial initiatives.