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The Soulfuls

The Soulfuls is on a mission to close the opportunity gap for all women - no matter skin colour, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio economic background and beyond. We are here to empower the next generation of women, and pave the way for a free, fair and inclusive future. We will continue the much-needed conversation about diversity, inclusion, and equity in the media and across industries in the Nordics. ABOUT US: The Soulfuls community was established back in 2018 by Aram Ostadian-Binai, who, after working 10+ years as an executive in media and fashion, saw the necessity to address the huge imbalance of representation of stories and talents from diverse backgrounds and female role models. "Fashion, creative and media industries might shape culture, but they don't reflect our cultural diversity." - Aram From glossy fashion magazines to children books and social media to television, over 76% of the publishing and media world are predominantly white (and male). This number only goes higher when it comes to the highest positions. As a result of this power structure, diverse talents are having a hard time getting the opportunities and visibility they need to move up the ladder. Diverse voices and stories remain unpublished and unheard - or heavily filtered through a white male gaze. This power structure has another backlash: the impact that it has on the future of our young girls. When young people were asked to name a female entrepreneurial role model, only 2% said they were able to. In some countries, this number was as low as 1%. "Female role models are key to driving change in their industries and empowering girls to think bigger and aim higher. It's hard to imagine it if you can't see it." - Aram The Soulfuls is here to change this narrative for all girls. They need to feel seen, heard and included. We need better representation of female role models and talents from all backgrounds to smash through glass ceilings.

Fruit Tree Planting Foundation

MISSIONThe Fruit Tree Planting Foundation is a nonprofit charity dedicated to planting edible, fruitful trees and plants to benefit the environment and all its inhabitants. Our primary mission is to plant and help others plant a collective total of 18 billion fruit trees across the world (approximately 3 for every person alive) and encourage their growth under organic standards.FTPF provides support, resources, and guidance for those interested in planting fruit trees and spearheads a variety of planting programs. These programs are aimed at enriching the environment, providing nutritious food sources for wild and rescued animals, and improving human health by bringing delicious, fresh, locally grown raw fruits and vegetables of the highest quality into the lives of all people.VISIONWe envision a place where one can have a summer picnic under the shade of a fruit tree, breathe the clean air it generates, and not have to bring anything other than an appetite for the healthy fruits growing overhead. A world where one can take a walk in the park during a lunch break, pick and eat a variety of delicious fruits, plant the seeds so others can eventually do the same and provide an alternative to buying environmentally-destructive, illness-causing, chemically-laden products.Simply put, our goal is to encourage and inspire the planting of 18 billion fruit trees around the world. 18 billion fruit trees can spring out of the soul of one human being — we believe in thinking big, and loving even more

Bulgarian English Speech and Debate Tournaments Foundation

Mission statement: By providing English-language speech and debate tournaments, student leadership opportunities, and international programming to Bulgarian high school students, the BEST Foundation promotes critical thinking skills and free thought so as to foster a community of engaged, democratically-minded citizens who are committed to creating a bright future for Bulgaria. Vision: We believe that words are powerful, and can engage diverse viewpoints to contribute to the well-being of societies. Programs: BEST accomplishes its mission through the following activities: - providing speech and debate tournaments to Bulgarian and foreign students - supporting teachers and coaches with curriculum and trainings - creating student-centered leadership opportunities - informing and educating students about local and global issues and ideas - fostering a network of citizens who envision and are working toward a bright future for Bulgaria Impact: Though no two experiences through BEST are alike, the following characterizes significant patterns of change experienced through participation in BEST's programming: 1) Exposure: Through BEST, participants are exposed to new ideas, views, and perspectives. 2) Conviction: Participants then begin to care about certain ideas that they have been exposed to. 3) Education: Once they find an idea they care more about, they begin to learn more about this idea, and become more critically aware of what is going on. 4) Action: Based on what participants have learned and care about, they take action. Action can take many different forms.

Women and Children Welfare and Development Organization

Vision: Ethiopia, where every child, youth, and woman SRHR, MNHC, Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Justice fully realized Mission Statement To take the lead in advancing sexual reproductive health, maternal and newborn health care, human rights, gender equality, and justice by leaving no one behind, we are dedicated to ensuring this through: a. Elevating the voice and expertise of young people. b. Building a strong values-driven community. c. Trans-national synergy in our advocacy. d. Trans-National movement building. e. Fully youth-led program setting and Implementation. Purpose: To achieve SRHR, Maternal and Newborn Health Care, Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Justice for Youth by Youth in Ethiopia Core Values: Accountability, Transparency, Stewardship, Equity, Equality, Integrity, Leadership, and Humanity Principle: 1. We courageously challenge social norms. 2. We are committed to the power of youth-led advocacy, accountability, and full agency for all young people. 3. We care about centring the perspective of marginalized and oppressed individuals and Groups and dismantling stigma, discrimination, and hatred. 4. We strive to continuously evaluate, learn, and evolve. 5. We believe in decolonized models of work, equitable collaboration, and participatory decision-making whilst ensuring transparency and accountability. 6. We are compassionate and progressive human rights defenders who are unashamedly prochoice, feminist, and pro LGBTIQ. Strategic Approach: Build and Foster Partnership, Network, Membership, and Volunteerism

South Sudan Grassroots Initiative for Development(SSGID)

South Sudan Grassroots Initiative for Development (SSGID) is a National non-profit, Humanitarian and Development community organization established in the year 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice (Registration Number 1921) and the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (Registration Number 350). SSGID was founded by a group of women and youth of South Sudan with the aim of responding to the ever increasing social, economic, and health challenges affecting the predominantly rural / pastoral population of the Country. SSGID philosophy is based on the principle of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) where target communities are viewed as ASSETS with lots of opportunities, resources and ability to influence their desired outcomes other than as Problem Centres for humanitarian actions. SSGID, therefore, supports communities through a wide range of programmes that are community-driven with a niche on community innovation and problem solving. SSGID's programmes are focussed on vulnerable women and girls because SSGID subscribes to the belief that "if you educate a woman, you educate a nation." In addition women and girls are the worst affected categories of people in South Sudan as far as poverty, education attainment, human rights violation besides being marginalized in development programmes. SSGID also believes that youths play a very key role in transforming societies and are regarded to be having proactive minds towards development as well as being enthusiastic members of the society. SSGID provides Livelihood skills training and capacity building programmes to empower the young women and men in the communities so that they could contribute to their own development and build a resilient and sustainable community Vision Statement: Just, educated, healthy, equitable, peace loving and self-sustaining communities. Mission Statement: Dynamic partnership with communities to promote peace, reduce inequality, hunger, ignorance, poverty and diseases. Our MOTTO: To improve the health status and wellbeing of the vulnerable women and girls in communities through community driven: Livelihoods improvement, Girl Child Education, Promotion of health and sanitation, progressive culture, gender and protection programmes. Objectives: SSGID is driven by the following core objectives in its programme design and interaction with various Promotion and strengthening of sustainable agriculture among women and youth. Improvement of health and solidification of communities' response to emerging health issues. Women and youth empowerment through education and human rights advocacy. Promotion of peaceful co-existence among citizens and proactive participation in good governance stakeholders. Equity Promoting equitable and equal opportunities for all the beneficiaries and in employment in SSGID. Integrity A very high sense of moral and ethical standards in all SSGID dealings with all stakeholders and the public. Transparency and Accountability A very high level of openness and responsibility to all its stakeholders Respect Holding SSGID stakeholders with a high level of esteem and appreciation. Teamwork Always promoting teamwork spirit among its employees. The objectives for which SSGID operates are to ultimately give dignity to the people of South Sudan and to make them realise and enjoy a peaceful coexistence from within South Sudan and with the wider world community. Specifically, this will be achieved through the following objectives: i. Advocate for the large communities' social and development interests. ii. Mobilize local resources and other sources of incomes from individuals, international organisations, State governments and groups in furthering its mission. iii. Promote and carry out research, in furthering of its activities. iv. Promote community activities through singular or join workshops, exhibitions, meetings, lecture classes, seminars and training courses. v. Collect and disseminate information and exchange such information with other bodies having similar objects whether in South Sudan or overseas. vi. To acquire any moveable or immovable property and any buildings or things whatsoever and sell, dispose of Mortgage, lease or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property or rights of the Organization. vii. To enter into any arrangement with any governments or authorities that may seem conducive to the Organization's objects or any of them, and to obtain from such government or authority any rights, privileges and concessions which the Organization may think desirable to obtain. viii. To promote or assist in the promotion of any organization or company or other body having objects similar to those of the Organization. ix. Undertake, execute, manage and/or assist in any charitable work that may be lawfully undertaken, managed or assisted by other organisations. x. Write, publish, print or otherwise reproduce, circulate, gratuitously or otherwise distribute such documents, papers, books, newsletters, periodic, pamphlets or other documents, films and/or record tapes, (whether audio or visual or both) as shall be permitted by the laws of Publication and Access to Information Act of the Republic of South Sudan. xi. Carry out any such other lawful thing as may be necessary for the said objectives. SSGID supports vulnerable communities of South Sudan by acting in the following areas i. Rescue, provide emergency care, rehabilitate and resettle women and children and other IDPs. ii. Promote community health. iii. Improve community water, sanitation and hygiene. iv. Advocate and work for gender empowerment. v. Promote Education in emergency and peace situations. vi. Engage in Peace Building and Human Rights promotion at community level. vii. Promote Youth and women Enterprise and Vocational Skills Development. viii. Carry out Humanitarian Emergencies. ix. Engage in Research and Development. x. Promote vocational trainings for children, youth, women and adults. xi. Carry out life skills education children, youth and adults. Field Offices S/No. Location Role 1. Juba Headquarters 2. Wau Field Programs Office 3. Kuajok Field Programs Office 4. Aweil Field Programs Office 5. Tonj South Field Programs Office 6 Torit Field Programs Office 7 Malakal Field Programs Office 8 Rumbek Field Programs Office Management and staff of SSGID i. Board of Directors constituted by 7 members that decides on SSGID policies, supervises Senior Management, approves work plans, budget and auditors. ii. Senior Management comprising of 53 staffs that include Executive Director, Programs Manager and Finance Manager, Gender Youth and Development Manager and among other posts iii. Program Implementation and administration Staff comprising of the following but not limited to the following: Program Officers, Gender and Protection Officers, Logistics Officers, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Human Resource Officers and Support Staff.

Bulgarian organization of voluntary blood donation/

Every day more than 600 people in Bulgaria have a life-saving need for blood and blood products, because of accidents, emergency life-saving procedures, surgical interventions, childbirths, different cancers and many other diseases that need blood for treatment. Their lives are directly dependent on securing the necessary quantities of safe human blood which can be obtained ONLY through DONATION OF BLOOD because BLOOD has NO substitute! Unfortunately, Bulgaria is currently in one of the last places in Europe when it comes to donating blood. Most people donate blood only for relatives or friends who are in need and the true number of genuine voluntary blood donors is less than 25% of all blood donors. Due to the very limited amount of blood donors, hospitals force patients to find donors before they can have a required treatment (the so-called "replacement donor system", which poses significant problems to the patients and their families. Also, this highly questionable practice has led to the growth of an ugly black market for blood donors.). We hope that with our joint efforts we will be able to change this situation. BULGARIAN ORGANIZATION OF VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONATION is a non-profit association operating in public interest done by volunteers. We are the first Bulgarian association working entirely to encourage and promote regular, anonymous, voluntary, non-remunerated blood donation. We believe that blood donation is one of the most humane acts. We also believe that our cause is extremely important for every human being because the shortage of blood could affect everyone. In our daily activities we provide information about blood donation, answer questions and give support; help in cases of an urgent need for blood; organize blood drives and campaigns to educate and inspire people to donate. In 2013 BOVBD launched the first-of-its-kind for Bulgaria long-term project called "Donate Blood", aimed at promoting and facilitating voluntary blood donation and helping those in need of blood for themselves or their relatives. The core of this project lies with the "Donate Blood" system, entirely managed and administrated by BOVBD. The system is a sort of dual registry and has two main functionalities that are interlinked - on one side for the people who are voluntary blood donors or wish to become such and help, and on the other - for everyone who needs blood. The system is extremely useful for finding blood donors on time. It is an innovative and very effective tool to at least partially fulfil the need for blood in Bulgaria and to help when the need is urgent. "Donate blood" can be used completely free through our mobile phone applications for iPhone and Android. Every user has constant access to important and useful information about blood donation, offered through the BOVBD website -, including the prerequisites and contradictions for donating blood, addresses and contact details for blood centres in the country, blood collection campaigns that are ongoing or upcoming, etc. Our ambition is to upgrade the applications with additional functionalities when we have enough funding. By focusing the public attention on the problems that arise from the lack of information on blood donation and its importance, from the insufficient number of voluntary blood donors and the risks of paid donors, we are working together to resolve them. The World Health Organization proclaims voluntary blood donation as the safest method for collecting the necessary quantities of blood and blood products needed in everyday healthcare. We hope and work for so that one day there will be enough voluntary blood donors and we, our kids, our parents and everyone who needs blood or could find himself in need of blood to be sure that there is enough safe blood that would help to save his life.

Develop Armenia Socio- Educational NGO

Organization's Programs and Mission Organization's Programs: The program is called "Caps for help". As Develop Armenia our formula is very simple bottle caps for wheelchairs or supporting devices. This program support three intertwined programs. First Educational: Bottle caps are collected from different educational institutions and companies. At this stage, we stress the danger of plastic in our environment, and the importance of sustainable development. This is through different sessions where we talk about the danger of those plastics, the time it takes for their disintegration, and most importantly that plastic is not waste. Second Environmental: Those plastics are recycled in a recycling company. We also organize field trips for the students to show them the recycling process. Thirds Social. With revenue, we help disabled people from different gender, age groups, religions, and regions. We provide them will wheelchairs and supporting devices to help them improve their lifestyle and become independent. Mission: The promotion of sustainable development, the integration of social and environmental consciousness into education, and the enhancement of the Armenian culture are just a few of the actions we believe will improve our society. Within the framework of the above objectives, we are developing actions such as events, campaigns, and partnerships with international and local partners for the implementation of strategic programs. Adhering to the principles of sustainable development, Develop Armenia encourages the sustainability and conservation of the natural environment and enhances awareness campaigns to preserve nature. We are working on implementing socio-economic projects in the different rural areas in Armenia within the framework of job creation, self-sustainability, and development. This will help to reduce urban migration. - To provide public opportunities through socio-sustainable projects. - To educate our youth through projects and educational sessions by professionals. - To value and mobilize the youth to participate in environmentally increased sustainable livelihoods. - To conduct research and studies concerning issues socially and economically.

Enviro Crime Solutions

ENVIRO CRIME SOLUTIONS is primarily involved in the protection and conservation of Rhino in Africa. Our entire existence is based on saving rhino which is on the IUCN list of threatened species (White Rhino) and the IUCN Endangered species list (Black Rhino) RHINO POACHING FORENSICS The basic principles of a poaching scene is exactly the same as any other crime scene with the exception of course that the "victim" is a 2.5 ton animal. Enviro Crime Solutions specifically specializes in the gathering of forensic evidence on rhino poaching scenes. (although we often are involved in other poaching incidents such as pangolin and abalone poaching.) THE OBJECTIVES AND GOALS OF FORENSIC INVESTIGATIONS Processing the crime scene for evidence gathering. Gathering criminal evidence such as fingerprints and human DNA Determining the time & way the animal died Building criminal cases against individuals or possibly syndicates Gathering rhino DNA thru the RhODIS system. Linking cases to other investigations. (Intelligence Mapping) THE BASICS OF A FORENSIC INVESTIGATION The easiest way to describe a forensic investigation into poaching is to refer to the popular TV series CSI. With one or two rather big exceptions. When a rhino is poached the most common scenario happens as follows 1. Ranger patrols will find the carcass and in many cases give pursuit of the suspects. 2. Regardless of whether a suspect is arrested the forensic team will "process" the crime scene. 3. All forensic evidence and material will be categorized and handed to the investigating officer who will add it to the evidence as part of the case file (docket). 4. The rhino DNA will be taken and processed into the RhODIS rhino DNA database. PROJECT LOCATION The primary area of our work is the south Eastern Part of South Africa in and around the Kruger National Park which hosts 75% of the rhino population of the world. We do on occasion work in areas away from the park but this is dictated on needs basis where other law enforcement is not available. YOUTH CONSERVATION EDUCATION At ENVIRO CRIME SOLUTIONS we realize that the battle that we are in for the protection of rhino is a long term one. It is critical that a next generation of conservationists can continue the battle one day when we are not there anymore. With this in mind we devised an education structure by which we could target individual learners who have shown a previous disposition and hunger for natural sciences and conservation. The aims of our programs are not only to show these learners their natural heritage but to work with them in a long term relationship whereby they can have access to practical experience which in normal circumstances they would never have been able to experience. This means that we target fewer learners but the ones that we do assist gets assistance over an extended period of time and hopefully later on access to bursaries and education program where they can study conservation at a tertiary level. The entire aim of the program is holistic in nature and strives to assist learners up to the level where they are qualified to be good conservationists. OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY OF OUR EDUCATION PROGRAMS Targeted approach with a view to continuous support Exposing learner to opportunities that otherwise would have been impossible to get Target disadvantaged communities / learners Learners must be from communities around the parks Assist learners with possible scholarships or educational assistance We believe that our approach will make a difference to the lives of those that we try to help. We look for a passion in the students that we take into our care. It is that passion that drives us at Enviro Crime Solutions and we want to work with people that have the same passion. Conservation is not just a job. It is in your heart and we search for those that have that same passion. PROJECT LOCATION & BENEFICIARIES Our education programs focus specifically on the youth around the Kruger National Park. The area is specific problems in socio economic status and inequality with little or no access to tertiary education and/or opportunities to these. PROJECT RESULTS / IMPACT It is no secret that we are in the fight of our lives to safe rhino. The work that ENVIRO CRIME SOLUTIONS does is different in that it is almost exclusively reactive in nature. Although it is different from the traditional conservation methods and practice it still fulfills a critical role in the overall rhino protection plan. ENVIRO CRIME SOLUTIONS has attended to more than 400 poaching scenes. This equates to 400 + rhino DNA entered into the RhODIS DNA system and a host of successful convictions of poachers due to the evidence that was gathered by our staff. We have educated more than 2500 school children on rhino poaching and the value of having rhino and the natural heritage that they stand for. Our work is often reactive but nonetheless critical. For as long as there is poaching we will be continuing the fight against poaching. Our work never stops which and it is very hard to quantify our impact in terms of animals saved and the overall impact on rhino number. What we do know is that without our work the damage to rhino populations would be catastrophic. WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS It is no secret that we are in the fight of our lives to save rhino. The work that ENVIRO CRIME SOLUTIONS does is different in that it is almost exclusively reactive in nature. We know that our work is most likely never going to stop. This is not work that has a start and end date in the traditional conservation methodology. We are fully aware of the current situation and we believe that this is one of the aspects that sets us apart. WE WILL NEVER STOP. We are an incredibly dedicated people with willpower and tenacity like few others. Regardless of the incredible difficult and often disheartening situations that we find ourselves in we believe that we play a critical role in the fight against rhino poaching. Our lives are built around this and we sacrifice a tremendous amount to do what we do. We do all we can to do more and more. Having the support of others will enable us to do even more. COMMUNICATION & PUBLIC AWARENESS We visit schools as part of our education programs and ensure that there is ample publicity for our work. We actively visit companies and other institutions and raise awareness of our work and the plight of rhino (See example of letter of recommendation from WCEC) We host classes at Universities - Specifically Forensics, Nature Sciences and Tourism We host several corporate Initiatives where we show corporate entities how they can get involved in saving rhino

American Friends of Un Techo para mi Pais (UTPMP)

VISION: A fair and poverty free society, where everyone has the opportunities needed to develop their capacities and fully exercise their rights MISSION: Work Tirelessly to overcome extreme poverty in slums, through training and joint action of families and youth volunteers. Furthermore, to promote community development, denouncing the situation in which the most excluded communities live. And lastly, to advocate for social policies with other actors in society. VALUES: Solidarity. It is an empathy with the most excluded families, which moves us to want to be and work alongside with them. Sharing their hardships and desires, to learn from their skills and perseverance, and to advocate against everything that excludes them and that does not recognize their rights as human beings. Conviction. To overcome poverty and injustice in our continent is possible. This certainty gives us the determination to work tirelessly and together with others to accomplish it. Placing challenging and high goals, as well as taking the necessary risks to go beyond all the fatalisms that surround us. Excellence. All of our work must be of high quality, given that it is intended for those less fortunate. Our work is rigorous, punctual, always creative and innovative. It is respectful of the commitments, perseverant in the face of difficulties, intelligent to recognize mistakes and correct them, and proactive in the search for solutions to the problems that arise along the way. Diversity. At TECHO, all young people are welcome, regardless of ethnic or social backgrounds, religious belief, political choices or sexual orientation. We are sure that our differences are an asset in joining forces for that which unites us: the fight against extreme poverty in our continent. Optimism. We look at the future with hope, without being naive, because we believe that it is possible to defeat the injustice that we see today. We move forward towards this future working with joy, because as young people we recognize what a privilege it is to dedicate our lives to make our world a more human and equal place for everyone.

Elite Star Foundation

BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF ELITE STAR FOUNDATION Elite Star Foundation is a child-centered non-profit organization established in 2021 dedicated to the safety and well-being of every child in Nigeria. At Elites star foundation, we believe every child deserves the opportunity to live free of neglect, violence, and exploitation. We are committed to promoting children's rights and advancing their opportunities for a bright and healthy future. That is why we strive to provide quality, non-profit services to children between the age of 1-17 years, irrespective of their color, ethnicity, race, gender, or background. Elite Star Foundation is an independent organization run entirely by dedicated volunteers passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of children. We work with partners in local communities in other to provide children with the resources and support they need to build a strong foundation for their future. We promote a safe and encouraging environment where children feel supported, loved, and empowered. We provide a platform for children to share their stories and receive feedback from their peers. We also offer mentorship programs to ensure that each child has the guidance and support they need to reach their goals. We are dedicated to making sure that every child in our community has the opportunity to reach their full potential and lead a successful life. We are passionate about making a difference and ensuring no child is left behind. Knowing that there are various ways we can drive changes for children in our community, we decided to focus on three key areas: Child Protection, Child Survival, and Child Education. OUR KEY FOCUS AREAS 1. Child Protection The Elite Star Foundation is working towards creating a safe and happy childhood for every Nigerian child, free from abuse and neglect. We aim to play a significant role in giving children all over Nigeria a voice while upholding the highest standard of child protection through advocacy, awareness, and responsive support service. We are here to defend the children whose rights are violated. We protect the most vulnerable children and make the rights of the child accessible. We are committed to preventing, identifying, and responding to any abuse and neglect of children in our society. Our approach is designed to keep children safe from harm, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, neglect, exploitation, and other forms of damage. We take all allegations of abuse and neglect very seriously and will respond to any reports promptly and thoroughly. We have a zero-tolerance policy for abuse and neglect. We are also committed to providing safe, supportive environments for children. This includes providing the children and communities with training on the signs of abuse and neglect and ensuring our programs are conducted safely and respectfully. We recognize that everyone in society is key to creating a safe and supportive environment for our children. We are committed to providing ongoing training and support to adults and children. We will do our utmost to ensure that everyone is familiar with our Child Protection Approach and is committed to promoting the safety and well-being of children. We are dedicated to the safety and well-being of all the children in our society, and we are doing our best to ensure that we mitigate the advent of child abuse in society. 2. Child Survival Child survival is a critical issue that requires the attention of all stakeholders in the global community. For too long, children have been dying from preventable diseases and injuries, and the impact of this loss is felt by their families and entire communities and countries. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 calls for "ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages, "focusing on child survival. We recognize that child survival is not an isolated issue but is closely linked to other key development objectives like education, gender equality, and poverty reduction. We must work together to create an enabling environment that provides the necessary support and resources to ensure the survival and well-being of all children. At Elite Star Foundation, every child deserves a chance to live a long, healthy life. That is why we are committed to using a comprehensive approach to promoting the survival and well-being of children worldwide. Our Child Survival Approach combines prevention, early intervention, and response strategies to ensure that children have the best chance of surviving and thriving. Prevention: Prevention is the best way to ensure a child's survival. We work to improve the health and well-being of children by providing health education and preventive health services. Our prevention strategies also focus on reducing poverty, increasing access to quality education, and promoting good nutrition and hygiene. Early Intervention: Early intervention is key to ensuring a child's survival. We provide rapid response services to children at risk of malnutrition, disease, or other health problems. Our early intervention services include providing nutritional supplements and access to medical care. Response: We are there to respond when a child is in crisis. We provide emergency services to children who are victims of natural disasters, conflicts, or other health crises. We provide medical care, food, clean water, shelter, and other essential services to needy children. At Elite Star Foundation, we are committed to protecting and promoting the health and well-being of children around the world. We use a comprehensive approach to ensure that every child has the best chance at survival. 3. Child Education At Elite Star Foundation, we believe that a child's education is the foundation of their future success. We strive to provide a comprehensive approach to education tailored to each child's needs. Through our programs, we strive to create a safe and supportive learning environment that helps children reach their highest potential. Our approach to child education is based on a holistic view of the child as a whole person. We recognize the importance of providing various learning experiences for children, including academic, physical, social, and emotional learning. Education should not be limited to the classroom but should extend to the community and beyond. We strive to create learning opportunities that cultivate creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. At Elite Star Foundation, we understand that each child has unique abilities and interests. We strive to provide an individualized approach to education that considers each child's needs. We offer a variety of educational programs, such as tutoring, mentorships, and after-school activities, that help children develop the skills they need to succeed. We also recognize the importance of family involvement in a child's education. We strive to create a partnership between families, schools, and other community organizations to ensure that every child has the support they need to reach their educational goals. At Elite Star Foundation, we are committed to providing children with the educational opportunities they need to become successful, productive members of society. We believe that quality education is the key to a brighter future.

North West Democratic School

North West Democratic School (t/a Sligo Sudbury School) was founded in 2017 to address the growing need for an alternative to mainstream education for children and teenagers. We provide an environment for self-directed education for children aged 5-18 years, supported by a muti-discipliary staff team. We currently employ 9 part-time staff members. Standardised education and the curriculum taught in schools today do not adequately support diversity and inclusion. The emphasis on competition, the one size fits all approach, the drive for higher standards of achievement and performance effectively exclude a large portion of the population from the possibility to succeed, and discourage the qualities of collaboration, empathy and kindness that are so needed in our society. Our social mission is to address this issue by giving young people autonomy in a supportive learning environment and fostering the most volitional and high quality forms of motivation and engagement for activities, including enhanced performance, persistence, and creativity. We are a democratically run organisation which provides children with a real voice in their own education and the running of the school, fostering empowerment and a sense of personal responsibility. Students are not obliged to follow a set curriculum but are fully supported in designing their own learning experiences, enabling them to grow in confidence and take on challenges that are timely and at the right level for them. This model of education is particularly suited to children who do not fit the confining criteria and standards of mainstream and who are therefore disadvantaged by the system itself as their emotional, social, and learning needs cannot be adequately met within the mainstream model. Our mission is to provide a safe environment where young people can engage in self-directed learning and democracy, where children are free to choose their own learning goals and pursue them at their own pace, while participating in a community of self-governance and justice where each member's voice is equally valued and heard. We believe that there are many approaches to learning and that each child can be supported in their chosen path. We are committed to providing an alternative model of education where children have choice about their learning, freedom to go about their business, and time to explore and create without pressure or constraint. We aim to safeguard an environment where autonomous, self-directed, intrinsically motivated learning can flourish.

Melel Xojobal A.C.

Melel Xojobal is a children's rights organization based in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Our mission is to promote and defend the rights of indigenous children and young people through participatory educational programs that improve their quality of life. At Melel Xojobal we work in a participatory manner to promote the strengthening of indigenous cultural identity, to defend human rights, to strengthen personal and cultural dignity, to ensure that justice and liberty are respected, and that the participation of all is ensured regardless of race, gender, creed, religious affiliation or ideology. We believe that education is a fundamental means by which people exercise self-determination and become the authors of their own history. Melel Xojobal's specific objectives are: 1. To implement participatory educational programmes with indigenous girls, boys, and young people to promote and defend their rights to health, education, protection from mistreatment, to regulated conditions of work, association and expression. 2. To generate through ongoing research a better understanding of child welfare, human rights and education in an urban context. 3. To inform and educate the Mexican public about the human rights of indigenous girls, boys, and young people of Chiapas. 4. To exchange and share ideas and experiences from a human rights perspective which relate to indigenous infant, childhood, and adolescent education among organizations on a national and international level. All of our work is guided by the aim of protecting and promoting five human rights established by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Rights to health, to education, to protection against all forms of mistreatment, to work, and to freedom of expression and association). Our work responds to the situation of indigenous peoples in Mexico, who account for around 10% of the population, and continue to live in conditions that marginalise them socially, economically and politically and which push them to the edge of society. To provide an indication of the need for our work: according to government statistices, in the city we work in, in 2010 61% of the population had no formal right to medical services; 24% of the population aged 3-18 did not attend school. In 2010 we formally counted 2,481 child workers in the city. In 2005 in Chiapas as a whole, 71% of the population under 14 lived in municipalities classified as being at high or extreme risk of malnutrition; in some municipalities infant mortality rates 75 in a 1000, on a par with several countries in sub-Saharan Africa.