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With the goal of helping under-served communities in India, Nepal, and Tibet receive the vital services they need, Karuna-Shechen was founded in 2000 by Matthieu Ricard (, renown TED speaker, author, and humanitarian. We strive to reduce inequalities and work toward a fairer and more compassionate world. We trust that communities can be lifted out of poverty, that change is possible, and that the well-being of every individual, regardless of race, gender, class, or caste, is essential. We believe that building on local strengths and knowledge is the most efficient way to respond to the specific needs and aspirations of our beneficiaries. Rooted in the ideal of "compassion in action", we serve others with joy and determination by cultivating altruism in our hearts and actions. We provide vulnerable and disadvantaged populations access to health care, education and vocational training, clean water, solar electricity, and other sustainable solutions that offer options to find a livelihood and a better life. We work with a grassroots network of local partners, and give special attention to the education and empowerment of girls and women. Karuna-Shechen's name expresses its mission while paying homage to its roots: Karuna means "compassion" in Sanskrit, and Shechen is the name of a major monastery in Tibet.

Action Works Nepal (AWON)

Action Works Nepal (AWON) is an organization dedicated to addressing extreme poverty and human rights issues through its "Miteri Gaun-Let's Live Together Campaign." AWON firmly believes that an individual's place of birth should not determine their worth and that discrimination should have no place in society. Our mission is guided by the principle that everyone, regardless of their background, has the right to live together harmoniously, and everyone is responsible for contributing to this collective effort. AWON operates with an integrated approach, focusing on various aspects of social justice and empowerment. We strive to uplift vulnerable, marginalized, and socially excluded communities through partnerships, human rights movements, and result-driven programs. AWON's ultimate vision is to create a prosperous and healthy society, not just within Nepal but also beyond its borders. We believe in the philosophy of "living together irrespective of differences. The organization's primary goal is To empower communities so that they can overcome poverty, illiteracy, and access to health services, and help them live in a just and peaceful manner. Objective of organization is: To improve the livelihoods of communities through humanitarian, educational, and vocational result-driven programs around political, economic, social, cultural, and environmental empowerment and help communities to embrace peace, growth, and sustainable development

Jovenes de Puerto Rico en Riesgo, Inc.

Jovenes de Puerto Rico en Riesgo, Inc. (PRYR) is a private non-profit organization working in the youth behavioral health field in Puerto Rico since 1996. Its main purpose is to prevent youth violence and retain at risk youth in school. It designed and developed a program based on state of the art scientific data, tailored to Puerto Rican culture and socioeconomic characteristics, and founded in the model of Risk and Protective Factors. PRYR projects, were created in response to school dropout rates of students at their educational transition phases, unacceptably high in low income communities. Its unique and innovative mentorship program, with evidence-based design and implementation practices, serves high-risk youth 11 to 17 years of age. One-to-one mentoring is an essential element of the model, being the first in Puerto Rico to utilize this strategy for high risk students. It has a 95%+ sustained effectiveness rate in preventing school dropout and violent/delinquent behavior since 2000. The organization's mission is: to develop and implement preventive programs for youth at risk promoting their full potential for success and leadership, through the use of adult and peer mentors, personal and social development workshops for them, their families and teachers, academic support, and safe haven centers, established in their school premises, and meaningful work and service experiences.

Communities in Schools (National)

Communities In Schools (CIS) is the nation’s leading dropout prevention organization, with a mission to surround students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. For more than 30 years, CIS has connected needed community resources with schools. By bringing caring adults and a wide variety of services into schools to address children’s unmet needs, CIS provides a linkbetween educators and the community. The results of CIS’s model are that teachers are free to teach and students, many at risk of dropping out, have the opportunity to focus on learning. To help students stay in school, we identify and bring together in one place – public schools – all the resources and services available in the community that kids need to be successful. These services vary from one community to the next and from state to state and address specific needs such as academic support, mentoring, health care, family strengthening, career development, summer and after-school programs, alternative education models, and service learning. Today, the CIS network is comprised of nearly 5,000 passionate professionals working in close to 200 local affiliate nonprofits in 27 states and the District of Columbia, as well as 53,000 community volunteers, serving 1.2 million young people in more than 2,400 schools around the nation.

LILT Milano Monza Brianza

The Italian League for the fight against tumours - Provincial Department of Milan, founded in 1948 thanks to a strong culture of solidarity and education of health, acts in Milan and hinterland with the aim of facing the cancer problem in its wholeness through various services in the area of prevention, precocious diagnosis and assistance with the support of well-prepared 700 volunteers and the sponsorship of the medical research. The intervention areas are: Prevention activities: programmes against smoking, prevention in schools, sensibility and medical information conferences just in order to educate people to a proper life-style, activities in the Antismoke Institutes of Milan and Monza that tend to eliminate smoke addiction and assistance for the application of "No smoking Policy " in companies. Activities of precocious Diagnosis: 16 Prevention Spaces, at disposal of people without bureaucratic procedures, where medical staff carry out examinations on sinus, cutis, oral cavity and prostate, and exams such as mammography, mammary ecography and pap-test. They also organize medical examinations requested by town councils and by Milan and hinterland companies. Assistance activities: in hospital and at home, socio-medical assistance, volunteers that see patient's home/hospital/home for therapies, hospitality in welcome homes for adults and children. Training School for Volunteers opened to other Associations. Sponsorship for oncology institutions - research: cash grants to the clinic research and to other institutions that work on oncology area, scholarships, conferences and training/ refresher courses for the medical staff.


Our vision is a world where all children have equality of opportunity; and our mission is to enable socially and economically excluded children in Western Nepal to fulfil their potential by improving their wellbeing, supporting their development, and reducing the impact of discrimination and social injustice. We focus on improving access to health and education for mothers and children, and protection and support for children who live on the street. Our work benefits Nepal's poorest and most socially excluded specifically Children and mothers living in isolated rural communities Children and families living in urban slums Children living outside of parental care, including street and working children Child victims of abuse sexual abuse and exploitation We work in partnership with local communities, NGOs and the Nepali government, providing financial, technical and capacity building support in areas such as Social Mobilisation: engaging with communities to increase awareness and demand for services, such as healthcare and primary education; Advocacy: supporting local communities to address the rights of excluded children, families and communities; Local Capacity-Building: sharing skills, knowledge and experience to empower local organisations, children, families and communities to build their capacity to address their issues themselves ; Local Service Strengthening: working to increase the effectiveness, quality and accountability of existing services by identifying gaps, creating demand and providing technical support; Service Development and Support: supporting the development of services in situations where communities are beyond the reach of mainstream provision.

Inter-American Restoration Corporation

Vision Statement- To provide social restoration for third-world countries and the US in all phases of social interaction, including: health and medical, spiritual, social, educational, and vocational spheres of human existence. Mission Statement-The Inter-American Restoration Corporation is committed to addressing the needs of impoverished, underprivileged, or traumatized people, both at home and abroad. Established as a 501C3 corporation in 2002, IRC has strategically incorporated first-world resources, business practices, and efficiency with compassion and focus. The result has been to provide necessary and needed relief directly to the people who lack life's essential conveniences. Driven to satisfy the complete spectrum of the individual, IRC is dedicated to facilitating the spiritual, educational, physical, and the community needs of the person. As such, IRC directs projects geared toward the revitalization of the whole person and whole community. VALUES: 1) We Value the strength of community to empower operations, to leverage opportunities, and enhance communication. 2) We Value individual passions. 3) We Value organization that leads to efficient process, purposeful actions, and dynamic results.4) We Value Spiritual leadership as expressed in outward, inward and unseen actions. 5) We Value the necessity of empowering indigenous peoples to take control of their own social destiny. 6)We Value cultures of all kinds 7) We value opportunity.

World Rehabilitation Fund

Founded in 1955, the World Rehabilitation Fund is the pioneer organization devoted to the development and implementation of rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities throughout the world. WRF's mission is: to enable individuals around the world with functional limitations and participation restrictions achieve community and social integration through physical and socio-economic rehabilitation and advocacy; and to prevent disability and reduce disadvantage. WRF believes that all people, regardless of disability, have the right to participate fully in their communities, to attain education and viable employment. Guiding Principles The WRF staff works closely with local and international partners to develop culturally appropriate initiatives that address all aspects of rehabilitation, from incident through reintegration by: Strengthening the capacity of indigenous organizations to better meet the needs of people in states of disadvantage due to various forms of disabilities. Developing community-based programs for physical, psychological, and socio-economic rehabilitation and reintegration. Upgrading skills of rehabilitation service providers such as physicians, therapists, health promoters, nurses, social workers, and vocational rehabilitation specialists. Collaborating with industry and local professionals to enhance vocational training, skills-building, and job placement programs to create sustainable employment and income-generating entrepreneurial opportunities. Training rehabilitation professionals throughout the world in the fabrication and fitting of artificial limbs, orthopedic braces, and other assistive technology appropriate for the geographic area they serve. Ensuring that people with disabilities are part of the team from start to finish.

Garden State Equality Education Fund

Established in 2004, Garden State Equality (GSE) is the largest LGBT education and advocacy organization in New Jersey and one of the most successful statewide civil rights organization for the LGBT community in the nation. Our services include advocacy, policy work, and trainings. Our signature programs are: Map & Expand, Pledge & Protect, and Teach & Affirm. In collaboration with community partners, Garden State Equality led efforts to ensure nondiscrimination for transgender people and gender nonconforming people in New Jersey, we passed the most comprehensive anti-bullying law in the country, ended sexual orientation and gender identity/expression change efforts in New Jersey (sometimes called conversion therapy), and brought marriage equality to the Garden State! All our current work is informed by racial, economic, and disability justice concerns. We are working to address safe environments for youth, improvement of health services that meet LGBT community needs, and respectful treatment of seniors. Beyond that, Garden State Equality supports New Jersey's activist community by bringing an LGBT lens to the shared struggle for justice. Garden State Equality Education Fun, Inc. is a member of the Equality Federation, a non-profit under the IRS Code Section 501(c)(3), and has achieved a platinum seal of transparency from Guidestar (See

Child Rescue Kenya

CRK mission is to assist children in need while developing communities to better care for their own children. Our vision is a world where children enjoy all their rights, especially the right to be a child BACKGROUND INFORMATION. Child Rescue Kenya is an organization operating in Trans-Nzoia County in Kenya. The Organization assists vulnerable children and families through integrated development initiatives.CRK facilitates the rehabilitation of street children, and other abused or neglected children, by encouraging close links between community -child, project-child, and project - community. Multifaceted activities combine child rehabilitation centers with community development initiatives such as: a. Community Health clinics - both preventive and curative services. b. Training in home based income generating activities. c. Sports facilities in identifying and nurturing talents among the youths. d. Advocacy campaigns on Family health and HIV/AIDS, children rights, domestic violence and substance abuse among the youths. e. Bio- intensive farming activities targeting vulnerable families. f. Vocational training and formation of associations for youths. Vision, A society where children are enjoying their basic rights and leading a dignified life. Mission. To assist children in need while achieving positive change through initiatives that empower families and respect for children rights. Our Objectives are as stated here below;1.Child Rescue and Support. The strategic holistic approach emphasizes on improved child welfare under the projects through well coordinated interventions. The strategic objectives and strategies under this pillar are; 1. Continued Rescue and Support of vulnerable and unaccompanied Children. These strategies ensures that rescued children access basic necessities. Provision of shelter and meals. Clothing and toiletries. Psycho-social support and Counseling. Medication both preventive and curative Sports and recreation. Remedial education. 2. Increased Early Street Interventions. These aims at curbing the influx of children on the streets. Daily identification of new street arrivals. Referral to Child Protection Unit at the police and local administrators. 3. Increased advocacy on child rights. We hope to see a reduction on child abuse cases and advocate respect for children's rights. Carrying out advocacy campaigns Attending network meeting Holding sensitization workshops. Children's participation in awareness creation. 4. Increased access to education. These strategies will enable children to access education at Primary and Secondary schools. Enhance early childhood education through enrolment in public schools. Provision of school requirements and levies. Refurbish libraries for remedial studies at all project centres. 2. YOUTH EMPOWERMENT. Through this pillar CRK seeks to empower youth; those living and working on the streets and those in the slums, through formation of self -help groups or associations, facilitation to vocational training and formal education to improve their livelihoods. 1 Increased access to formal and non formal education and training. Support youth for enrolment in public schools and vocational training. Peer to peer counseling on abuse of drugs. Support the youth to form self help groups / associations. Nurturing of talents through sports. Health education on HIV/AIDS, STIs and testing. Capacity building on enterprise development. 2 Youths engaged in micro businesses. Support trained youth with business start up kits. Routinely monitor the progress of the started ventures. Encourage and assist the youth to get national identity cards for opening bank accounts. Link the supported youth to government development funds e.g youth fund. 3 FAMILY SUPPORT. Through this pillar CRK works with families to build therapeutic relationships, addressing issues affecting children at home, helping families initiate income generating activities and practice bio-intensive agriculture for those with small farms to improve their food security. 3.1. Enhanced family relationships. Routine family visits. Counseling families. Conducting advocacy campaigns on domestic violence Educate families on HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. Provision of subsidized medical services Referral linkages for support. 3.2. Improved household incomes. Identify vulnerable families to support (with a child or children). Training on micro - business initiatives and marketing. Support the trained beneficiaries with business start up kits. Routine business progress monitoring 3.3. Improved food production through organic farming. Identify and train families on organic farming. Provision of start up farm inputs Setting up demonstration plots as resource centres. Sensitizing and training on environmental conservation. Organizing exposure tours as learning tools. Promote proper soil management practices through modern farming methods. 4. ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT. This objective endevours to make CRK a strong and effective organization delivering its mandate within its core areas of operation. This will be achieved through: .4.1. Strong and effective organization delivering its mandate. Enhance staff motivation and performance Review the Human Resources Policies and Procedures. Management team at the Head office to enforce and implement the policies. Development of Contingency and disaster plans. Recruit professional staff for core functions such as Human Resource and Resource Mobilization. Strengthen and sustain policy on HIV/AIDS. Staff Capacity building in relevant project areas. Board development and policy formulation. Redefine roles and responsibilities of staff to enhance performance. 4.2. Improved record keeping. Put in place a back up system for all organization documents. Routine information dissemination to staff and partners. 4.3. Increased Resource Mobilization. Diversify proposals seeking for funding. Put in place a donor profiling system both locally and internationally. Engage in consultancy services. Initiate income generating activities Develop partnerships. Set up a resource mobilization team (staff members). 4.4. Improved service delivery in project areas. Adequate funds for administration and project coordination. Routine monitoring and evaluation of projects. Encourage transparency and accountability in the management of resources. Continuous documentation and reporting of progress. Routine reviewing of targets and objectives. Staff appraisals to ascertain performance. Procure a vehicle for project use in the rural terrain.

Project 1808, Inc

Project1808 promotes sustainable community development in Kabala, Koinadugu District, Sierra Leone by aiding young students in their efforts to identify and address the root causes of poverty, public and environmental health challenges, and other community-identified concerns. Among our project's specific aims are the following: Fostering academic excellence and nurturing a resilient knowledge base through student mentoring, tutoring, internships, and teacher training programs. Stimulating curiosity, creativity, and innovation through student generated projects that enhance knowledge and encourage students to implement their ideas in ways that benefit their communities. Facilitating local and global partnerships for knowledge exchange, training for students, teachers and community members, student mentoring, and resources to sustain the community knowledge base Our Model Project1808 Model for sustainable development At the core of our sustainable community model is an investment in disadvantaged youth, schools, and their communities to form the building blocks as LEGOs of healthy communities in Sierra Leone and Africa. Through specific GLocal (Global and Local) partnerships, we practice the concept of thinking globally and acting locally, enhancing the exchange of knowledge, increasing the cultural competency, and expanding the worldview of all of our participants. Project1808 is committed to optimizing partnerships between educational institutions locally, within Africa and overseas, particularly with the involvement of other African countries. We want to bring back hope to youths (and whole communities) whose lives, homes, families, schools, infrastructure, institutions were destroyed by 11 years of war in Sierra Leone.

Fruit Tree Planting Foundation

MISSIONThe Fruit Tree Planting Foundation is a nonprofit charity dedicated to planting edible, fruitful trees and plants to benefit the environment and all its inhabitants. Our primary mission is to plant and help others plant a collective total of 18 billion fruit trees across the world (approximately 3 for every person alive) and encourage their growth under organic standards.FTPF provides support, resources, and guidance for those interested in planting fruit trees and spearheads a variety of planting programs. These programs are aimed at enriching the environment, providing nutritious food sources for wild and rescued animals, and improving human health by bringing delicious, fresh, locally grown raw fruits and vegetables of the highest quality into the lives of all people.VISIONWe envision a place where one can have a summer picnic under the shade of a fruit tree, breathe the clean air it generates, and not have to bring anything other than an appetite for the healthy fruits growing overhead. A world where one can take a walk in the park during a lunch break, pick and eat a variety of delicious fruits, plant the seeds so others can eventually do the same and provide an alternative to buying environmentally-destructive, illness-causing, chemically-laden products.Simply put, our goal is to encourage and inspire the planting of 18 billion fruit trees around the world. 18 billion fruit trees can spring out of the soul of one human being — we believe in thinking big, and loving even more