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Smart Villages Foundation

Can remote villages have the same opportunities as urban centres? Can rural residents have access to careers, clean water, healthcare, education, productive agriculture and communication-without leaving their villages? Smart Villages believes that people in remote villages deserve the same opportunities as everyone else. Remote villages are often "off the grid" and do not have a reliable supply of energy for lighting homes, cooking, charging mobile phones, or powering businesses. The energy sources they do have, such as kerosene lamps, are often harmful to their health. The national grid may never reach many of these remote villages, but other solutions exist. We believe that energy access in off-grid communities is one of the services that can change lives-but only if it is implemented for the long-term and includes community involvement and training. And for development to happen sustainably, energy and other technologies must be harnessed for productive use, and for the innovative provision of community-level services (for example health and education), so that community residents are able to access all the basic services they need, despite their physical remoteness. Every village can be a "smart village." Smart Villages has provided policy makers, donors and development agencies concerned with rural energy access with new insights on the real barriers to energy access and innovation-driven rural development in villages in developing countries - technological, financial and political - and how they can be overcome. We are focusing more on remote off-grid villages, where local solutions (home- or institution-based systems, and mini-grids) are both more realistic and cheaper than national grid extension. But our approach is equally valid in other situations. Our concern is to ensure that energy access goes hand in hand with smarter, more integrated thinking about rural communities, and results in development and the creation of 'smart villages' in which many of the benefits of life in modern societies are available. In our ongoing work, we aim to demonstrate how Smart Villages and integrated rural development initiatives can be created in a sustainable and community-driven manner, and to evidence how this new holistic rural development paradigm can yield superior, lasting development impacts. We are also committed to investigating innovative technologies that can help deliver some of these integrated development objectives - for example innovative agricultural technology, cold storage, ICT access, remote education and telemedicine. We aim to win grant funding, and raise charitable funding, to implement projects to help catalyse sustainable community-led and focussed rural development worldwide, but particularly in Africa, where we already have a number of active projects.


With the goal of helping under-served communities in India, Nepal, and Tibet receive the vital services they need, Karuna-Shechen was founded in 2000 by Matthieu Ricard (, renown TED speaker, author, and humanitarian. We strive to reduce inequalities and work toward a fairer and more compassionate world. We trust that communities can be lifted out of poverty, that change is possible, and that the well-being of every individual, regardless of race, gender, class, or caste, is essential. We believe that building on local strengths and knowledge is the most efficient way to respond to the specific needs and aspirations of our beneficiaries. Rooted in the ideal of "compassion in action", we serve others with joy and determination by cultivating altruism in our hearts and actions. We provide vulnerable and disadvantaged populations access to health care, education and vocational training, clean water, solar electricity, and other sustainable solutions that offer options to find a livelihood and a better life. We work with a grassroots network of local partners, and give special attention to the education and empowerment of girls and women. Karuna-Shechen's name expresses its mission while paying homage to its roots: Karuna means "compassion" in Sanskrit, and Shechen is the name of a major monastery in Tibet.

Project GRAD Los Angeles

We believe the transformative power of a college education ignites the full potential of first generation students, their families, and their communities. Since 1999, Project GRAD Los Angeles has been working to raise the college graduation rate in the northeast San Fernando Valley by helping students navigate the path from middle school through college. Disparities in educational resources undermine too many first generation students’ post-secondary success, ultimately affecting the regions economic vitality and quality of life. Project GRAD is on the frontlines of this most pressing challenge. Our staff is embedded in eight public schools, championing the college aspirations of all students, while working directly with 1,500 students and families providing the skills, knowledge, and programs needed to ensure college success. Project GRAD Los Angeles has crafted an innovative, high-quality, data-driven model for college success beginning in middle school and continuing throughout college that is specifically designed to help first-generation, low-income students. The Project GRAD model has been recognized nationally for its success in increasing the number of first generation college-goers and was adopted into the Higher Education Act of 2008 as a reform model to replicate.

HandsOn Shanghai Volunteer Service Center

Founded in 2004 by a group of young professionals who believed people can make a difference, HandsOn Shanghai is an officially registered non-profit organization with the Shanghai Civil Affair Bureau since 2010. Governed by a board of 11 members, the HandsOn Shanghai volunteer platform helps to bridge the divide that exists between individuals who are looking to give back to their community and the organizations that would benefit from the support that volunteers can provide. With a primary objective of providing flexible volunteer opportunities for busy professionals and serving local charities in needs, HOS manages a big group of volunteers and a diverse range of community service projects in Shanghai Currently we engage more than 2500 volunteers each month through more than 150 local service projects. Projects that benefit the young and old through long term, committed, partnerships with more than 75 project partners. With our mission is to promote volunteerism, inspire, equip and mobilize people to take action that changes the world, we envision a world in which individuals, students, and corporate leaders are able to discover (and harness) their power to make a difference, participate as volunteers, and participants in the development of healthy, vibrant, and resilient communities.

Yayasan Bumi Sehat, Ds. PKR Nyuh Kuning

We operate four Community Health and Education and Childbirth Centers within Indonesia, and one in the Philippines, as well as mobile Disaster Relief Birth and Health Services. At our clinics, we offer a comprehensive range of allopathic and holistic medical care, including pre and post-natal care, breastfeeding support, infant, child and family health services, nutritional education, pre-natal yoga and gentle, loving natural birth services. Each baby's capacity to love and trust is built at birth and in the first two hours of life. By protecting pregnancy, birth, postpartum and breastfeeding, we are advocating for optimal humanity, health, intelligence and consciousness. We believe that each individual is an essential societal component of peace. By caring for the smallest citizens of Earth - babies at birth - we are building peace: one mother, one child, one family at a time. Our mission is to improve the quality of life and encourage peace. We also offer a scholarship program each year for nursing and midwifery students from poor families who cannot afford training. In addition, we have a Youth Center where local teenagers study permaculture, English and computing skills to help them improve their job prospects.

Mentivity Group C.I.C.

"Mentivity aims to mentor and support as many of our young people, families, schools and the wider community as possible, to enhance social cohesion, social mobility, improve educational outcomes and raise aspirations for our youth. "An opportunity to create a safe space where mentees can meaningfully engage through active collaboration, pursue experiences via guided discovery that will elevate their personal, academic and social advancement/progression/expansion. Established upon honesty, respect and trust whilst nurturing their passions. Equipping our mentees with increased resilience needed to overcome adversity and alter their life trajectories. To create safer communities in which individuals and families can thrive" Our passion and drive to improve the personal, social, educational and employment outcomes for our young people will always be at the very heart of our work. Mentivity are committed to helping and assisting our young people, giving them the opportunity to achieve their true potential and shape their futures through empowerment, accountability, critical thinking, perseverance, responsibility and humility. We believe in creating a long-lasting legacy so that our much needed work and support continues on within our communities indefinitely through our network of Mentivity mentees.

Achievement First

Despite the promise of equal educational opportunity, the United States has largely failed to provide low-income children access to a high-quality education. The difference in academic performance between poor and affluent students, known as the achievement gap, has serious implications for the future life opportunities of students and for our society at large. Closing the achievement gap is both an economic and moral imperative - the modern frontier of the civil rights movement. The mission of Achievement First is to deliver on the promise of equal educational opportunity for all of America's children. We believe that all children, regardless of race or economic status, can succeed if they have access to a great education. Achievement First schools will provide all our students with the academic and character skills they need to graduate from top colleges, to succeed in a competitive world and to serve as the next generation of leaders for our communities. Achievement First will continue to create public charter schools that close the achievement gap, while also looking to partner with other like-minded, reform-oriented organizations to maximize our collective impact. Together, we will continue our work until every child is given access to a great education and enjoys the real freedom that flows from that opportunity.

Our Hope Heya Masr for Society Development

Our mission is to restore a sense of dignity and pride in young Egyptian women by building their self-confidence and empowering them mentally and physically to develop themselves. Heya Masr targets disadvantaged young girls and boys aged 6-18 to strengthen their character. We do this by providing a safe and nurturing environment for physical activities, nutritional and healthy lifestyle education, character development activities, sexual harassment, and bullying awareness and self-defense strategies. We believe that to make an impact, and we need to educate both young women and men equally. Heya Masr is empowering a young generation of girls and boys now for a better Egypt tomorrow. Heya Masr uniquely targets girls at an early age since we rely on UN studies (1) that indicate that behavioral changes occur at the early stages of development. This approach helps us equip women with mechanisms to rise above the negative impacts of extreme deprivation, abuse, and other adversities in their most formative years of development. We seek a proactive impact on women during adolescence to become stronger, more confident, and independent, thereby positively influencing future generations in Egypt. (1)UN Study: Changing perspectives on early childhood: theory, research, and policy by Martin Woodhead 2006

LGBTQ Community Center Fund (Portland)

Vision: A broadened positive perception of LGBTQ people. Mission: The center provides a safe space to support and celebrate LGBTQ diversity, equity, visibility and community building. Values: We value families premised on love and commitment. We value the strength, capabilities and goodness of LGBTQ people. We value our allies and advocates. We value the education, empowerment and well-being of our communities. We value leadership and positive role models. We value our similarities and embrace our differences. We value full inclusion, respect and equality. We value financial strength and long-term viability. Q Center provides a safe space to support and celebrate LGBTQ diversity, equity, visibility and community building. Q Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization which offers multi-generational programs and services in four core areas: Arts & Culture; Education & Training; Health & Wellness and Advocacy. 2014 Q Center 990. You can find our past 990s on GuideStar. There are dozens of events and groups that meet here, some focused on specific topics (like coming out or gender identity) and others aimed at fun social interactions (like sing-along piano cabarets or craft nights). Entry to most of these is sliding-scale and run by dedicated volunteers, keeping Q Center truly community-driven and accessible. In addition to our programmatic offerings, our 5,000 sq/ft facility is also a safe and friendly place to spend an afternoon. With our monthly art exhibits, extensive library collection, Resource Wall, and free WiFi access, there’s always something to see and learn here at Q Center.

World Rehabilitation Fund

Founded in 1955, the World Rehabilitation Fund is the pioneer organization devoted to the development and implementation of rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities throughout the world. WRF's mission is: to enable individuals around the world with functional limitations and participation restrictions achieve community and social integration through physical and socio-economic rehabilitation and advocacy; and to prevent disability and reduce disadvantage. WRF believes that all people, regardless of disability, have the right to participate fully in their communities, to attain education and viable employment. Guiding Principles The WRF staff works closely with local and international partners to develop culturally appropriate initiatives that address all aspects of rehabilitation, from incident through reintegration by: Strengthening the capacity of indigenous organizations to better meet the needs of people in states of disadvantage due to various forms of disabilities. Developing community-based programs for physical, psychological, and socio-economic rehabilitation and reintegration. Upgrading skills of rehabilitation service providers such as physicians, therapists, health promoters, nurses, social workers, and vocational rehabilitation specialists. Collaborating with industry and local professionals to enhance vocational training, skills-building, and job placement programs to create sustainable employment and income-generating entrepreneurial opportunities. Training rehabilitation professionals throughout the world in the fabrication and fitting of artificial limbs, orthopedic braces, and other assistive technology appropriate for the geographic area they serve. Ensuring that people with disabilities are part of the team from start to finish.

Mona Foundation

Mona Foundation is a non-profit organization which supports grassroots educational initiatives that provide education to all children, increase opportunities for women and girls, and emphasize service to the community. Our goal is to eliminate global poverty and support community led transformation such that no child ever goes to bed hungry, or is lost to preventable diseases, or is deprived of gift of education for lack of resources. We believe that the keys to alleviating poverty are universal education, gender equality, and community building. Since 1999, Mona has awarded more than $12 million to 38 educational initiatives in 18 countries, providing access to quality education and training for more than 258,000 students, teachers and families. In 2016 supported the following programs: 1. Ranche Sespe, CA 2. Tarzana School, CA 3. ADCAM (Association for Cohesive Development of Amazonas), Brazil. 4. Badi School, Panama 5. Barli Institute for Development of Rural Women, Indore, India. 6. Digital Study Hall, India 7. SunFlower Mission, Vietnam 8. Badi Foundation, China 9. Mongolian Development Center, Mongolia 10. Zunuzi School, Haiti 11. George Marcellus, Haiti 12. Zunuzi Annex, Haiti 13. New Horizon, Haiti 14. Townshend, Czech Republic 15. Tilling & Odusai Schools, Uganda

Fundacion Nativo

Fundacion Nativo is a non-profit organization, located in Caracas (Venezuela), which is dedicated to the socioeconomic and sustainable development of indigenous communities, without having to damage their environment or abandon their cultural or religious beliefs. Always favoring gender equality and integration of different sexual options. Vision: A world in which there is no inequality between the indigenous population and the rest of society. Where the native population is not considered as animals, pets or the disposable object of the fashion of the moment. Mission: Empower indigenous communities by promoting the conservation of their culture, defending the right to land and the preservation of their natural resources, promoting sustainable economic development in gender equality and sexual orientation, favoring access to communication channels to leave the information isolation and giving them a voice before the institutions to demand their rights and denounce the abuses to which they are subjects of. Our history: In 2014, investigating for a documentary, we made a stop in the mining area of Las Claritas. There we went to a brothel where a bingo was being held. The place was full of miners attentive to the draw, something that surprised us because bingo always seemed an activity for older people ... Until we saw the prize ... depending on the sexual orientation of the miner, the prize was a child or Indigenous girl no older than 10 years old, who waited to meet the owner of their destination inside a hole dug in the floor of the premises. When you see something like this with your own eyes, it is impossible to remain indifferent to the problem. We realized that, in this market of basic instincts, we could do little to diminish the demand (the illegal miners come from many countries and for them the Indians are less than animals), but we could have some possibility of diminishing the offer if we helped the development of indigenous communities. And that's how the Fundacion Nativa was born.